Message 14301

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:53:38 +0100
Hi Phil,

> But doesn't this replace the original Cross Dos, I'm not even sure if
> I have voted or not now:)

It does, but I'll ask again. Do you actually run the commodity or just the

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14302

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Siamese RTG (was Circulation)
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 09:56:20 +0100
> Hi jasen,
> > Hi all! This is the first time I've wrote to afb.
> Welcome.

.. to your doom!


[maniacal laughter mode off]


Message 14303

From: Mark Wilson
Subject: [afb] Re: LAAG
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 10:07:06 +0000
On 09-Jun-99, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR ** wrote this:

> This should be the largest user group in England...

With 16 members, I really doubt it :)
> What with Leicester being the centre of the known universe and all :)

It is. god damnit!, when did that happen ... ;)
> PS Why do I keep hammering Leicester? I don't know. But even my
> local radio station does!!!

its ok for you, *I* have to live here ...

Mark 'tecno' Wilson : Team Member of AmiBench

ICQ Number: 39814816
Powered by Amiga 3000 Why Arnt you?

Message 14304

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: LAAG
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 11:14:27 +0200
Mark W. penned:
>> What with Leicester being the centre of the known universe and all :)
>It is. god damnit!, when did that happen ... ;)

After Matt confused us all with a fantastic smoke and mirrors display
that proved that Leicester was the centre of the Universe. Every way
to find the centre (using pins, balancing, GIS, etc)  said "Leicester"
>> PS Why do I keep hammering Leicester? I don't know. But even my
>> local radio station does!!!
>its ok for you, *I* have to live here ...

Is that by choice or by necessity? :)


PS If I have offended any Leicester residents, then I apologise.
I am VERY sorry that you have to live there :)

Message 14305

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Reminder AF on sale
Date: 9 Jun 1999 10:11:43 +0100
mapleleaf said, 

> Off I toddled to my local W.H. Smiths today to buy AF, only to be told by the
> staff that it is not published until the third thursday of the month. Trying
> to explain the publication dates and AF bulletins was like explaining the
> theory of relativity to a brick.I`m going back tomorrow with AF124 to show
> the publication date for AF125 and to try to enlighten the brick! Anybody
> else had this problem?

No, because I use a proper newsagent rather than W H Smiths. What's
the point in putting up with the lower quality service of a "magazine
supermarket" when you don't get the lower prices to go with it?

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Crash: (v.) to terminate a program in the usual fashion, i.e. by locking up the
computer or setting fire to the printer. (n.) the process of such termination.

Message 14306

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: 9 Jun 1999 10:14:28 +0100
Ferenczy said, 

> Any AIRlinkfans out there? I have some ideas to swap with you...

Very few. When the idea was first mentioned on the CU list there was a
very positive response, lots of people coming up with ideas and uses
for it. But when it was released and we asked for codesets and scripts
to be sent for the CD, I got a\bout three :(

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
The thrill of victory, the agony of delete.

Message 14307

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 11:55:28 +0100
On 08-Jun-99, James Lowe Wrote........

[=> Hey, Ashley! Can I have some Albatross?

[=> Mind you, the Subject: line for this thread can make some good reply
[=> headers ;)

Hahahahahaha, Yeah!  You're not wrong.  Ok you have a point about over
Quoting.  That Albatross thing was "Taking the PISS" ;).  But I still think
that most people follow the rules of common sense!  I made a balls up or two
when I first joined the list (Mr. Vost put me right pretty quickly).  At the
end of the day I think Ben does a good enough job of keeping People under
control.  We don't need a load of stupid rules to be forced upon us.  Right,
I'm gonna do some programming (Instead of repling here), hehehe.  TTFN. ;)

*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams   ICQ: 34655410
Docs? Why would I want to look at Docs. Nurses are better ;-)

Message 14308

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:20:29 +0100
Hi Alex,

> Scenario:
> 1- Someone writes the autorun handler and commodity, carefully following
> the advice in the new "Program Perfection" tutorial ;-) 
> 2- Said person sends it to Ben 
> 3- Stuff added to the AFCD_Files script 
> 4- Ben puts announcement in mag 
> 5- Problem solved
> 6- Flood of complaints saying "It doesn't work" 
> 7- Flood of complaints saying "I don't like MUI" 
> 8- Flames for author
> 9- New problems created

Well, Not sure about the other stuff, but point 3 is kind of right. The
AFCD_Files script is being seriously updated right now - get ready for
AFCDInstall on AFCD43 (guaranteed no MUI)... :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Amiga Format - The worldwide mag for
          *all* Amiga owners.

Message 14309

Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 11:43:39 -0000
 <7jla5m$> wrote: 
Original Article:
> Does anyone have any pointers to playing anims on RTG (CGX4) screens. I have tried CyberAnim but the conversion process (planar to chunky?) means they crawl along. Is there a better player existing anywhere? 
> regards
> John Hart

HI John

I tend to play any IFF anims using CyberAnim.  This generaly works most of the time. It does not seem to be able to play HAM Anims though which is anoying.

CyberAVI and CyberQT are possible the best for Avi and Quicktime but quite slow on my 040/25.

The Above programs work fine for me using cgx4.1 and Bvision.


Message 14310

Subject: [afb] Connect Free
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 11:48:31 -0000
Hi all,

If you haven't got a free ISP yet, I find Connect Free quite good.
As an added bonus, they have a page telling you how to connect with the Amiga.
Included are free e-mail and web space.

All the best,



If at first you don't exceed, try again, then work for Microsoft

Message 14311

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:46:29 +0100

> CyberAVI and CyberQT are possible the best for Avi and Quicktime but quite
> slow on my 040/25.

Have you tried MooVid? It's a player that will play both AVI and QT movies
is regularly updated and handles quite a lot of codecs.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Got a request to make for our CD? Send
  email to with
    "Reader Requests" as your subject.

Message 14312

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 12:51:39 +0100
> Hi,
> > CyberAVI and CyberQT are possible the best for Avi and Quicktime but
> > slow on my 040/25.
> Have you tried MooVid? It's a player that will play both AVI and QT movies
> is regularly updated and handles quite a lot of codecs.

Ah, but does it do Indeo?

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14313

Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 11:53:45 -0000
> > CyberAVI and CyberQT are possible the best for Avi and Quicktime but quite
> > slow on my 040/25.
> Have you tried MooVid? It's a player that will play both AVI and QT movies
> is regularly updated and handles quite a lot of codecs.

HI ben

No, Can`t say that I have.  Am I right in thinking that it is a commersial program.  I have seen it in an Epic Marketing advert but apart from that i do not know that much about it.


Message 14314

From: "Sheila Underwood"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 12:56:06 +0100
-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Bothwick 
To: Ferenczy 
Date: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 12:10 PM
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?

>Ferenczy said,
>> Any AIRlinkfans out there? I have some ideas to swap with you...
    Anyone know why I can transmit commands to my Panasonic stereo but
Infrarexx wont recognise an incoming signal from the remote. I used to use a
Phillips remote to control ACDPlay but that remotes bust now :(


Tom Underwood

Message 14315

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:52:26 +0100
Hi Matt,

> Ah, but does it do Indeo?

It does if you register it.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14316

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:54:34 +0100

> No, Can`t say that I have. Am I right in thinking that it is a commersial
> program. I have seen it in an Epic Marketing advert but apart from that i
> do not know that much about it.

I doubt that you have, it's a shareware product by Lazlo Torok. He started
it as a project purely for the Picasso IV, but he's done a standalone one
as well.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Get your news first through Amiga Format
With 13 issues a year we're the best.

Message 14317

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 12:57:54 +0100
> Hi Matt,
> > Ah, but does it do Indeo?
> It does if you register it.

And how much does that cost?

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14318

Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 11:58:56 -0000
 <7jlk1b$> wrote: 

> The Above programs work fine for me using cgx4.1 and Bvision.

OK. Fine- I`ve tried all of these and you`re right, there pretty slow on an 040. It still looks like i`ll have to link up a telly to my Amiga to play anims the way they were intended. I thought Main Actor would do the job, but it garbles anims on a BVision screen. I wonder if Broadcast could be any better, a new H&P version is in the works, is it not? I realise there are fundamental problems in iff anims on chunky screens, but with the processors most of use each day...

Another issue is editing. ImageFX 4 could be pretty hot here (not sure about PowerMovie being RTG- but ImageFX must be). From the announcement I believe they have incorparated some kind of animation format, though I don`t know if it is iff anim, it could be their own format. If it would be good for basic cell-esque animation or more for effects, perhaps someone could answer?

John Hart

Message 14319

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 13:01:04 +0100
Oops I'm Tom not Shiela. I hit send instead of send with...

Tom Underwood

Message 14320

From: Pete Sullivan
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:59:48 +0100
Hi there

On 09-Jun-99, you wrote:

>>> CyberAVI and CyberQT are possible the best for Avi and Quicktime but =
>>> slow on my 040/25.
>> =

>> Have you tried MooVid? It's a player that will play both AVI and QT mo=
>> is regularly updated and handles quite a lot of codecs.
> =

> HI ben
> =

> No, Can`t say that I have. Am I right in thinking that it is a commersi=
al program. I have seen it in an Epic Marketing advert but apart from tha=
t i do not know that much about
> it.
You can download PivMooVid free from the VillageTronic site and its great=
-- =

Pete :-)


The home of VitalConnect!
New version of VitalConnect due in May!

A2000 - 060/50
2Mb Chip - 66Mb Fast
CDR,PicassoIV, Paloma, PabloIV.
Zip, HD, Pace 56k
Running Netscape and IE on Fusion
Everything in a Full Tower

Message 14321

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:57:42 +0100
Hi Matt,

> And how much does that cost?

Can't remember, I did it too long ago. I think it was $35, but I'm not sure.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14322

Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:01:07 -0000

> Have you tried MooVid? It's a player that will play both AVI and QT movies
> is regularly updated and handles quite a lot of codecs.

Does this work on CGX4.1? I thought it was the buisness for Picasso4`s.

John Hart

Message 14323

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 13:02:49 +0100
> Hi Matt,
> > And how much does that cost?
> Can't remember, I did it too long ago. I think it
> was $35, but I'm not sure.

Hmm, that`s not bad.. if only I had a graphics
card to use it with...

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14324

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:01:17 +0100

>> Have you tried MooVid? It's a player that will play both AVI and QT
>> movies is regularly updated and handles quite a lot of codecs.

> Does this work on CGX4.1? I thought it was the buisness for Picasso4`s.

I'm not sure, but it should do. Where's the harm in trying anyway? :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Got an AF subscription? If not, why not
ring 01458 271102 and get one?

Message 14325

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:02:51 +0100

> OK. Fine- I`ve tried all of these and you`re right, there pretty slow on
> an 040. It still looks like i`ll have to link up a telly to my Amiga to
> play anims the way they were intended. I thought Main Actor would do the
> job, but it garbles anims on a BVision screen. I wonder if Broadcast could
> be any better, a new H&P version is in the works, is it not? I realise
> there are fundamental problems in iff anims on chunky screens, but with
> the processors most of use each day...

Existing versions of MainActor were written before RTG was the norm for
high-end machines, and so don't cope with it very well.

> Another issue is editing. ImageFX 4 could be pretty hot here (not sure
> about PowerMovie being RTG- but ImageFX must be). From the announcement I
> believe they have incorparated some kind of animation format, though I
> don`t know if it is iff anim, it could be their own format. If it would be
> good for basic cell-esque animation or more for effects, perhaps someone
> could answer?

ImageFX is going to include support for animation, although I'm not sure
what sort yet, but you can look forward to reading our first serious
product WIP all about ImageFX in our next issue... :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Are you on our Amiga Angels list yet?
        Help your fellow Amigan!

Message 14326

Subject: [afb] long lines with netscape
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:05:02 -0000
I`m getting no formatting with Netscape 4.16 I`m using at uni when I post messages. They format fine in the window but when i look at them it`s one continous line (as you can see). It has only recently started happening. Sorry if it confuses/pisses people off.


Message 14327

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:03:26 +0100
Hi Matt,

>> Can't remember, I did it too long ago. I think it
>> was $35, but I'm not sure.

> Hmm, that`s not bad.. if only I had a graphics
> card to use it with...

I think that moovid works on an AGA machine too, but you'll obviously get
much lower frame rates.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Get your news first through Amiga Format
With 13 issues a year we're the best.

Message 14328

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 13:09:09 +0100
> Hi Matt,
> >> Can't remember, I did it too long ago. I think it
> >> was $35, but I'm not sure.
> > Hmm, that`s not bad.. if only I had a graphics
> > card to use it with...
> I think that moovid works on an AGA machine too, but you'll obviously get
> much lower frame rates.

Right, on an 030/40 with AGA I don`t think it`s going to go very
fast. I`m not one to buy things in anticipation of an upgrade - I`m
not going to buy a Picasso on the basis that I`m getting a BoXeR
and I`m not going to get Candy Factory on the basis that someday
I`ll have a machine capable of realtime rendering and I`m certainly
not registering a movie player on the basis that I can play the Star
Wars really fast sometime in the future..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14329

Subject: [afb] Re: long lines with netscape
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:10:12 -0000
 <7jll9e$> wrote: 
if it confuses/pisses people off.

DOH! I realised it may be just me who sees them like this (or maybe Netscape users) due to the interpreted nature of HTML. Not perhaps other browsers. And not people using Email instead. 


Message 14330

Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:10:25 -0000
> > No, Can`t say that I have. Am I right in thinking that it is a commersial program. I have seen it in an Epic Marketing advert but apart from that i do not know that much about
> > it.
> You can download PivMooVid free from the VillageTronic site and its great!
> -- 
> Pete :-)

Ok, I am off to try and download this program and see how well it goes for me.

If it is a Piccaso program It means I will be able to try out that P96 emulation library for cgx.


Message 14331

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: long lines with netscape
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:08:49 +0100

> I`m getting no formatting with Netscape 4.16 I`m using at uni when I post
> messages. They format fine in the window but when i look at them it`s one
> continous line (as you can see). It has only recently started happening.
> Sorry if it confuses/pisses people off.

They seem to get wrapped okay here by YAM. I guess you mean on the website?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Amiga - Not different for difference's
   sake, different because it's better.

Message 14332

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:09:54 +0100
Hi Matt,

> Right, on an 030/40 with AGA I don`t think it`s going to go very
> fast. I`m not one to buy things in anticipation of an upgrade - I`m
> not going to buy a Picasso on the basis that I`m getting a BoXeR
> and I`m not going to get Candy Factory on the basis that someday
> I`ll have a machine capable of realtime rendering and I`m certainly
> not registering a movie player on the basis that I can play the Star
> Wars really fast sometime in the future..

Yeah, you can't play the Star Wars Trailer on moovid anyway at the moment
seeing as it's been encoded in QT3/4...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Any sufficiently advanced bug is 
     indistinguishable from a feature.

Message 14333

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:10:51 +0100

> If it is a Piccaso program It means I will be able to try out that P96
> emulation library for cgx.

Why do you need one? P96 emulates CGX already, so why would you need a
library to emulate CGX?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Are you on our Amiga Angels list yet?
        Help your fellow Amigan!

Message 14334

Subject: [afb] Re: long lines with netscape
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:15:24 -0000
Original Article:

> They seem to get wrapped okay here by YAM. I guess you mean on the website?

Yeah, I always use the website. Once I used YAM and I thought that it wasn`t worth getting all those mails when I can choose what to go through here. I like the site also.

John Hart

Message 14335

Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:16:59 -0000
 <7jlljh$> wrote: 

> If it is a Piccaso program It means I will be able to try out that P96 emulation library for cgx.

emulation? like the ppc.library emulation? I never knew something like this existed, though their can`t be that many dedicated P96 programs.


Message 14336

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: long lines with netscape
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:16:05 +0100

> Yeah, I always use the website. Once I used YAM and I thought that it
> wasn`t worth getting all those mails when I can choose what to go through
> here. I like the site also.

It's nicely done isn't it? I wish more sites were as clear and as well-laid
out as eGroups (and took time to look at compatibilty too).#
All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Try this:

Message 14337

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:16:49 +0100

> emulation? like the ppc.library emulation? I never knew something like
> this existed, though their can`t be that many dedicated P96 programs.

There aren't. I'm fairly sure that the only ones that exist are ones devoted
to Picasso hardware.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14338

Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:23:14 -0000
Getting back to animation on RTG screens, is there any difference between Scala mm300 and mm400 here. I realise that in the end case the results have to be in PAL or NTSC, but say the menu screens, or some kind of preview. Is it worth buying?


Message 14339

From: "Thomas Hurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Stargate
Date: 08 Jun 99 23:06:30 +0000

On 08-Jun-99 19:02:08, Malcolm Harnden ( wrote:

> If you`ve never used Stargate it is the best featured mailer and
> newsreader that I have had the pleasure to use. It can hold it`s own
> and excel against MD and Yam.

Last time I tried it, it crashed spectacularly when I tried to download some


Editor,  AmiSITE <---------->
Freaky on ARCNet <---------->
RC5: 33441 2^28 blocks <---->
0418 Do you have difficulty focusing on three-dimensional objects?
     -- from THE HACKER TEST

Message 14340

Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:29:48 -0000
> > If it is a Piccaso program It means I will be able to try out that P96
> > emulation library for cgx.
> Why do you need one? P96 emulates CGX already, so why would you need a
> library to emulate CGX?
> All the best,

Hi Ben
What!  No No.  What I mean Is that if the program is written specificaly for Picasso96 then I will be able to make use of the P96 Emulation FOR CGX on my CGX4 system.  


Message 14341

Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:35:43 -0000
 <7jlmns$> wrote: 

> What!  No No.  What I mean Is that if the program is written specificaly for Picasso96 then I will be able to make use of the P96 Emulation FOR CGX on my CGX4 system.  

Do you mean to enable all that fancy picture in picture stuff, resizing moving etc. I think not as the card you and I have (BVision) is not capable, at least on the CGX site it says it doesn`t do these things in purely in hardware.

The CV3d does them, though. 

John Hart

Message 14342

Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:41:02 -0000
> > Right, on an 030/40 with AGA I don`t think it`s going to go very
> > fast. I`m not one to buy things in anticipation of an upgrade - I`m
> > not going to buy a Picasso on the basis that I`m getting a BoXeR
> > and I`m not going to get Candy Factory on the basis that someday
> > I`ll have a machine capable of realtime rendering and I`m certainly
> > not registering a movie player on the basis that I can play the Star
> > Wars really fast sometime in the future..
> Yeah, you can't play the Star Wars Trailer on moovid anyway at the moment
> seeing as it's been encoded in QT3/4...
> All the best,
> -- 

You say there is is a new starwars trailer in quicktime 3 format.  Have to take a look at that.  I have quicktime3 under shapeshifter so maybe it could be view through that.  I know for a fact that quicktime movies a watchable with no sound skipping in true colour under shapeshifter which makes you wonder why the a proper amiga player can not be created to work at full speed on a 040/25 which is what shapeshifter is running on.


Message 14343

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:46:16 +0100

> Getting back to animation on RTG screens, is there any difference between
> Scala mm300 and mm400 here. I realise that in the end case the results
> have to be in PAL or NTSC, but say the menu screens, or some kind of
> preview. Is it worth buying?

It's certainly worth buying  if you have the need for it, but it's purely
designed for video resolutions.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14344

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:47:11 +0100

> What! No No. What I mean Is that if the program is written specificaly for
> Picasso96 then I will be able to make use of the P96 Emulation FOR CGX on
> my CGX4 system.

I challenge to to actually find *any* software that requires P96, that isn't
tied to it or a piece of hardware specifically.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
 ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI

Message 14345

Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:54:16 -0000
Hi all,

> > I only want to spend about 100 quid and need nothing fancy.
> 100! The only one you'll be able to buy is Power's VDC100 y Mustek in that
> case (I think). Realistically if you want a digicam for your Amiga look at
> spending at least 300. But yes, it would connect to your serial port
> (unless you get a Mavica), and no you wouldn't need a special cable (it
> would be included).

OK, I've changed my mind after the wise (and mostly cynical ;-) advice from
the AFB frequenters.  What is a better, yet convenient way to get real life
images into an Amiga (for use in web pages etc.)?  

Maybe I should forget it all together and spend my money on some other kind
of more useful hardware or software.  Besides I need something to spend the
last of my student grant on (beer just doesn't have that attraction anymore).
I don't get a grant at all next year, so please understand how important it
is that I squander it.

What would be a nice thing to buy?  Any suggestions?

God, who needs a signature anyway?

Message 14346

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:55:15 +0100

> You say there is is a new starwars trailer in quicktime 3 format. Have to

It's not a *new* new trailer. It's been around a couple of months. The anims
have been renamed to teaser (for the first anim that came out) and trailer
(for the main one that's been shown at the cinemas right now).

> makes you wonder why the a proper amiga player can not be created to work
> at full speed on a 040/25 which is what shapeshifter is running on.

Because of the fact that video memory and access is completely different on
the Mac - might as well ask why that spec of Mac can't play a full-screen
anim like the Amiga can.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Got a request to make for our CD? Send
  email to with
    "Reader Requests" as your subject.

Message 14347

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:56:23 +0100

> OK, I've changed my mind after the wise (and mostly cynical ;-) advice
> from the AFB frequenters. What is a better, yet convenient way to get real
> life images into an Amiga (for use in web pages etc.)?

A scanner?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
      If at first you don't succeed, 
      try the switch marked "Power"

Message 14348

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 14:00:37 +0100
> Hi Matt,
> > capable of realtime rendering and I`m certainly
> > not registering a movie player on the basis that I can play the Star
> > Wars really fast sometime in the future..
> Yeah, you can't play the Star Wars Trailer on moovid anyway at the moment
> seeing as it's been encoded in QT3/4...

Oh yeah, well any movie really fast then.. the original trailer is dog slow
on my machine at the moment :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14349

Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:10:28 -0000
Hi ben,

> A scanner?

So you reckon I should get a disposable camera and a scanner then?


Where and how much for a reasonable scanner?

Message 14350

Subject: [afb] Jim Collas
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:10:40 -0000
 Did you notice how fast Jim Collas to replied to the interview of Ted Waitt
the CEO of Gateway, reassuring that the Amiga plans hadn't change!? 
 He actually SAW the complains that were circulating on the Amiga community! 
 He keeps amazing me more and more!:)

Pixie Writing from a paredise called Portugal.
Murphys law- That's when you click the send button, that you realize that your
e-mail had an error!  

Message 14351

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 14:11:42 +0100

> So you reckon I should get a disposable camera and a scanner then?

> Where and how much for a reasonable scanner?

Eyetech sell their scanners with ScanQuix. It drives up the cost a bit, b=
like TurboPrint 7 I wouldn't recommend anyone bought a scanner without it=
However, I don't think that your budget of =A3100 would cover it...

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
 An Amiga online is like a fish *in* water

Message 14352

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Jim Collas
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 14:12:17 +0100

> Did you notice how fast Jim Collas to replied to the interview of Ted
> Waitt the CEO of Gateway, reassuring that the Amiga plans hadn't change!?

Yes, I'm actually on that page right now...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Want samples? Copyright free ones?

Message 14353

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Colonisation on a DblPAL Screen
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 15:54:34 +0100

After owning Colonisation for some time, i decided to install it back onto
my new HD, and play that, instead of running up HUGE phone bills.  I found
it had an option to play on your workbench screen, so i started it up, and
sure enough, it opened on my WB.  The only problem was, that the main map
screen would not open up any bigger than just less than 1/4 of my screen,
confining it to a small and fiddly window.  I was wondering if there were
any patches etc. that enabled me to open up the map screen to a useable

Thanks for your time...

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 14354

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 00:58:26 +0100
on 08-Jun-99, Matthew Garrett skillfully scrawled something along the
subject of [afb] Re: Subs mag: 

>> Bomb proof OS on the Acorn though...
> Not quite, but it certainly did have some nice features. The concept as
> applications as directories, anyone?

We tried for many an hour to crash the system, but to no avail.  Still, I
(along with the entire computing class) got System Priviledge, and in that
directory there was SuperMon.  Such a fun piece of software :)

Reset other stations by remote anyone? :))

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 14355

Subject: [afb] A1200 zorro board
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:21:53 -0000

Having been on the amiga for some time now, i would like to add some sort of
zorro expansion to my a1200 eyetech tower, would anyone know where i could buy


P.s amiga just gets better and better

Message 14356

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Jim Collas
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 14:34:34 +0100

> From: 

Pixie? That you? Haven`t seen you about much..

> Did you notice how fast Jim Collas to replied to the interview of Ted
> the CEO of Gateway, reassuring that the Amiga plans hadn't change!?

FAST? Like a whole few days. Fast would be 40 minutes after the article

>  He actually SAW the complains that were circulating on the Amiga

Probably because he got flooded with mail and wanted it to stop :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14357

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: A1200 zorro board
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 14:35:31 +0100
> Having been on the amiga for some time now, i would like to add some sort
> zorro expansion to my a1200 eyetech tower, would anyone know where i could
> one.

Duh, Eyetech?

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14358

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: Jim Collas
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 06:54:15 -0700 (PDT)
>  He actually SAW the complains that were circulating
> on the Amiga community! 
>  He keeps amazing me more and more!:)

It certainly is nice to have a management team that
actually listens to the Amiga community. This
certainly is a first :)

Message 14359

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 06:55:23 -0700 (PDT)
> > A scanner?

On the subject of scanners, I know you can't use
parallel port scanners on the standard port, but does
any scan software (e.g. ScanQuix) support third party

Message 14360

Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 14:01:57 -0000

> However, I don't think that your budget of 100 would cover it...

So what should I spend my money on then? (Remeber, I have an compulsive money
spending disorder)

Message 14361

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: No more! (was Obscure and off topic (was Albatross (was Read Me)))
Date: 08 Jun 99 23:27:26 +0000
Hello Kevin Fairhurst, on 06-Jun-99 21:02:28 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Obscure and off topic (was  Albatross (was Read Me)) 


>She wore, she wore, she wore a cherry ribbon. She wore a cherry ribbon in
>the merry month of May!

AAaaaaarrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! No more! Cease, desist, stop, end, fini,
sluta, jiendo, ende and any other foreign word that remotely means `end'
that I can find...

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
And all the Borg left was this copy of System 7...

Message 14362

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: 08 Jun 99 23:31:51 +0000
Hello Gerald Mellor, on 08-Jun-99 21:10:06 you said about:
 [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition? 

>Hi Andy,

>> Depends how you look at it. With BTInternet, you only get 1 email addy,
>> which sucks IMHO, and if they do bring in this 0800 number on weekends,
>> loads of people will probably join and their service will get bogged
>> down the same as Freeserve's....

>I had a look at their website and it says they offer unlimited email
>addresses. And they already have brought in the 0800 number for weekends :)

OK, I'll take that back...

Thinking about it, it was a long time ago that last looked. :-/

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group

Message 14363

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Re:Scandoublers
Date: 09 Jun 99 14:10:02 +0000
Hello Malcolm Harnden, on 08-Jun-99 19:04:38 you said about:
 [afb] Re:Scandoublers 

>Just purchased a scandoubler and FF from Eyeline and the picture
>quality in pal on an SVGA monitor is crap any info would be

>If the quality is going to be this bad then it`s going back....

In what way is the picture quality crap? Did you read the set-up
instructions that comes with it? (don't know about the internal, but the
external version has to be adjusted in some cases.)

Before you ask, I used Eyetech's external scandoubler/flicker fixer
before I had my BVision and IMO the quality was pretty good, or at least
as good as you're going to get without a GFX card...

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
"Bother," said Pooh, as he cheated on his wife.

Message 14364

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Stargate
Date: 09 Jun 99 14:09:42 +0000
Hello Malcolm Harnden, on 08-Jun-99 19:02:08 you said about:
 [afb] Stargate 

>The latest version of Stargate is now available at:-


>PLUS online ordering.

>If you`ve never used Stargate it is the best featured mailer and
>newsreader that I have had the pleasure to use. It can hold it`s own
>and excel against MD and Yam.

Well, looking at yer headers, you're still using NC1.2. The version of
Microplop that comes with that is poop and most mailers are better than
that. The latest version that comes with NC 2.x is much, much better,
but still not brilliant IMHO. BTW, depending on when you bought it, you
/may/ be entitled to a free update to NC2.x....

Yam is very good, but lacks decent news support...

>Try the demo on Aminet.

Nah thanks, I'll stick with Thor. :)

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Read the docs?  What a RADICAL concept!

Message 14365

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 15:50:21 +0100

>> However, I don't think that your budget of =A3100 would cover it...

> So what should I spend my money on then? (Remeber, I have an compulsive=

> money spending disorder)

Get DOpus...

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
How many mice does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Only two - but it's difficult to get them in there.

Message 14366

Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 15:06:03 -0000

> Get DOpus...

Sorry to keep ranting on, but actually that's a good idea.  Do you reckon it
will be worth even though OS3.5 is supposed to be coming out in August?


Message 14367

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 16:23:04 +0100
Hi Ben

>> Are you left-handed?
>No, are you?

No I'm not, but I noticed you wear your watch on your right arm like I do.
People always laugh at me for doing it and I thought I was the only person who
does.  My mind is at rest now.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14368

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 16:24:04 +0100
Hi Ben

>> Just reading Eyetech's ad in AF and something occurred to me that has
>> never done so before: All (most) of Eyetech's products are called "EZ-"
>> something. Is this supposed to be pronounced "easy", "e-zed", "ez" or
>> what?
>I think they intend for it to be pronounced American-stylee as "eazy".


>> And I see they're offering something called "EZLink". Sounds a bit like
>> AIRLink to me, which would have been great if you didn't have to swap it
>> for your joystick every time you wanted to play a game. Now what we really
>> need is a Roboshit-esque dongle that'll do the switching for you.
>            ^^^^^^^^
>Typo or intentional?

Heh, sorry that's a typo.  Never actually used a Roboshi*F*t myself.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14369

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 16:24:57 +0100
Hi Ben

>>> Neil "I can't press 'Insert Signature' because my mouse is bust" Bullock
>>> :)
>> I'd suggest you get a new mouse too :) Wizzard 3 button ones a really good
>If you can get one, besides he's talking about his shabby PC there anyway.

My PC mouse has 3 buttons, though the middle one doesn't seem to do anything :-(

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14370

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 16:34:34 +0100
Hi Ben

>> Scenario:
>> 1- Someone writes the autorun handler and commodity, carefully following
>> the advice in the new "Program Perfection" tutorial ;-)
>> 2- Said person sends it to Ben
>> 3- Stuff added to the AFCD_Files script
>> 4- Ben puts announcement in mag
>> 5- Problem solved
>> 6- Flood of complaints saying "It doesn't work"
>> 7- Flood of complaints saying "I don't like MUI"
>> 8- Flames for author
>> 9- New problems created
>Well, Not sure about the other stuff, but point 3 is kind of right.

Editor Vost in no confidence for features shocker!

From the FAQ and what you've said in the past, I'm surprised you didn't agree
with point 6.

> The
>AFCD_Files script is being seriously updated right now - get ready for
>AFCDInstall on AFCD43 (guaranteed no MUI)... :)

I've nothing against MUI, but it seems quite a few do.  Have you ever had anyone
write a letter to you saying "I don't like MUI"?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14371

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Letters In AF125... and some more...
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 16:28:19 +0100
Hi all

>> 3. The chuky tabs. I quite liked these actually. As it is, we are
>> left with approximately a 2cm gap down the edge of the page anyway.
>> So why not put a tab there? It makes the mag so much easier to
>> navigate.And I see that page 95 has a tab anyway.
>Hmm. It makes the mag look narrow and restricted. That's my opinion, going
>through older issues (which were wider anyway). What does everyone else
>think? The reason why we still have the tab on the classified page is that
>it takes no space in the sold part of the page, which the top bar would.

Although it pains me to say it, I think tabs to aid people's flicking through
the mag would be a waste of time.  By the time you start flicking, you're almost
at the end :-(

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14372

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 16:36:54 +0100
Hi Sheila (Tom) Underwood ;-)

>>> Any AIRlinkfans out there? I have some ideas to swap with you...
>    Anyone know why I can transmit commands to my Panasonic stereo but
>Infrarexx wont recognise an incoming signal from the remote. I used to use a
>Phillips remote to control ACDPlay but that remotes bust now :(

Did you capture the codes yourself, or are you using a codeset.  I found it
*impossible* to capture codes myself.  I just used a codeset.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14373

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 16:46:09 +0100
Hi guys

>>> Bomb proof OS on the Acorn though...
>> Not quite, but it certainly did have some nice features. The concept as
>> applications as directories, anyone?
>We tried for many an hour to crash the system, but to no avail.  Still, I
>(along with the entire computing class) got System Priviledge, and in that
>directory there was SuperMon.  Such a fun piece of software :)

The closest I ever got to a machine freezing up on me was by turning on scroll
lock and pressing F12, which brings up a little prompt thingy at the bottom of
the screen.  Thing is, this causes the screen to scroll so with scroll lock on
it 'hangs'.  Until you turn scroll lock off of course, which the teachers were
to dumb to realise so they just came over and reset your machine.  Great trick
to play on your enemies!

A similar effect can be achieved when using Easel - turn on scroll lock and it
stops working!

>Reset other stations by remote anyone? :))


Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14374

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 16:49:22 +0100
Hi Alex,

> I've nothing against MUI, but it seems quite a few do. Have you ever had
> anyone write a letter to you saying "I don't like MUI"?

A couple, although they've mainly been from people with low foreheads...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Suborbital Ballistic-Propulsion Engineer
Not Exactly A Rocket Scientist

Message 14375

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 16:54:57 +0100
> Hi Ben
> >> Are you left-handed?
> >
> >No, are you?
> No I'm not, but I noticed you wear your watch on your right arm like I do.
> People always laugh at me for doing it and I thought I was the only person
> does.  My mind is at rest now.

You know WHY people laugh at you? Because wearing your watch on your
right arm is what WOMEN do. Like how the buttons are on the other side of
shirts/blouses/trousers (if you have button up flies) etc. and stuff..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14376

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 16:57:57 +0100
> Hi Alex,
> > I've nothing against MUI, but it seems quite a few do. Have you ever had
> > anyone write a letter to you saying "I don't like MUI"?
> A couple, although they've mainly been from people with low foreheads...



Message 14377

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 16:59:39 +0100
Hi Matt,

> You know WHY people laugh at you? Because wearing your watch on your
> right arm is what WOMEN do. Like how the buttons are on the other side of
> shirts/blouses/trousers (if you have button up flies) etc. and stuff..

No, that *isn't* why people laugh at Alex, but this is a family list so we
don't want to go into details here...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Why is the word abbreviation so long?

Message 14378

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Turboprint Vs Studio (was AF125-INFO)
Date: 09 Jun 99 16:35:18 +0000
Hello Neil Bothwick, on 08-Jun-99 22:11:59 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Turboprint Vs Studio (was AF125-INFO) 


>> TurboPrint is pretty old as well, you know... ;)

>TurboPrint 7 is about six months old.

I was being pedantic - while TurboPrint *7* has been around for only a
few months, TurboPrint, in its various versions, has been around for
years - as has Studio....

>> Studio is still being updated and supports at least the Epson Photo 700.

>As does TurboPrint 6. I haven't upgraded to 7 because they want me to
>send my old disk back and that's too much hassle. I suppose I'd be a
>bit more motivated if I needed the PostScript interpreter, but I

I know, I'm just trying to let people know that there is another option.
I have upgraded to TurboPrint 7 as I found that 6 would not work after a
flash update.

Anyway, I do have both and will say with confidence that TP is the
better of the two as a) it's more (much more) user friendly, b) has PPC
support, c) has a spooler and d) something else that I've probably

The main reason I still use Studio on the odd occasion, is because
printing from PageStream tends to be quicker due to dedicated drivers,

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
"Bother," said Pooh, as the heart bypass operation failed.

Message 14379

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: X, C, & V
Date: 09 Jun 99 16:38:47 +0000
Hello Ben Vost, on 09-Jun-99 08:17:23 you said about:
 [afb] Re: X, C, & V 


>> Yes, Powersnap. It can be found on AF cd's and Aminet.

>Actually, I think he was asking about pasting *files*, not text.

Ahem, well, yes....

I noticed after, when it was too late. 

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
It's good to talk - but not at 2400 baud

Message 14380

From: Oliver Esberger
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 18:12:18 +0200
Hello Colin,

On 09-Jun-99, you wrote:
>> Get DOpus...
> Sorry to keep ranting on, but actually that's a good idea. Do you
> reckon it will be worth even though OS3.5 is supposed to be coming out
> in August?

DOpus is a workbench replacement, and workbench is only a part of os3.5

Oliver Esberger -

Message 14381

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Bloody Compuserve!!!
Date: 09 Jun 99 17:14:52 +0000
Hi all,

Anyone else here keep get "message delivery failed" messages from
Compuserve due to full mailboxes after posting to this list?

I've deleted the last lot I had, but this time I had four back from
"" - about 20 in all so far. All I can say is to
get a decent ISP or empty yer sodding mailbox.... 

 Andy Mills,
 Bristol, UK.
Press any key to continue or any other key to quit

Message 14382

From: "Even Sandvik Underlid"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 08 Jun 99 23:37:48 +0500
Gerald Mellor wrote:

>>Perhaps I'm being a bit dim or missed part of the thread here, but
>>whats happening in two months? 
>They're dropping the subs disk.

I think this was a quite good idea. One idea, which I might have already
mentioned here on this list, would be to either increase the price of the 
floppy edition /slightly/ or decrease the price of the CD edition /slightly/
(or do both changes at the same time) so that more people would go for the 
CD one. At least this could be done with the subscription rate. 

Personally, I bought the CD edition way before I got my first CD drive for
the Amiga. Too much good stuff there to miss it all, I thought, and stored
the CDs safely away ready for usage the day I got my CD-ROM player. 

Even Sandvik Underlid,

Message 14383

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bloody Compuserve!!!
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 17:24:55 +0100
Hi Andrew,

> Anyone else here keep get "message delivery failed" messages from
> Compuserve due to full mailboxes after posting to this list?

I haven't been getting them. However, there is a "" on
the list, so I've changed the account to read on the web temporarily.
David, if you're reading this you can turn it back to individual emails by
simply visiting the are of the website called "My space" at the top of the

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14384

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 17:26:45 +0100

> Sorry to keep ranting on, but actually that's a good idea. Do you recko=
> it will be worth even though OS3.5 is supposed to be coming out in Augu=

That depends on whether you already have Kickstart 3.1.

The this is that I would say to get WB3.5 anyway, *and* Dopus, since that=

will offer so much more than WB3.5 will anyway, but if you only have KS3.=
you'll have to get the ROMs too, and that might take you over your =A3100=

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14385

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 17:38:42 +0100
> Hi,

> > Sorry to keep ranting on, but actually that's a good idea. Do you reckon
> > it will be worth even though OS3.5 is supposed to be coming out in

> That depends on whether you already have Kickstart 3.1.

> The this is that I would say to get WB3.5 anyway, *and* Dopus, since that
> will offer so much more than WB3.5 will anyway, but if you only have KS3.0
> you'll have to get the ROMs too, and that might take you over your 100.

Sorry, Ben, I have to disagree there.

I would say get 3.5 FIRST (be at the forefront of system updatedness!) and
DOpus LATER. There is only disappointment to be found when you realise
that the only features you need out of a product are in the OS anyway.

Sure, DOpus is great, but can you really say that it is ESSENTIAL? I mean,
I manage to live without it. It took you so long to be persuaded into using
it (I remember those reviews - do you still use DOpus 4 at all?). So it
be an instant hit, it`s a growing thing. And I for one wouldn`t want to
spend 50 on a system I need 6 months to start *liking* let alone using

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14386

Subject: [afb] Re: Ebola virus in QuickFlix
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 16:38:21 -0000
 > Hi All,
> The Release-Notes of Brainfile v2.13 for VIrus_CheckerII states:
> "The bug in the Ebola virus recognition has been fixed".
> I had this problem prior to this update whence I was told there was the Ebola
> virus in the DVD-Player file.
> Cheers
> Bill
I'll have to check which brain file I have.  From a email I received and the letters on AFB it seems as if there wss no virus.  As my hard drive is clean and I check every download I do this could have thrown up a false alert.  Is the current brainfile on AFCD O.K.?

(My checker (In answer to Ben's query) is Virus_CheckerII {registered} but I'll check the brain file version when I get home.)

Sorry for scaring people, but its better safe than sorry, eh?


Message 14387

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 17:43:43 +0100
>Hi Sheila (Tom) Underwood ;-)
Its Tom, bloody Outlook Express :)

>Did you capture the codes yourself, or are you using a codeset.  I found it
>*impossible* to capture codes myself.  I just used a codeset.

I loaded the Panasonic codeset from the CU Amiga CD and deleted what was
there as it wasnt for the right hifi than captured the codes myself. They
transmit fine, but like I said they're not recieved by Infrarexx.

TOM Underwood

Message 14388

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 17:42:32 +0100
Hi Matt,

>> The thing is that I would say to get WB3.5 anyway, *and* Dopus, since
>> will offer so much more than WB3.5 will anyway, but if you only have
>> KS3.0 you'll have to get the ROMs too, and that might take you over yo=
>> =A3100.

> Sorry, Ben, I have to disagree there.

> I would say get 3.5 FIRST (be at the forefront of system updatedness!) =
> DOpus LATER. There is only disappointment to be found when you realise
> that the only features you need out of a product are in the OS anyway.

I'm saying get OS3.5 first, but there's no way that it will have even a
tenth of the features of DOpus.

> Sure, DOpus is great, but can you really say that it is ESSENTIAL? I me=
> I manage to live without it. It took you so long to be persuaded into
> using it (I remember those reviews - do you still use DOpus 4 at all?).=

It is essential, just like your Amiga is. No I don't use v4 any more, it
would be like switching back to using my Atari 800XL.

> it can`t
> be an instant hit, it`s a growing thing. And I for one wouldn`t want to=

> spend =A350 on a system I need 6 months to start *liking* let alone usi=
> regularly.

It won't take you that long to like it, however if you're really lax abou=
sorting it out, it might take that long for it to be tailored to your
requirements. I reckon you'd start liking it about half an hour after
installing it.

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Amiga Format - The worldwide mag for
          *all* Amiga owners.

Message 14389

Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 16:47:21 -0000
 > No I'm not, but I noticed you wear your watch on your right arm like I do.
> People always laugh at me for doing it and I thought I was the only person who
> does.  My mind is at rest now.
> Tatty byes
> ==========
> Alex Furmanski -

Rest your mind.  When I wear a watch I wear it on the right hand (and Im also righthanded).  Mind you, I hate wearing watches so it stays in my left pocket 99.5% of the time...


Message 14390

Subject: [afb] Transferance from WW to Word
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 17:01:46 -0000
Hi, anyone know why when I save a file as RTF from WordWorth7 and transfer it
Word on a PC it transfers the headers and footers but leaves all my footnotes 
behind.  The wired thing is - it transfer the seperation bar and numbers 
across but ommites the text:


(That appears but the text following the numbers dissapears.)

The annoying thing is this was a essay, my Espon 250 was taking ages to print
out...and with 30 minutes left I had to transfer it college.  And found I'd 
lost the footnotes.

Thankfully I have an understanding tutor and I can hand the full thing in 
tomorrow.  (Whew!)

One thing I hope the new OS's will have is implementation for PC and MAC standards.  I need it.


Message 14391

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Transferance from WW to Word
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 18:05:34 +0100

> One thing I hope the new OS's will have is implementation for PC and MAC
> standards. I need it.

Perhaps not specifically "PC and Mac" standards, but standards generally.
RTF being one of them...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14392

Subject: [afb] Re: AF Page Tabs (Was: Letters In AF125... and some more...)
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 17:08:20 -0000
> >> 3. The chuky tabs. I quite liked these actually. As it is, we are
> >> left with approximately a 2cm gap down the edge of the page anyway.
> >> So why not put a tab there? It makes the mag so much easier to
> >> navigate.And I see that page 95 has a tab anyway.
> >
> >Hmm. It makes the mag look narrow and restricted. That's my opinion, going
> >through older issues (which were wider anyway). What does everyone else
> >think? The reason why we still have the tab on the classified page is that
> >it takes no space in the sold part of the page, which the top bar would.
> Although it pains me to say it, I think tabs to aid people's flicking through
> the mag would be a waste of time.  By the time you start flicking, you're almost at the end :-(

Keep it as it is.  Anyone who actually reads AF is used by now of the layout. If I need a tutorial I know exactly where it is, without any tab helps.

oh, and the old ones Were totally ugly....


Message 14393

Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 17:12:00 -0000
 > > Hi Alex,
> >
> > > I've nothing against MUI, but it seems quite a few do. Have you ever had
> > > anyone write a letter to you saying "I don't like MUI"?
> >
> > A couple, although they've mainly been from people with low foreheads...
> Klingons?
> Neko
Um.  That would be high foreheads and ridges.  Your thinking Neandrathols.  (dont know how to spell that!)


Message 14394

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 18:17:10 +0100

> Um. That would be high foreheads and ridges. Your thinking Neandrathols.
> (dont know how to spell that!)

You're thinking Neanderthals (now you do know how to spell it :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
!   This is a test of the emergency      !
!      tagline stealing system           !

Message 14395

Subject: [afb] UK modem strike
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 18:58:42 +0000
Hi all,

can someone remind me at what time the modem strike is on tomorrow 


Message 14396

Subject: [afb] Re: A1200 zorro board
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 17:20:02 -0000
Gareth asked 

> Having been on the amiga for some time now, i would like to add some sort of
> zorro expansion to my a1200 eyetech tower, would anyone know where i could buy
> one.

I think Power Computing does one. For sure one of the advertisers in AF do as I saw it in a current issue.  You will need a tower though...


Message 14397

From: Bob Rickman
Subject: [afb] netconnect2 ML
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 20:49:34 +0100

can someone let me know the mailing address to subscribe to the netconnec=
t2 Mailing List. I thought I was subscribed via majordomo@tigress
but have received no postings for several weeks. Thanks for any help.

-- =

Bob Rickman
Devon UK

Message 14398

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: UK modem strike
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 18:24:38 +0100

> can someone remind me at what time the modem strike is on tomorrow 
> (Sunday)?

Bit late to be asking that, no?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14399

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: netconnect2 ML
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 18:25:12 +0100
Hi Bob,

> can someone let me know the mailing address to subscribe to the
> netconnect2 Mailing List. I thought I was subscribed via majordomo@tigress
> but have received no postings for several weeks. Thanks for any help.

Didn't someone tell you recently? Wasn't it something like

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Get your news first through Amiga Format
With 13 issues a year we're the best.

Message 14400

Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 17:34:45 -0000

> That depends on whether you already have Kickstart 3.1.
> The this is that I would say to get WB3.5 anyway, *and* Dopus, since that
> will offer so much more than WB3.5 will anyway, but if you only have KS3.0
> you'll have to get the ROMs too, and that might take you over your 100.

Splendid, I already have a lovely pair of 3.1 ROMs. So off I got to the shop, well the phone.



Message 14401

From: "Gavin Williams"
Subject: [afb] Re: Re:Scandoublers
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 18:37:08 +0100
Hi Malcom

>Just purchased a scandoubler and FF from Eyeline and the picture
>quality in pal on an SVGA monitor is crap any info would be

>If the quality is going to be this bad then it`s going back....

I switched to Productivity mode so I can use 640x480 resolution and that was
fine. What's the point of using a crap resolution when you;ve got an SVGA

Alternatively get a tower and a graphics card. They're the dogs knob.


Message 14402

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] image cataloguing
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 14:57:58 +0100

    I was looking through this months issue of AF and saw about PD select
and image cataloguing system called photo Folio. I'm after a said bit of
software to use on my stored pic' files on my HD. Have there been any
give aways on your past CD's or subs disks or what about aminet does
anyone know of a good one. I just want to see what's on all my saved
images quickly instead of loading them all up (as the bigger ones can
take time) only finger nail size will do, a sort of data base type.

See You
                   Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 

Message 14403

From: Jayne Johnson
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 18:58:07 +0100
On 09-Jun-99 16:54:57 Matt Sealey wrote:

> You know WHY people laugh at you? Because wearing your watch on your
> right arm is what WOMEN do.

I don't know *any* women who wear their watches on their right arms, I
certainly don't!

Jayne Johnson
Team *AMIGA*
ICQ:12482805 ICQnick:Roheine

VIZ Top Tip #295: Steel wool moistened with a drop of oil is ideal for
wiping baby robots bottoms with.

Message 14404

Subject: [afb] A2000 Accelerators
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 18:34:01 -0000
I have recently got an A2000 to go with my A1200.
I was wondering what ypes of accelerators are available for the A2000,
and which ones are the best/most reliable.

Message 14405

From: Neil Bothwick
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 19:43:57 +0000
From: "Ben Vost" 
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: 09/06/1999 3:49:22 pm

>Hi Alex,

>> I've nothing against MUI, but it seems quite a few do. Have you ever had =

>> anyone write a letter to you saying "I don't like MUI"?

A couple, although they've mainly been from people with low foreheads...

Why would short people dislike MUI?

Neil Bothwick

Message 14406

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Stargate
Date: 9 Jun 1999 16:34:58 +0100
Andy Mills said, 

> Hello Malcolm Harnden, on 08-Jun-99 19:02:08 you said about:
>  [afb] Stargate 

>>If you`ve never used Stargate it is the best featured mailer and
>>newsreader that I have had the pleasure to use. It can hold it`s own
>>and excel against MD and Yam.

> Well, looking at yer headers, you're still using NC1.2.

X-Mailer: MicroDot-II/AmigaOS NC 1.2 [NC2-#00000130]

This means the NC version of MicroDot 1.2, so it's NVC2 since NC1 had
version 0.x. Clear as mud innit?

> The version of
> Microplop that comes with that is poop and most mailers are better than
> that. The latest version that comes with NC 2.x is much, much better,

That's MD 1.3 I think.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
The mechanic said I had blown a seal. I said, `Just fix the damn thing and
leave my private life out of it, OK?'

Message 14407

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: 9 Jun 1999 16:36:16 +0100
C.R.Buchanan said, 

>> Get DOpus...

> Sorry to keep ranting on, but actually that's a good idea.  Do you reckon it
> will be worth even though OS3.5 is supposed to be coming out in August?

Yes, definitely.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Exercise daily.  Eat wisely.  Die anyway.

Message 14408

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: 9 Jun 1999 16:39:21 +0100
Hello Sheila, Tom or whatever you're wearing today...

>>> Any AIRlinkfans out there? I have some ideas to swap with you...

>     Anyone know why I can transmit commands to my Panasonic stereo but
> Infrarexx wont recognise an incoming signal from the remote.

It sounds like your bitrate or frequency isn't quite right. Check that
you get the same result each time you hit the same remote button when
in Learn mode.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
If a book about failures doesn't sell, is it a success?

Message 14409

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: Re MUI Registration
Date: 9 Jun 99 19:02:14 +0000
Hi Paul

> > >The cheque was never cashed=2E
> >=20
> > Thats good to know cause I spoke to the bank today and they charge =A38=
 to cancell a cheque!  How can they get away with that, its extortion!
> I thought cheques were only valid for a month so I wasn't too bothered=2E
> :)

For the benefit of anyone else sending cheques, they remain valid for
6 months from date of issue, after which your bank should return them
unpaid  marked "Out of Date" or similar=2E

Most Banks don't charge for lost cheques (as it's
really beyond your control)=2E So if yours tries to, complain and point
out that it's as much for their benefit as yours=2E This is because
there is the possibility of the cheque being altered and presented in
the future so best to stop it once it has been "lost"=2E

You would not be liable for a fraudulent cheque but sods law says it
would be cashed while you were relying on a cash machine on Crete to
draw your holiday beer money out, so you struggle for cash until the
Bank reimburses you from their own pocket  for not spotting the fraud
:( Everyone loses=2E

Cheers ( and for a bonus point guess my occupation)

Powered by Amiga in Crewe

ICQ# 39564005

Message 14410

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: 9 Jun 99 18:41:15 +0000
Hi all

Ref 100 Mail limit and list anarchy

> In the immortal words of Mrs Merton - "Let's have a heated debate."

It's a bit messy, but how about a second list, for OT posts (and now
on AFB a choice of viewing....). We can then choose to subscribe to
either a general AFB with the number of posts that would mean or a
stricter AFB for on topic discussions only.

Personally I'd choose to subscribe to both. I agree that as the number
of members increases we need to do something, but I really don't want
to lose the light relief that the OT threads provide. I think a strict
policy alone would probably lead to a fairly bland experience with AFB
appearing as the computer equivalent of an OU broadcast?


Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14411

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: 9 Jun 99 19:42:10 +0000
Hi Guys,

> It's not a case of them offering just a free ISP, they have had that for a
> while with BT-Clickfree.  The point is that they are offering an 0800
> number when they have stated catagorically that they won't allow free calls
> to ISP's.  It's like transco offering Free Gas.  If BT wish to allow 0800
> access to ISP's at weekends then it should be for all ISP's used by BT
> customers and not just their own.

I agree with this and I don't think Oftel will be too pleased either.
It is important to seperate BT and BT Internet. In essence BT are
using their (near) monopoly to attack existing ISP's by allowing
preferential terms to their own Internet Business.

Now this needn't be too bad a thing, as other ISP's wanting to compete
on this basis could charge a monthly fee by Direct Debit and ask C&W
to provide an 0800/0500 number.

But I think your point is fair, in that BT are trying to make things
as difficult as possible.

Cue Neil B to tell me that I get what I pay for ;)


Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14412

From: "Andy Sillwood"
Subject: [afb] Re: UK modem strike
Date: 09 Jun 99 20:08:22 +0100
On 09-Jun-99 18:24:38, Ben Vost ( wrote:


>> can someone remind me at what time the modem strike is on tomorrow
>> (Sunday)?

>Bit late to be asking that, no?

He asked on he 5th, but Free4all's mail server is /finally/ catching up :)
Apologies, but the queue is getting smaller, and mails are _not_ getting lost.

I'm a little confused about that email address - why are you using the
mailbox, and not the address that goes with it?



Andrew Sillwood - ICQ:13697313 - Free Internet Access

Message 14413

From: Colin Buckenham
Subject: [afb] Request for a piece of clipart
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 19:59:25 +0100
Hello all,

I have a small problem. Enough of that though.
I have been asked to do a special job (very quickly) for a charity which
requires some colour images of funeral wreaths and a greyscale image of a
churchyard stone cross. I have looked all through my (massive) collection
of clipart and can only find a couple of suitable images and was hoping
that the wonderful collection of throughly decent human beings that make up
this list might be able to assist me. If anybody out there could help me I
would be very greatful and a reply privatly would be very much appreciated.
Any type of clip or photo would do.
I wouldn't normally use this list for this purpose, but most clipart
collections don't cover funerals for some reason.
All the Best


The first British actor to play the part of secret agent James Bond 007 was
Blockbusters' Bob Holness in a 1950's radio series.


                         Design, Print and Publishing at cost for
           Small Charities and other non-profit making organizations
                                               since 1986
                                             100% AMIGA
                   Details :-

Message 14414

From: Ian Shurmer
Subject: [afb] Where's AF Website?
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 20:10:15 +0100

Being (very) new to the 'net, one of the first sites that I wanted to visit
was that of AF.
However, arriving at the Future Publishing site, I found that I couldn't
view it using Voyager,
which I think was due to my browser not being able to run MS VBScript.
However, I tried to
view the site on my brother's (Spit!) P.C., but to my suprises I couldn't
find the AF site 

Where's the AF website gone? If it has been erased, then why?

If I'm completely overlooking it's location, then could someone inform me of
it's whereabouts?

|                                              |
|             Ian Shurmer             |
|   |
|                                              |

Message 14415

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 19:59:13 +0100
On 09-Jun-99, Matt Sealey Wrote........

[=> You know WHY people laugh at you? Because wearing your watch on your
[=> right arm is what WOMEN do. Like how the buttons are on the other side
[=> of shirts/blouses/trousers (if you have button up flies) etc. and
[=> stuff..

Hahahahahhaahhahahaha,  Matt.... I take the PMT comment back ;).

*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams   ICQ: 34655410
Bridgette, Queen of the Whip

Message 14416

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 20:54:40 +0100

> I've been hearing loadsa stuff about autobooting CD's and
> things (although I didn't read much of it) but surely it
> would be possible to create a program which lets you select
> the devices you want to autostart from wb and then it would
> run in the background, detect when you insert a disk in the
> selected drives, and check for a special file in it's root
> (.autoboot or something) or maybe execute it's startup
> sequence or something.

Yes it is possible....

Those who have ide fix can run the CD32 emulation package
this allows a key to be pressed at startup to boot from CD.  I had a =
Hard drive which clashed with the cd, so I fixed it so I could boot =
normaly, which included the cd OR I could boot with no CD but have the =
extra hard drive. At a key press
I guess it would work on other machines as well as the A1200

    Bomber Harris

Message 14417

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Netconnect 2 Mailing list
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 21:10:49 +0100
Hi Bob,

> Can someone kindly confirm to me the address of the Netconnect 2 =
mailing list. I subscribed with > but have received =
no postings for several weeks, and wonder if this is still current. I =
>sent a similar request

Acording to the NC2 CD the address is
and put "Subscribe" into your message

    Bomber Harris

Message 14418

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: It sticks out!!!
Date: 9 Jun 99 20:14:24 +0100
Ben Vost ( wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> > Now I know that tower cases are expensive, so if you're interested I might
> > just cut my own throat and sell you mine ...
> Don't be in too much of a rush Kev, I still haven't received my Power Tower
> yet...

Well if I don't sell it, I can't buy the Power one (okay I can but ... i'd
rather not)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14419

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: Heeeeeelllo!
Date: 9 Jun 99 20:13:28 +0000
Hi Conor,

Welcome aboard.

> Anyhoo, I've found out how wrong I was, this list seems lively indeed. :)

I'll give you a week before you start moaning about off topic posts ;)


Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14420

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: 9 Jun 99 20:29:00 +0100
Ben Vost ( wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> > And how much does that cost?
> Can't remember, I did it too long ago. I think it was $35, but I'm not sure.

It's either $10 or 15Dm - well worth it!!!


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14421

Subject: [afb] Excalibur RAM card
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 19:35:40 -0000
Anyone EVER get one of these RAM cards to work on an A4000? 
It plugs into the Processor direct slot, and the CPU is relocated to the Excalibur board, which has 4 RAM slots.

I load the software, and all it does is fail to boot!
Remove it, and all is normal...

Any help is appreciated.

Message 14422

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 9 Jun 99 20:39:02 +0100
Ben Vost (ben=2Evost@futurenet=2Eco=2Euk) wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> > Okay then, out of the 100% of people who bought AF, what % actually
> > returned the survey? I know I didn't, on the grounds that I was far too
> > busy getting a major system at work Y2K compliant, and I forgot=2E Is i=
> > still open for submission? If so I'll fill it in now then forget to pos=
> > it tomorrow, cos I've got another load of stuff lumped on my plate at t=
> > minute    ;-)
> I don't know yet, but I'm willing to bet that it's less than 30%, and tha=
> absolutely no-one on this list sent it in=2E Anyone who wants to still ha=
> time to send theirs in, but don't delay=2E

I posted mine in today, first class no less! Okay I filled it in in 2 mins
while rushing thru some major work=2E And realised i screwed a couple of q'=
up (I need glasses, I should get some soon) but hell, it's in the post!

> > Very interesting, but where were you living when you learnt it then?
> Colchester in Essex=2E

And they taught you Esperanto? Was it a public school?
> > Surely not somewhere in the UK - I wouldn't have thought any schools or
> > the government in fact using resources on teaching pupils Esperanto unl=
> > they were forced into it=2E I mean, they hardly force French, German or
> > Spanish onto people, and they're part of the National Curriculum! I wis=
> > I'd kept up with my French lessons, if you know what I mean ;-)
> Yup, somewhere in the UK=2E I sent away for the materials for it=2E It do=
> really need a course taught in school proper - it wouldn't take a year to
> learn, let alone three=2E Mind you, it would probably be a good idea, sin=
> if everyone spoke Esperanto, it would make communication with non-English=
> western European people so much easier=2E

You mean you don't just go "DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH? I SAID, DO YOU =2E=2E

Seriously, I guess it wasn't a school sponsored thing then and was inspired
home-education on behalf of parents/guardians?

> > Oh, and I only mentioned the Esperanto thing as a Red Dwarf-style joke =
> Ah well, don't watch Red Dwarf, it got too boring after about the third
> series=2E

it still hasn't picked up, but there's at least two really funny jokes per
> >> The Viper I was better than the Viper II anyway=2E
> > Was it? I don't recall ever thinking that - the MkII had autoconfigurin=
> No, it wasn't, my mistake, I was thinking of the Typhoon=2E

*Phew* Thought I was getting confused myself =2E=2E=2E=2E
> > I can't remember off-hand if diskspare can be used as a bootable floppy=
=2E I
> > don't think it was, and thus you had to boot from the first AUI disk
> > anyway to get at the stuff off the second disk=2E Well, okay I didn't, =
> > I'd got diskspare set up on my harddrive anyway, but I mean for floppy
> > users=2E
> Right=2E We don't have a bootable floppy any longer anyway, but that's a
> serious flaw=2E=2E=2E

Hmmm, how much of the disk is taken up by the files needed to boot wb?
> > I care, cos if swapping floppy sales for CD sales whilst ditching the
> > floppy format completely becomes a reality, the cost of making AF comes
> > down=2E Even if the price doesn't come down, it means that you
> > (theoretically) have more money to spend on each issue!
> Ha! I wish=2E You mean it would be more money for the bottom line=2E=2E=

*Sigh* There goes my hopes and dreams of a free Swedish au pair with every
issue =2E=2E=2E
> > Oh, btw Ben, in a previous thread you said it was =A330 to subscribe to=
> > yet the latest issue states that it is, in actual fact, =A340=2E Are yo=
u about
> > to drop the subscription price by a tenner, perchance?  ;-)
> No chance, mea culpa again=2E Typo I noticed as I was already hitting sen=

Damn=2E I was gonna cancle my subscription and re-subscribe at the cheaper
price! Well not really, I presumed it was a typo, but I would have been
most annoyed if, not long after I'd subscribed the cost went down! Okay, 6
months after I subscribed =2E=2E=2E=2E   ;)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14423

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 20:55:01 +0100
Hi Matt

>> >> Are you left-handed?
>> >
>> >No, are you?
>> No I'm not, but I noticed you wear your watch on your right arm like I do.
>> People always laugh at me for doing it and I thought I was the only person
>> does.  My mind is at rest now.
>You know WHY people laugh at you? Because wearing your watch on your
>right arm is what WOMEN do. Like how the buttons are on the other side of
>shirts/blouses/trousers (if you have button up flies) etc. and stuff..

My mum and my sister don't, and they're women.  Apparently.
Anyhow, I've always fuond it easier, more comfortable and more convenient to
wear it on my right arm.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski - who wears his watch with pride

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14424

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 20:55:57 +0100
Hi Ben

>> You know WHY people laugh at you? Because wearing your watch on your
>> right arm is what WOMEN do. Like how the buttons are on the other side of
>> shirts/blouses/trousers (if you have button up flies) etc. and stuff..
>No, that *isn't* why people laugh at Alex, but this is a family list so we
>don't want to go into details here...

They laugh at me for entirely different reasons.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14425

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF Page Tabs (Was: Letters In AF125... and some more...)
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 21:03:22 +0100
Hi guys

>> >> 3. The chuky tabs. I quite liked these actually. As it is, we are
>> >> left with approximately a 2cm gap down the edge of the page anyway.
>> >> So why not put a tab there? It makes the mag so much easier to
>> >> navigate.And I see that page 95 has a tab anyway.
>> >
>> >Hmm. It makes the mag look narrow and restricted. That's my opinion, going
>> >through older issues (which were wider anyway). What does everyone else
>> >think? The reason why we still have the tab on the classified page is that
>> >it takes no space in the sold part of the page, which the top bar would.
>> Although it pains me to say it, I think tabs to aid people's flicking through
>> the mag would be a waste of time.  By the time you start flicking, you're
almost at the end :-(
>Keep it as it is.  Anyone who actually reads AF is used by now of the layout.
If I need a tutorial I know exactly where it is, without any tab helps.

Also having them on "graph paper" helps, so tabs aren't needed.

Ho-hum.  I'm off to watch ER.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14426

From: "Malcolm Harnden"
Subject: [afb] Re: Re:Scandoublers
Date: 9 Jun 99 19:50:07 +0100
[ My *PPC* & *CVPPC* Amiga made me reply:|
09 Jun 99 14:10:02 +0000

[afb] Re: Re:Scandoublers

> Hello Malcolm Harnden, on 08-Jun-99 19:04:38 you said about:
>  [afb] Re:Scandoublers 
> >Just purchased a scandoubler and FF from Eyeline and the picture
> >quality in pal on an SVGA monitor is crap any info would be
> >appreciated.
> >If the quality is going to be this bad then it`s going back....
> In what way is the picture quality crap? Did you read the set-up
> instructions that comes with it? (don't know about the internal, but the
> external version has to be adjusted in some cases.)
> Before you ask, I used Eyetech's external scandoubler/flicker fixer
> before I had my BVision and IMO the quality was pretty good, or at least
> as good as you're going to get without a GFX card...

No instructions came with the SD&FF and ringing Eyeline was as useful
as a chocolate fire guard. Any help would be appreciated.

I have a graphics card but I`ve a few serious programs that require
Pal/aga (I lie they are games).

They also sold me what was billed as their top of the range monitor
but it`s only 25dpi and the image seems a lot less sharp than my
Microvitec 1701 (which blew up) so I`m none to happy all round at the

As I said before any help would be appreciated.

Malcolm Harnden PPC User.
G4 order placed With Phase5. 
Visit My WebSite at:-
Email me at:-

Message 14427

From: "Malcolm Harnden"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: 9 Jun 99 19:53:49 +0100
[ My *PPC* & *CVPPC* Amiga made me reply:|
Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:54:34 +0100

[afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens

> Hi,
> > No, Can`t say that I have. Am I right in thinking that it is a commersial
> > program. I have seen it in an Epic Marketing advert but apart from that i
> > do not know that much about it.
> I doubt that you have, it's a shareware product by Lazlo Torok. He started
> it as a project purely for the Picasso IV, but he's done a standalone one
> as well.

Just taken delivery of MooVid Gold today from Epic. Works a treat on
Mov and AVI files. (It comes with some good examples.)

Only the Amiga makes it possible (Especially the *G4* Amiga)
Malcolm Harnden

      /|  |\
     / |  | \
    /  ----  \_
   /   \  /  | |May the Force be with you.
   \   /||\   /
    \        /
      :    :
      :    :

Message 14428

From: "Malcolm Harnden"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: 9 Jun 99 19:58:19 +0100
[ My *PPC* & *CVPPC* Amiga made me reply:|
Wed, 9 Jun 1999 12:57:54 +0100

[afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens

> > Hi Matt,
> > 
> > > Ah, but does it do Indeo?
> > 
> > It does if you register it.
> And how much does that cost?

----->Moovid Gold is less than a tenner
Only the Amiga makes it possible (Especially the *G4* Amiga)
Malcolm Harnden

      /|  |\
     / |  | \
    /  ----  \_
   /   \  /  | |May the Force be with you.
   \   /||\   /
    \        /
      :    :
      :    :

Message 14429

From: "Glen Stansfield"
Subject: [afb] Re: Reminder AF on sale
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 21:10:45 +0100
-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Bothwick 
To: mapleleaf 
Date: 09 June 1999 12:11
Subject: [afb] Re: Reminder AF on sale

>mapleleaf said,
>> Off I toddled to my local W.H. Smiths today to buy AF, only to be told by
>> staff that it is not published until the third thursday of the month.
>> to explain the publication dates and AF bulletins was like explaining the
>> theory of relativity to a brick.I`m going back tomorrow with AF124 to
>> the publication date for AF125 and to try to enlighten the brick! Anybody
>> else had this problem?
>No, because I use a proper newsagent rather than W H Smiths. What's
>the point in putting up with the lower quality service of a "magazine
>supermarket" when you don't get the lower prices to go with it?

I put up with it because they are the only people around here that can
actually be bothered to stock it. I would subscribe but like Mark Catchpole
(AF125) I too feel the dilemma. Should I reduce the newsagent sales and
ultimately lose the sight of AF on the shelves or should I continue to
receive my copy one week later? Will it make a difference if the rest of the
computing public loses sight of the Amiga. I don`t think we get many
converting back to the Amiga from other platforms unless they were
previously Amigans. Ultimately you and Ben are probably right and
subscription is the answer. Nor will we until we can get some serious
applications such as Word and Excel, and as much as I hate Microsoft and all
it entails it is this calibre of software that will ultimately save the
Amiga and persuade people to move away from Mr Gates` empire.

Bye for now

Message 14430

From: Pekka Sippola
Subject: [afb] Re: A2000 Accelerators
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 23:01:43 +0200

> I have recently got an A2000 to go with my A1200.
> I was wondering what ypes of accelerators are available for the A2000,
> and which ones are the best/most reliable.

I am very pleased with my Blizzard 2060, but it is out of production -
maybe back later. Compuquick announces GVP 2060 being available $695,


proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91
now cooking with A4000/233PPC

Message 14431

From: Pekka Sippola
Subject: [afb] Re: Excalibur RAM card
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 23:06:07 +0200

> Anyone EVER get one of these RAM cards to work on an A4000? It plugs
> into the Processor direct slot, and the CPU is relocated to the
> Excalibur board, which has 4 RAM slots.
> I load the software, and all it does is fail to boot!
> Remove it, and all is normal...
> Any help is appreciated.

What about the clock (int/ext) jumper?

proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91
now cooking with A4000/233PPC

Message 14432

From: "Ian Urie"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: 09 Jun 99 21:08:30 -0500
On 09-Jun-99 07:03:26, Ben Vost said about [afb] Re: Animations on RTG
> Hi Matt,

>>> Can't remember, I did it too long ago. I think it
>>> was $35, but I'm not sure.

>> Hmm, that`s not bad.. if only I had a graphics
>> card to use it with...

> I think that moovid works on an AGA machine too, but you'll obviously get
> much lower frame rates.

Moovid definitely works on AGA,and the registration is apprx. 10.
Its more if you want the savage driver or the piv version.
More details about speeds etc are on his Web-Page.

Ian Urie  
100 ways to skin a cat, #33: An Epie Lady.

Message 14433

From: Ralph
Subject: [afb] Re: List rules (was)Albatross (was)...
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 21:15:33 +0100
Hello Ashley

On 09-Jun-99, you wrote:

> On 08-Jun-99, James Lowe Wrote........
> [=> Hey, Ashley! Can I have some Albatross?

> [=> Mind you, the Subject: line for this thread can make some good reply
> [=> headers ;)
> Hahahahahaha, Yeah! You're not wrong. Ok you have a point about over
> Quoting. That Albatross thing was "Taking the PISS" ;). But I still think
> that most people follow the rules of common sense! 

That is why we have 2 /*on*/  topic threads going on Digital cameras - about
wb3  and AutoStart about Neanderthrals.

And they are the on topic threads .

> We don't need a load of stupid rules to be forced upon us.
> Right, I'm gonna do some programming (Instead of repling here), hehehe.

Sooner or later the way the list keeps growing,  600+  we will need some
rules ,

unless the afb is to change to  AnarchyFormatBalderdash   ;-)


Message 14434

From: Ralph
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 20:44:28 +0100
Hello Ben

On 09-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi Ralph,
> =

>> On the same front I have been asked if there are any sites that list a=
>> the Amiga camera software ?
> =

> I don't think so and some of it is commercial anyway. =

My brother is after spending =A3300+ on a camera and asked what cameras a=
suported on the Amiga .

If any one has a list could they send it to me .

If you are just going to send info on 1 camera send it direct to me to ke=
the list mail down .


Message 14435

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Help!
Date: 9 Jun 99 21:47:29 +0000
Does anyone know where I can download issues 10,12 and 13 of the old
diskmag,The Word from?

I have tried the official download site, but that doesn't go that far, and
although I am in regular contact with the regualr contributors, they all
have PC's now. Searches have thrown up nothing.

As the ill-thought-out Your Sinclair problem page said, "Haylp!"

*The original Wibble based website (please note the word 'original' is a lie)*
        == *NEW URL!!*
             *The newest unwritten satirical Talk Radio website*
=============================== ICQ: 28589940 ================================

Message 14436

From: Robert Johnston
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 08:37:12 +0100
Gerald Mellor wrote:
> > Letting IRC servers do
> > it also means everyone has an equel oppertunity for a nick - I can be
> > Freaky when no one else is using it (I've not once found it to be in use
> > when I was on DalNet - just nickserv bitching about it), or any different
> > version when someone else is. Works well for most networks (including
> > IRCNet, which is about 3 times bigger!), why not DALNet?
> Ah well, I don't like equal opportunities. I don't want someone in America
> with free access joining Dalnet as Bauglir and staying there forever so
> that when I join I can't use it. I like being able to kick someone else off
> the network if they're using my nick. :-)
> > Maybe, but I've lost count of the number of people I've seen leave DalNet
> > because "it's so laggy".
> Yeah I've heard that too. All I can say is that most of the time I'm not
> bothered by it.
> > Private messages offering them are common, and I don't support networks
> > who support porn and warez.
> Fair enough :)
> I don't support networks that restrict freedom of speech :)

Just so you'd know, I use Undernet most of the time, and I've never had any
problems with it. occasionally you get some problems, when servers lose
communication and the network splits, but this is usually resolved fast, and
doesn't make that much of an interruption. There is no nick registering, and I
think this is fair. If someone else is using your nick, you can ask them to
change, and in general, most people respect that you'd like your nick. If they
don't/won't, you can always use a variation. I.E., my usual nick is |Anakha|,
but if that's taken (With a ghost or something similar) I can use _Anakha_ or
SparHawk (My OLD nick). So don't start bitchin' just coz your nick is taken. use
your imagination and make a new one that no-one's ever thought of.
Robert "Anakha" Johnston
Anakha - Without Destiny
Remember, Remember, the 6th of June...

Message 14437

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 19:05:46 +0100
>No I'm not, but I noticed you wear your watch on your right arm like I do.
>People always laugh at me for doing it and I thought I was the only person
>does.  My mind is at rest now.

i am right handed and i have my watch on my right arm...

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 14438

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Help!
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 22:08:07 +0000
Bother said Daniel Thornton as he realised we were talking about Help!
> Does anyone know where I can download issues 10,12 and 13 of the old
> diskmag,The Word from?

Issue 10 (as well as all the preceding issues) is on CUCD7.  I would
suggest asking one of the larger PD companies for the others.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14439

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: OFF TOPIC
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 22:02:13 +0100
> Hi there  fool
> On 06-Jun-99, you wrote:
> > Bother said Stephen Harris as he realised we were talking about =
[afb] OFF
> > TOPIC again...
> Regards
> And was this buttered rodent related to an Albatross..?

I am not bitting with this one :-)

    Bomber Harris

Message 14440

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: image cataloguing
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 21:22:16 +0100
Hi Ken,

>Have there been any give aways on your past CD's or subs disks or what =
about aminet. Does
> Ne1 know of a good one. I just want to see what's on all my saved
> images quickly instead of loading them all up (as the bigger ones can
> take time)

    How about Picticon?
drag a picture on to an app-icon and it generates an icon from the file =
- it uses internal/datatypes decoding

    Bomber Harris

Message 14441

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Stargate
Date: 09 Jun 99 22:16:27 +0000
Hello Neil Bothwick, on 09-Jun-99 15:34:58 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Stargate 

>> Well, looking at yer headers, you're still using NC1.2.

>X-Mailer: MicroDot-II/AmigaOS NC 1.2 [NC2-#00000130]

>This means the NC version of MicroDot 1.2, so it's NVC2 since NC1 had
>version 0.x. Clear as mud innit?

/me bangs head on desk (again) and heads off to opticians....

That's it, I give in, I'm just gonna sit here and shut up before I
make yet another fecking mistake :/

>> The version of
>> Microplop that comes with that is poop and most mailers are better than
>> that. The latest version that comes with NC 2.x is much, much better,

>That's MD 1.3 I think.

NC 2.x = NetConnect v2, not MicroDot....

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group

Message 14442

From: Dave Morgan
Subject: [afb] No Subject
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 15:48:47 +0000

Kind regards

Dave Morgan - (Home)     ICQ:15959445
Amiga A1200, CBM 1084s 14" Monitor, Blizzard 1230/50, 68882, SCSI Kit, 2MB
chip, 48MB Fast, Western Digital 1.8Gb HD, Seagate 520MB HD, Matshita
8xSpeed Atapi/Ide CD-ROM, Plextor 12x Speed SCSI CD-Rom, Ricoh 6201s SCSI
CD-RW, Canon bjc-4200 printer, Microtek E3 SCSI Scanner, Hayes Accura
56K/v.90 Voice/Fax/Speakerphone Modem  :-).wanker of highest order

A Southern Redneck's Seven Course Dinner: Possum and a six pack!

Message 14443

From: Dave Morgan
Subject: [afb] No Subject
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 15:49:33 +0000

Kind regards

Dave Morgan - (Home)     ICQ:15959445
Amiga A1200, CBM 1084s 14" Monitor, Blizzard 1230/50, 68882, SCSI Kit, 2MB
chip, 48MB Fast, Western Digital 1.8Gb HD, Seagate 520MB HD, Matshita
8xSpeed Atapi/Ide CD-ROM, Plextor 12x Speed SCSI CD-Rom, Ricoh 6201s SCSI
CD-RW, Canon bjc-4200 printer, Microtek E3 SCSI Scanner, Hayes Accura
56K/v.90 Voice/Fax/Speakerphone Modem  :-).wanker of highest order

Hint for Mom:  If you promised, do it.

Message 14444

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 20:51:12 +0100
Greetings  Anthony

On 09-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi all
> Ref 100 Mail limit and list anarchy
>> In the immortal words of Mrs Merton - "Let's have a heated debate."
> It's a bit messy, but how about a second list, for OT posts (and now
> on AFB a choice of viewing....). We can then choose to subscribe to
> either a general AFB with the number of posts that would mean or a
> stricter AFB for on topic discussions only.

I've mentioned this before. But I'll do it again. If anyone is into
off-topic/weird/scientific/theological debate/chat etc. then Amilluminati
(sister list to the CU List) is the place for you. There is only one
rule. no ON-TOPIC chat is allowed (though you won't get a bollocking for
it (unless Korny wakes up with a hangover) :)

paddle to

Oh, and it's been given an "r" rating by onelist, so if you are under 17
you are not allowed in. If you are easily offended or upset, then you
shouldn't be allowed in :)



/PGP Key available on request/
Always remember that you are unique.  Just like everyone else.

Message 14445

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 22:03:20 +0100
Greetings  Matt

On 09-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> Hi Ben
>>>> Are you left-handed?
>>> No, are you?
>> No I'm not, but I noticed you wear your watch on your right arm like I
>> do.
>> People always laugh at me for doing it and I thought I was the only
>> person
> who
>> does.  My mind is at rest now.
> You know WHY people laugh at you? Because wearing your watch on your
> right arm is what WOMEN do. Like how the buttons are on the other side
> of shirts/blouses/trousers (if you have button up flies) etc. and
> stuff..

Only that buttons buttoning up backwards on womens clothing dates back to
times of old, when posh birds where dressed by their maids. they are
designed so it's easier for someone else to button up rather than ones

Wrist watches did not exist in those days. Cack handers wear watches on
their right hands so that they can manipulate the buttons and stuff with
the good hand.

> --
> Matt Sealey



/PGP Key available on request/
It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try, but
the result's the same.
-- Mike Dennison

Message 14446

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 22:06:00 +0100
Greetings  Ben

On 09-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi Andy,
> =

>>> I only want to spend about 100 quid and need nothing fancy.
> =

>> A 50 quid 35mm compact would yield far and away better results than an=
>> digital within your budget.
> =

>> Well that's not really true. A 20 quid 35mm compact will give better
>> results than a 100 quid digital.
> =

> A =A36.99 disposable probably would!

Hell, some photo sensitive paper shoved on a cardboard box with a small
hole in the front probably would! :)

> All the best,


/PGP Key available on request/
-- =

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to
make it shorter.
-- Blaise Pascal

Message 14447

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 22:07:36 +0100

On 09-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi all,
> =

>>> I only want to spend about 100 quid and need nothing fancy.
>> =

>> 100! The only one you'll be able to buy is Power's VDC100 y Mustek in
>> that case (I think). Realistically if you want a digicam for your Amig=
>> look at spending at least =A3300. But yes, it would connect to your
>> serial port (unless you get a Mavica), and no you wouldn't need a
>> special cable (it would be included).
>> =

> =

> OK, I've changed my mind after the wise (and mostly cynical ;-) advice
> from the AFB frequenters. What is a better, yet convenient way to get
> real life images into an Amiga (for use in web pages etc.)?
> =

> Maybe I should forget it all together and spend my money on some other
> kind of more useful hardware or software. Besides I need something to
> spend the last of my student grant on (beer just doesn't have that
> attraction anymore). I don't get a grant at all next year, so please
> understand how important it is that I squander it.
> =

> What would be a nice thing to buy?  Any suggestions?

A half decent camera, a few rolls of slide film (processing is normally
included in film price), and a transparancy scanner.

> --
> God, who needs a signature anyway?



/PGP Key available on request/
-- =

Anyone can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
-- Cicero

Message 14448

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 22:42:50 +0100
>It sounds like your bitrate or frequency isn't quite right. Check that
>you get the same result each time you hit the same remote button when
>in Learn mode.

Cheers Ill try that

Message 14449

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: Where's AF Website?
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 22:48:41 +0100

>Where's the AF website gone? If it has been erased, then why?

You can get to it at but there isn't much there, just a
bit of info on the latest mag and the forums.


Message 14450

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: 9 Jun 1999 21:0:34 +0100
Matt Sealey said, 

> I would say get 3.5 FIRST (be at the forefront of system updatedness!) and
> DOpus LATER.

To be at the forefront of system updatedness you should get each
product as soon as it is available. Opus is available now, 3.5 is not.

> There is only disappointment to be found when you realise
> that the only features you need out of a product are in the OS anyway.

That won't happen. There's no way they could program and test a tenth
of Opus' enhancements to Workbench in the time available.

> Sure, DOpus is great, but can you really say that it is ESSENTIAL?

No more so than a hard drive :-/

> I mean,
> I manage to live without it. It took you so long to be persuaded into using
> it

It took that long to become good enough to be considered essential.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Click..Click..Click..Damn!  Out of taglines!

Message 14451

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: 8 Jun 99 23:01:44 +0000
On Tue Jun 08 at 23:00:18, Andy Sillwood was heard muttering:

> >> I've got Chemistry module 2 at 2:30 this afternoon :-/
> >Excuse ignorance - is this University?
> >If so - are you craaaazy?
> In my case its A-Levels, I don't know about Alex though. Module 3 is Friday
> morning, and module 4 next thursday morning.
A-Level chemistry is allowed (I'm doing it myself). I though it might
be uni because in my course you do the 5 modules spread throughout
the 2 years - so only one to go (called "Materials" FYI :)
> As well as Chemistry, I'm doing maths and Physics too.
Maths is allowed (exam on Wednesday 9th!), physics is the easy way out
> Regards,
> Andy
... Mistakes are often the stepping stones to utter failure.

Message 14452

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: X, C, & V
Date: 8 Jun 99 23:10:52 +0000
According to Andrew, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: X, C, & V.

> >Does anybody know of a nice little program that can cut, copy 
> >and paste files in workbench. (Like Windoes does)

> Yes, Powersnap. It can be found on AF cd's and Aminet.

If you have MCP installed (which you should ;) there is an identical
option within that. Saves running yet another commodity!

... Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?

Message 14453

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Exam poll (WAS AF125 - It's here)
Date: 8 Jun 99 23:24:11 +0000
According to Chris, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: Exam poll (WAS AF125 - It's here).
> Hi Paul.
Hello Chris.
> > God, that was quick. I only said it half an hour ago! Why are you
> > blaming me in the poll mail though?! You actually started the poll.
> I'm not *blaming* you as such, just pointing out that it was your suggestion
> for the poll. Sorry if I offended you in that respect - it wasn't the
> intention. Aren't you proud though, to have effectively (if indirectly)
> started an AFB poll?
Yeah, it makes me proud to own an Amiga.....don't worry you didn't
offend me - I just didn't want people whinging "What's the point in
asking people that?".
> > I feel obliged to answer it now - my first one ever.
> While you're at it, you wouldn't answer my other poll, would you?
> It's about printed manuals.
I've already done the exams one (I was the second voter so I assume
you were the first). I will go back sometime, I always thought it
would take longer.
> I've only got 18 votes so far in 2 days, whereas the exams
> poll has had 14 in less than a day!
Ha ha, so it was a good idea!

>     Chrispy
... Amoebit:  Amoeba/rabbit cross; it can multiply and divide at
the same time.

Message 14454

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: 9 Jun 99 18:50:29 +0000
What are you on about, Alex Furmanski?
> Hiya
> >>> >I've got Chemistry module1 today.  In 2 hours time in fact.
> >>>
> >>> I've got Chemistry module 2 at 2:30 this afternoon :-/

> Yes mine are A-levels.  Me am doing Computing, Maths and
> Electronics as well.
As I have also replied to Andy (because your mails are never joined to
threads ;/ ) my modules in Chemistry have names and I don't do them
all at once as you appear to be. Dunno why they bother with names
though because it sounds really sad. What would you rather say you are
a) How far, how fast?     [the real name]
b) Rates and Equilibrium  [a slightly better name]

> Alex Furmanski
Paul C. (studying chemistry, maths, economics (aarghhh!) and AS
Further Maths). Oh yeah, did you know I can prove that 2=1. And
there's this way of working out days of the week for any date........
Update: Just done my Maths exam (NEAB) and it was a piece of piddle!
 ... If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?

Message 14455

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Anagrams of Amigans!
Date: 8 Jun 99 23:39:11 +0000
At 23:38:30 you said about [afb] Re: Anagrams of Amigans!:
> Hi Paul Cundle
> > And you did make the claim yourself to sending the second-most
> > mails to this list.
> And I was as surprised as you are, which is why I demanded a
> re-count.  But blow me if it didn't come out as me again!
Red Dwarf, per chance?
What do you mean 'surprised'? It's pretty obvious just looking down my
list of messages ;)
> When I get back to college, I'll try out these:
Bit of deduction here - you are doing A-Levels and are going back to
college - does that mean you are at the end of your first year?
> "Petro Tyshtywatsit, unpronouncable Amiga bloke"
Was"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange
but I'm not.
> I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what
I'll have.
> Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull
>  going to, couldn't spell it.
> "Neil Bothwick, top bearded internet bloke"
Was going to try this (well, sort of!)
> "Bill Gates, bastard"
Won't be long enough. How about, "Bill Gates, really nasty horrible
person"? Maybe not, eh?
> Alex Furmanski
... Do they sterilize the needles for lethal injections?

Message 14456

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Help!
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 09:37:30 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: fool 
Sent: 09 June 1999 23:08
Subject: [afb] Re: Help!

> > Does anyone know where I can download issues 10,12 and 13 of the old
> > diskmag,The Word from?

No, but The Word was part of Point Productions for a while there, which
I now run :)

Just thought I'd point that out


Message 14457

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: 9 Jun 99 00:15:12 +0000
MSGTO: Ferenczy
SUBJECT: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus

> Cool! I will have to check out that virus - the last one I saw was CCCP back in
> 1992, I think... That was a right pain at the time, with only Steve Tibbet's
> VirusX to fight it off with... ;-)
I'm a bit disappointed it turned out not to be a virus - I've /never/
had one since I got my miggy in early '95. I never run a checker
partly for this reason and partly because I always run out of mem.

PS. Please don't tell me "You should run a checker because...."

Paul C.
^^^ Who has just changed his signature from PC after someone pointed
out what a bad choice it was for an Amiga list :)

Message 14458

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 9 Jun 99 00:27:38 +0000
I was just going to bed, when Ben Vost wrote this and I just HAD to read it:

> Ah Esperanto is easy.
Good, I was going to learn it after my exams before I start work. And
C as well hopefully. I remember seing a review in PDselect years ago
of a tutorial disk for Esperanto and that said it was quite easy.

> > I don't know how compressed the stuff is on the floppies these
> > days, but I think the AUI way of really squeezing things on and
> > using Diskspare to get the last few extra bytes was very
> > clever! Any chance of you copying that? ;-)
> I was only kidding about the floppy. Diskspare might be a good idea,
> but you're all CD-ROM owners, what do you care? :)
Don't be silly. We all care about those few floppy users out there who
all make up part of the big Amiga family. [/me goes to throw up in
corner of room]

Paul C.
... Is it true that cannibals refuse to eat clowns cause they taste funny?

Message 14459

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 Aweb
Date: 9 Jun 99 00:33:58 +0000
According to Neil, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: OS3.5 Aweb.

> Banking sites that use JavaScript but not Java now seems to work with
> AWeb and the latest MiamiSSL.

Has anyone managed to get into Egg? I click on the relevant link and
get a "Connection refused - reset by peer" using Voyager. I'd be
grateful if someone could try it out (you don't need an account with
them to visit the first link). I would try Aweb but that needs the
MiamiSSL thing which I think you can't use on the demo of Miami.

> Neil
Paul C.

> Would a fly without wings be called a walk?
Scraping the barrel, Neil?
    Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
    John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
    Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
    John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
    The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters. Both were
       particularly concerned with civil rights.
    Both wives lost children while living in the White House.
    Both were shot in the head.
    Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
    Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln.
    Both were assassinated by Southerners.
    Both were succeeded by Southerners.
    Both successors were named Johnson.
    Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
    Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
    John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln was born in 1839.
    Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy was born in 1939.
    Both assassins were known by their three names.
    Both names compromise fifteen letters.
    Booth ran from the theater and was caught in a warehouse.
    Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater.
    Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.
    A week before Lincoln was shot he was in Monroe, Maryland.
    A week before Kennedy was shot he was in Marilyn Monroe.

Sorry for the long tagline - but I thought it was good. Won't happen
again, mister.

Message 14460

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: 9 Jun 99 19:19:22 +0000
I was just going to bed, when Alex Furmanski wrote this and I just HAD to read it:

> Just reading Eyetech's ad in AF and something occurred to me that has never done
> so before:  All (most) of Eyetech's products are called "EZ-" something.  Is
> this supposed to be pronounced "easy", "e-zed", "ez" or what?

I always read it as "e-zed" but "easy" sounds more likely eg.
This brings me to a request I've meant to ask for ages for AF:
Can you do a little bit somewhere on "How to pronounce things" Some
example would be
SCSI (scuzzy)
Vost (ie rhymes with cost not toast)
HTML (is it H.T.M.L or htmul?)

Actually, I can't think of any good ones at the moment. Only SCSI.
Ne'er mind, eh?

> Alex Furmanski
Paul C.
... A picture is worth 1,000 words -- but only those to describe the picture.
      Hardly any sets of 1,000 words can be adequately described with pictures.

Message 14461

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: 9 Jun 99 19:44:01 +0000
On Wed Jun 09 at 19:43:13, Colin Buchanan was heard muttering:
> Hi all,
> I have recently decided that I must have a digital camera=2E
> I know there are a few versions of digital camera software out there=2E  =
Taking this into account, can anyone recommend a suitable camera?  Has anyo=
ne got one that they're satisfied with?  And is the software actually any g=
> I only want to spend about 100 quid and need nothing fancy=2E

In the latest issue of T3 there's a letter about a cartridge which can
be slotted into the film-holder of any 35mm camera - good if you
already have a decent SLR with lots of lenses and stuff=2E
Don't know if it would work with the Amiga and they don't give a
price=2E All they say is its the EFS-1 cartridge by Imagek=2E Holds 30
pics with 1=2E3million pixels each=2E Phone 001 714 549 8211=2E
There are some digital camera reviews but they seem to cost about
=A3500-600=2E Have a flick through in the newsagents (but again you might
have trouble linking them to the Amiga)=2E

Any use to you?
They've also got some goggles (like virtual reality ones) which
simulate a 52" screen only 2 metres away!!! Oh, and a plasma TV for

> Colin Buchanan
Paul C=2E
=2E=2E=2E Why is the alphabet in that order, is it because of that song?

Message 14462

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: 9 Jun 99 00:42:48 +0000
According to Neil, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?.
> Ben Vost said, 
> > Oh great. Another ISP acronym...
> IKWYM. These TLAs and ETLAs are a PITA. IMHO TLA users should be
For anyone who doesn't know what Neil meant, here is a translation:
I Killed William's Yappy Mongrel. These Telephone Licensing
Associations and External Telephone Licensing Agents are a Pretty
Interesting Type, Actually. Incredibly, Mini-Hitler Organisations
That Lose Actual users should be Fed Anything That Hairy Wolves Try To
Remove Carefully. Yeltsin Momentarily Managed Violence.

I'll shut up now.

Paul C.
... Why is "the end" written at the end of books? Isn't it obvious when
      the words stop?

Message 14463

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Reminder: AF on sale!
Date: 9 Jun 99 23:07:24 +0000
At 23:06:43 you said about [afb] Re: Reminder: AF on sale!:
> Hi Paul,
> >> Description: AF125 on sale today (July 1999)
> > Wow, really helpful. Shouldn't the date be a bit more specific than
> > "July"?
> It's the July issue, the message says on sale today - what more do you need
> to know?
Would be nice to know how many pages news will get, most likely top
story, colour of title, number of graphics, number of funny remarks...
Actually, I was just being picky. It's obvious what date from the
date the message was sent.
> >> Deadline day for news items for our tenth birthday issue - AF126.
> > Hey? You mean everything in the news of next issue will be stuff
> > that's happened *before* today? Thank God for the internet.
> No, but I do mean that if you have a news story you want to be sure
> is included, it should be in by now.
Okey doke.

> Ben Vost
Paul C.
... If you try to fail and succeed, which have you done?

Message 14464

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 9 Jun 99 23:12:08 +0000
MSGTO: Ben Vost
SUBJECT: [afb] Re: Subs mag
> Hi Paul,

> > Cheaper phone calls, cheaper postage.... it ain't fair :(
> No free healthcare
It's not free here - what about taxes?
> rampant unemployment
I'm allowed to ignore that - I'm a student (until September)
> Maybe it's fairer than you think?
> >> I quite agree, especially seeing as I spend a large proportion of my
> > waking hours actually working on the sodding thing.
> > Shock, horror! Newsflash: Amiga mag Editor reveals secret hate of
> > working in the Amiga market.
> Not at all, it just takes a lot of effort is all.
And much appreciated: Three cheers: Hip hip......
Paul C.
I wouldn't be paranoid if everyone didn't pick on me.

Message 14465

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Hello!?
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 15:17:50 -0700 (PDT)
Are my mails getting through? Its just that no one
ever answers me :(

Am I that boring?!

Do my mails smell or something?

I'm a nice guy, I like the Amiga, I have opinions, i
can buy some email-deoderant! :)

Message 14466

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Hello!?
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 10:29:36 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle 
Sent: 09 June 1999 23:17
Subject: [afb] Hello!?

> Are my mails getting through? Its just that no one
> ever answers me :(

Yep, they're getting through.

> Am I that boring?!
> Do my mails smell or something?
> I'm a nice guy, I like the Amiga, I have opinions, i
> can buy some email-deoderant! :)

Perhaps it's that you're so much more intelligent
than everyone on this list that no-one can ever think
of anything to say to match your infinite wisdom? :)


PS. Nice email address BTW :)

Message 14467

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 9 Jun 99 23:17:00 +0000
MSGTO: Ben Vost
SUBJECT: [afb] Re: Subs mag
> Hi Paul,
Hello again,
> > Half of the stuff appeared on the CD as well anyway, either that month
> > or the month after. 
> It shouldn't be that issue, but it may have appeared the issue after.
> > Could you possibly put your real name in your home email-address
> > please? 
> Nope,

> Ben Vost 
Paul C.
You will be a winner today.  Pick a fight with a four-year-old.

Message 14468

Subject: [afb] POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 22:22:51 -0000
I don't think we've had a single poll yet which members haven't ripped
apart and whinged about so I'm trying to come up with one you can't
argue with (though saying that means someone will!)

Please select one of the following:

   o Male
   o Female
   o Hermaphrodite
   o Neither male nor female
   o Don't know

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 14469

From: Alan Day
Subject: [afb] Unmetered calls
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 23:52:24 +0100
There was a parliamentary debate today (Wed), about the internet,
e-commerce, per-minute charges.
One MP let slip that a major telco will be making announcements within
weeks and that unmetered calls will be available within three
months.("At a premium")
And that high-speed "permanently on" services will also be available
a.k.a ADSL.
:) :)

Alan Day - Dumfries & Galloway,  Scotland,  UK
Team AMIGA                   ICQ uin  23996342 

A member of CUT - Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications
( in the UK ) please register your support for UNMETERED calls at

Message 14470

Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 22:58:34 -0000

 <7jlo5o$> wrote: 
Original Article:
> Hi all,

> OK, I've changed my mind 
> What would be a nice thing to buy?  Any suggestions?
I would still advise the digital camera, just don't buy a cheap one. The Kodak DC220 (I think that is the model) gives excellent results. 

All the best,


Message 14471

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Re: Reminder AF on sale
Date: 9 Jun 99 23:44:17 +0000
On Wed, 9 Jun 1999 21:10:45 +0100, Glen Stansfield wibbled...

> I put up with it because they are the only people around here that can
> actually be bothered to stock it. I would subscribe but like Mark Catchpole
> (AF125) I too feel the dilemma. Should I reduce the newsagent sales and
> ultimately lose the sight of AF on the shelves or should I continue to
> receive my copy one week later? 

Why not do what I do and get your local newsagen to order a copy in for you
and keep it on Shop Save? Only one copy needs to be ordered, you don't have
the hassle of trying to find it, and he gets a guranteed sale.

Everybody's happy. Except Ben, who'd obviously prefer you get a
subscription ;)

*The original Wibble based website (please note the word 'original' is a lie)*
        == *NEW URL!!*
             *The newest unwritten satirical Talk Radio website*
=============================== ICQ: 28589940 ================================

Message 14472

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 00:21:08 +0100
>I don't think we've had a single poll yet which members haven't ripped
>apart and whinged about so I'm trying to come up with one you can't
>argue with (though saying that means someone will!)
>Please select one of the following:
>   o Male
>   o Female
>   o Hermaphrodite
>   o Neither male nor female
>   o Don't know

didnt we have a sex poll a week or 2 back - im sure i amswered one

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes       
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 14473

From: "Oliver Roberts"
Subject: [afb] Re: Where's AF Website?
Date: 10 Jun 99 00:52:52 +0100
On 09-Jun-99 20:10:15 BST, Ian Shurmer wrote:

> Being (very) new to the 'net, one of the first sites that I wanted to
> visit was that of AF. However, arriving at the Future Publishing site, I
> found that I couldn't view it using Voyager, which I think was due to my
> browser not being able to run MS VBScript. However, I tried to view the
> site on my brother's (Spit!) P.C., but to my suprises I couldn't find the
> AF site  anywhere! 
> Where's the AF website gone? If it has been erased, then why?
> If I'm completely overlooking it's location, then could someone inform me
> of it's whereabouts?

There's also some bits'n'bobs at

 Oliver Roberts   /~\ ___(~)__ __  |~~~/~|          UIN: 34640231
  Norwich, UK    | o | ' |~/. /. | | ~|| |
                 |_|_|_M_|_\_,\__; |_| |_|
 Amiga Developer           |__/  

 Amiga F1GP Mailing List ==> To:; "subscribe amigaf1gp"

Message 14474

From: Bob Rickman
Subject: [afb] Netconnect 2 Mailing list
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 17:42:10 +0100
Hello all,

Can someone kindly confirm to me the address of the Netconnect 2 mailing =
list. I subscribed with but have received no postin=
gs for several weeks, and wonder if this is still current. I sent a simil=
ar request
some 20 hours ago which appears to have disappeared into the ether;-)

Thanks for any help.

-- =

Bob Rickman
Devon UK

Message 14475

From: David Jackson
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 01:35:41 +0000
> OK, I've changed my mind after the wise (and mostly cynical ;-) advice =
> the AFB frequenters.  What is a better, yet convenient way to get real =
> images into an Amiga (for use in web pages etc.)?  =

> =

Have you thought about a Pro-Grab 24 RT Plus, grab 16.7 million colours i=
real time from any existing video source e.g. Camcorder video recorder e.=
All for =A399.99 =


All the best =


Some people hope to achieve immortality through their works or their
children.  I would prefer to achieve it by not dying.
-- Woody Allen

Message 14476

Subject: [afb] Re: How to sell 10 million AmigaNG's in the first year....
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 01:32:59 +0000
Hi all,

QIII Arena would be nice. Even if there aren`t more than a 
fractional amount of Amigas that could run it. Slowly.  All that 
would be needed after that would be an arsenal of s/ware superior to 
the industry-standard tools and toys that make an entry-level PC so 
My personal PPC killer-apps would also include:

* A L***s Notes clone
* A _realtime_ soft synth a la Generator

Any other ideas?


p.s. liz@pagansoft - `allo mate!!!!!

486 DX4/100 12mb, 520+240MB HD & WinUAE...

Message 14477

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: 10 Jun 99 02:16:36 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Ben Vost wrote on Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:53:38 +0100 about [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?

Hi Ben Vost

> > But doesn't this replace the original Cross Dos, I'm not even sure if
> > I have voted or not now:)
> It does, but I'll ask again. Do you actually run the commodity or just the
> DOSdriver?

I run it as the commodity, well at least I have it starting from

Weather or not it's setup right is another matter;)

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14478

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: 10 Jun 99 02:19:18 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Matt Sealey wrote on Wed, 9 Jun 1999 12:51:39 +0100 about [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens

Hi Matt Sealey

> > Have you tried MooVid? It's a player that will play both AVI and QT movies
> > is regularly updated and handles quite a lot of codecs.
> Ah, but does it do Indeo?

If you register it, yes I believe it does :)

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14479

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: It sticks out!!!
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 16:28:34 +0000
Hello Matt

On 08-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Angled? You mean like the 90degree PCMCIA adapters are "angled"?

Yup, thats the kind i'm on about. If they exist that is.


Here's to Living Single, Seeing Double, and jumping triples.

A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD + Muchos' Coffee...
*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 14480

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: It sticks out!!!
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 16:38:10 +0000
Hello Phil

On 08-Jun-99, you wrote:

> I can think of another way, buy a tower !

Not a bad idea, except I haven't got much room. And I don't need planning
permision for a desktop case ;-)  I mean, those towers are HUGE... Plus I've
had bad experiences with towers when I tried to put my A1200 in one. I'll
say one word... Mikronik... (shudder)..

Cheers though, same to the other person who suggested getting a tower.



A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD + Muchos' Coffee...
*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 14481

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:19:27 +0100
Hi Paul,

>> IKWYM. These TLAs and ETLAs are a PITA. IMHO TLA users should be
> For anyone who doesn't know what Neil meant, here is a translation:
> I Killed William's Yappy Mongrel. These Telephone Licensing
> Associations and External Telephone Licensing Agents are a Pretty
> Interesting Type, Actually. Incredibly, Mini-Hitler Organisations
> That Lose Actual users should be Fed Anything That Hairy Wolves Try To
> Remove Carefully. Yeltsin Momentarily Managed Violence.

Excellent. Perhaps we ought to disseminate a dictionary of made-up TLAs to
really confuse net newbies? :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
      I don't have any solution, 
   but I certainly admire the problem.

Message 14482

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: image cataloguing
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:20:30 +0100
Hi Ken,

>    I was looking through this months issue of AF and saw about PD select
> and image cataloguing system called photo Folio. I'm after a said bit of
> software to use on my stored pic' files on my HD. Have there been any
> give aways on your past CD's or subs disks or what about aminet does
> anyone know of a good one. I just want to see what's on all my saved
> images quickly instead of loading them all up (as the bigger ones can
> take time) only finger nail size will do, a sort of data base type.

There are absolutely loads of applications like this. Check out aminet.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
    I'll try anything once too often

Message 14483

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: A2000 Accelerators
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:22:46 +0100

> I have recently got an A2000 to go with my A1200.
> I was wondering what ypes of accelerators are available for the A2000,
> and which ones are the best/most reliable.

You won't find many around right now, not if you're based in the UK anyway.
Wait for the Blizzard 20x0 boards to come out again and get one of those.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
 ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI

Message 14484

From: "james"
Subject: [afb] Re: Request for a piece of clipart
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:19:04 +0100
> I have been asked to do a special job (very quickly) for a charity which
> requires some colour images of funeral wreaths and a greyscale image of a
> churchyard stone cross. 

There was a pic of a stone cross sent in to AF a few months 
back. I don't know which issue though.


Message 14485

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Where's AF Website?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:26:32 +0100
Hi Ian,

> If I'm completely overlooking it's location, then could someone inform me
> of it's whereabouts?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14486

From: Duncan Race
Subject: [afb] Fusion/PCX PPC
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 01:28:49 PDT
Microcode solutions are asking for anyone who is interested in the PPC 
versions of these programs to register their intention at their website 
(  If they get 500 people willing to pre order 
for each they will begin work on them.

So far they appear to be about half way there but the deadline is in 3 

Info also at the Blittersoft website..

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Message 14487

Subject: [afb] Re: It sticks out sideways!!!
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 08:30:11 -0000
Original Article:
> Hello Phil
> On 08-Jun-99, you wrote:
> > I can think of another way, buy a tower !

No! An even Better Idea: Get a cardboard box!

No, seriously, instead of getting a box and trying to put a computer in it, get a computer and find a box to go around it. That way, you're less likely to have space problems... sortof

-A Timiney

Message 14488

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:28:36 +0100
Hi Paul,

> This brings me to a request I've meant to ask for ages for AF:
> Can you do a little bit somewhere on "How to pronounce things" Some
> example would be
> SCSI (scuzzy)
> Vost (ie rhymes with cost not toast)
> EZ-...
> XPK 

(ecks pee kay)

> HTML (is it H.T.M.L or htmul?)

(aitch tee emm ell)


(ay gee ay)



> Actually, I can't think of any good ones at the moment. Only SCSI.
> Ne'er mind, eh?

How's those?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Amiga Format - The worldwide mag for
          *all* Amiga owners.

Message 14489

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:33:30 +0100
Hi Kevin,

> I posted mine in today, first class no less! Okay I filled it in in 2 mins
> while rushing thru some major work. And realised i screwed a couple of q's
> up (I need glasses, I should get some soon) but hell, it's in the post!

Good. See, everyone? It only takes 2 mins (if you can see, that is :)

> And they taught you Esperanto? Was it a public school?

No, I was a grammar school oik.
>> Yup, somewhere in the UK. I sent away for the materials for it. It
>> doesn't really need a course taught in school proper - it wouldn't take a
>> year to learn, let alone three. Mind you, it would probably be a good
>> idea, since if everyone spoke Esperanto, it would make communication with
>> non-English, western European people so much easier.

> You mean you don't just go "DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH? I SAID, DO YOU ..
> SPEAK-ER ... EN - GER - LISH?"

Unfortunately, unless you know the native language of the country you are in
you probably do since practically nobody speaks Esperanto. :(

> Seriously, I guess it wasn't a school sponsored thing then and was
> inspired home-education on behalf of parents/guardians?

My own idea entirely. I guess the impetus was the Stainless Steel Rat books
by Harry Harrison. The hero speaks Esperanto, an artificial language
invented in 1913 (I think) by a guy called Professor Zamenhof.

>> Ah well, don't watch Red Dwarf, it got too boring after about the third
>> series.

> it still hasn't picked up, but there's at least two really funny jokes per
> series!

Presumably they aren't the ones about curry-stained pants or Rimmer's
incompetence... :|
> Hmmm, how much of the disk is taken up by the files needed to boot wb?

About 10%
>> Ha! I wish. You mean it would be more money for the bottom line...

> *Sigh* There goes my hopes and dreams of a free Swedish au pair with every
> issue ...

If only...
All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14490

Subject: [afb] Re: Reminder AF on sale
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 08:37:04 -0000
Original Article:
> On Wed, 9 Jun 1999 21:10:45 +0100, Glen Stansfield wibbled...
> > I put up with it because they are the only people around here that can
> > actually be bothered to stock it. I would subscribe but like Mark Catchpole
> > (AF125) I too feel the dilemma. Should I reduce the newsagent sales and
> > ultimately lose the sight of AF on the shelves or should I continue to
> > receive my copy one week later? 
> Why not do what I do and get your local newsagen to order a copy in for you
> and keep it on Shop Save? Only one copy needs to be ordered, you don't have
> the hassle of trying to find it, and he gets a guranteed sale.
> Everybody's happy. Except Ben, who'd obviously prefer you get a
> subscription ;)

Well, if you have enough money, maybe you should subscribe _and_ buy AF from the shops? Then, in 20 years time, you can sell your duplicate copies as antiques; a reminder of the good(?) old days.

If you dopn't have enough money, try encouraging others to buy an amiga (should you not be doing this anyway?) then suggest that they buy AF. Sales won't drop in your newsagent when you get a subscription (since your friends will be buying AF of the shelf until they realise what a brilliant magazine it is).

-Alex Timiney

"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal labotomy!" - from 'the Existential Blues'

Message 14491

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:35:03 +0100
Hi Paul,

> In the latest issue of T3 there's a letter about a cartridge which can
> be slotted into the film-holder of any 35mm camera - good if you
> already have a decent SLR with lots of lenses and stuff.
> Don't know if it would work with the Amiga and they don't give a
> price. All they say is its the EFS-1 cartridge by Imagek. Holds 30
> pics with 1.3million pixels each. Phone 001 714 549 8211.
> There are some digital camera reviews but they seem to cost about
> =A3500-600. Have a flick through in the newsagents (but again you might=

> have trouble linking them to the Amiga).

Unfortunately it still seems to be vapour ware - I heard about this early=

last year and thought it was a great idea, but nothing seems to have been=

done with it...

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Are you on our Amiga Angels list yet?
        Help your fellow Amigan!

Message 14492

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:40:09 +0100

> I don't think we've had a single poll yet which members haven't ripped
> apart and whinged about so I'm trying to come up with one you can't
> argue with (though saying that means someone will!)

Me! Me! There's already a poll that asks that...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
I'd like to change the world, 
but they won't give me the source code.

Message 14493

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Reminder AF on sale
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:42:14 +0100
Hi Daniel,

> Why not do what I do and get your local newsagen to order a copy in for=

> you and keep it on Shop Save? Only one copy needs to be ordered, you do=
> have the hassle of trying to find it, and he gets a guranteed sale.

> Everybody's happy. Except Ben, who'd obviously prefer you get a
> subscription ;)

I don't mind at all, it's just that you'd only pay about =A33.40 per issu=
e if
you subscribed compared to six quid if you don't, that's all.

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14494

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Where's AF Website?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:42:50 +0100
Hi Oliver,


> There's also some bits'n'bobs at

No they go to the same place now, and we'll probably ditch the amiganet
domain anyway.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Get your news first through Amiga Format
With 13 issues a year we're the best.

Message 14495

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:44:07 +0100
Hi Phil,

>> It does, but I'll ask again. Do you actually run the commodity or just
>> the DOSdriver?

> I run it as the commodity, well at least I have it starting from
> WBStartup:)

That's not what I mean. You may have PC0: in your WBSTartup (which is wrong
btw, it should be in Devs:DOSDrivers), but do you use the actual "CrossDOS"
text manipulation commodity?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Amiga - Not different for difference's
   sake, different because it's better.

Message 14496

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Request for a piece of clipart
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:45:39 +0100
Hi james,

> There was a pic of a stone cross sent in to AF a few months 
> back. I don't know which issue though.

It wasn't long ago, AF122? it was by a guy called Ogy if you just want to
look on the CD.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Try this:

Message 14497

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCX PPC
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:46:07 +0100
Hi Duncan,

> So far they appear to be about half way there but the deadline is in 3 =

> days...........

I thought it was July 13th?

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  a m=F6bius tagline.  this is a m=F6bius tag
 line.  this is a m=F6bius tagline.  this is

Message 14498

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Guess what?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:52:19 +0100

Last night we actually broke the 200 message barrier. Let's cut it down

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14499

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: A1200 zorro board
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:57:17 +0100

> Gareth asked
> > Having been on the amiga for some time now, i would like to add some
sort of
> > zorro expansion to my a1200 eyetech tower, would anyone know where i
could buy
> > one.
> I think Power Computing does one. For sure one of the advertisers in AF do
> I saw it in a current issue.  You will need a tower though...

Christ Almighty our Saviour! Are people around here STUPID?

First someone asks where they can get a Zorro Board for their EYETECH

Then someone replies saying Power do one, but they'll NEED A TOWER

No wonder I get so pissed off. If people are really that lazy and/or stupid
I think I'll buy a G3 Mac for my next machine and leave you all to it.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14500

Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCX PPC
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:03:13 -0000
> > So far they appear to be about half way there but the deadline is in 3 
> > days...........
> I thought it was July 13th?

Hi Ben, just checked their website and it does say June 13th.. it would be good if they did extend it to July !!!


Message 14501

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens
Date: 10 Jun 99 02:24:13 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Ben Vost wrote on Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:09:54 +0100 about [afb] Re: Animations on RTG screens

Hi Ben Vost

> Yeah, you can't play the Star Wars Trailer on moovid anyway at the moment
> seeing as it's been encoded in QT3/4...

You can if you have a friend who has put his cam-corder upto his PC
screen and video'd it off and converted it to AVI and then copied it
back across using a Zip disk and it came out as only 58MB aswell, not
bad quality too and No I'm not sending it !

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14502

From: "Andy Sillwood"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: 10 Jun 99 07:42:30 +0100
On 09-Jun-99 22:03:20, Andy Kinsella ( wrote:

>Cack handers wear watches on their right hands so that they can manipulate
>the buttons and stuff with the good hand.

OI! Who you calling cack-handed?? :-)

Whats wrong with being left-handed?



Andrew Sillwood - ICQ:13697313 - Free Internet Access

Message 14503

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Reminder AF on sale
Date: 10 Jun 1999 0:55:37 +0100
Glen Stansfield said, 

> From: Neil Bothwick 

>>No, because I use a proper newsagent rather than W H Smiths. What's
>>the point in putting up with the lower quality service of a "magazine
>>supermarket" when you don't get the lower prices to go with it?

> I put up with it because they are the only people around here that can
> actually be bothered to stock it.

Any newsagent worthy of the name will order it in for you.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
"RAM DISK is NOT an installation procedure!"

Message 14504

From: "Andy Sillwood"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: 10 Jun 99 07:55:01 +0100
On 09-Jun-99 19:50:29, Paul Cundle ( wrote:

>As I have also replied to Andy (because your mails are never joined to
>threads ;/ )

It that mine, or Alex's?

>Update: Just done my Maths exam (NEAB) and it was a piece of piddle!

I did Edexcel (London) pure maths 1 and 2 yesterday, and everyone thought they
were terrible...



Andrew Sillwood - ICQ:13697313 - Free Internet Access

Message 14505

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: 10 Jun 1999 0:49:14 +0100
Andy Kinsella said, 

> Wrist watches did not exist in those days. Cack handers wear watches on
> their right hands so that they can manipulate the buttons and stuff with
> the good hand.

It dates back to before watches had buttons. The reason is to avoid it
catching on things, getting knocked or just getting in the way. I'm
left-handed and used to wear my watches on my left wrist, I was
forever damaging the things. Once I switched it to mu right wrist I
saved a fortune.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Why is the word abbreviation so long?

Message 14506

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Guess what?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:10:22 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ben Vost 
To: AFB mailing list 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 1999 9:52 AM
Subject: [afb] Guess what?

> Hi,
> Last night we actually broke the 200 message barrier. Let's cut it down
> okay?

He said with huge trails of 10 or more messages behind him..

The culprits are (from the messages I have here)

Ben Vost
Sam Byford
John Hart
Andy (and Andrew) Mills
Alex Furmanski

and of course, me :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Me (to a lesser extent)

Message 14507

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:12:21 +0100

> On 09-Jun-99 22:03:20, Andy Kinsella ( wrote:
> >Cack handers wear watches on their right hands so that they
> >can manipulate the buttons and stuff with the good hand.
> OI! Who you calling cack-handed?? :-)
> Whats wrong with being left-handed?

The word 'mutant' springs to mind.. :)

Seriously, nothing's wrong with being left handed
unless you LIKE being in a minority and love putting
up with Right-Handed ways.

Oh, and having hideous scrawls for handwriting..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14508

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Guess what?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:11:33 +0100
Hi Matt,

>> Last night we actually broke the 200 message barrier. Let's cut it down
>> okay?

> He said with huge trails of 10 or more messages behind him..

Absolutely, but I try not to start new threads on this list so I'm only
responding to other people, then we have the complete waste of space topics
on here...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14509

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:12:15 +0100
Hi Matt,

> Seriously, nothing's wrong with being left handed
> unless you LIKE being in a minority and love putting
> up with Right-Handed ways.

Sounds a bit like being an Amiga owner to me...

> Oh, and having hideous scrawls for handwriting..

I have that and I'm right-handed.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14510

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Left handed-ness (was: Calling Mr. Vost)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:22:05 +0100

> The word 'mutant' springs to mind.. :)

hehe. Exactly the same joke I used on my girlfriend (ahem :)
(To sam brookes... yes, she is left handed before you ask :)

> Seriously, nothing's wrong with being left handed
> unless you LIKE being in a minority and love putting
> up with Right-Handed ways.

Well, they can't help being left handed :)

> Oh, and having hideous scrawls for handwriting..

Most people I know who are left handed have the hideously
scrawly hand writing, I think the only one who doesn't have
is my girlfriend... Hell, I have scrawly hand writing, and I'm 
right handed


Message 14511

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:20:08 +0100
> Hi Matt,

I vote we ban stupid threads from now on..

> > Seriously, nothing's wrong with being left handed
> > unless you LIKE being in a minority and love putting
> > up with Right-Handed ways.
> Sounds a bit like being an Amiga owner to me...

No! Now that you've mentioned an Amiga, you've
validated the existence of the thread for another
week! :)

> > Oh, and having hideous scrawls for handwriting..
> I have that and I'm right-handed.

At least we have the choice of having nice handwriting
or not. The fact that we can use Fountain Pens without
smudging the damn things is great..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14512

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:23:29 +0100
> > Seriously, nothing's wrong with being left handed
> > unless you LIKE being in a minority and love putting
> > up with Right-Handed ways.
> Sounds a bit like being an Amiga owner to me...

Hmmm. it does now you come to mention it. Ho-hum :)

> > Oh, and having hideous scrawls for handwriting..
> I have that and I'm right-handed.

I've just said this. That's the problem with typing an email
while new emails arrive :)


Message 14513

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Guess what?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:24:54 +0100
> Hi,
> Last night we actually broke the 200 message barrier. Let's cut it down
> okay?

Great. I'm really going for it today :) I need about 40-50 mails to catch
up to the nearest person in the list in the postings-chart :) Of course,
I've got a 4 hour break starting soon, so that won't help.


PS. Don't worry. I'm not going to flood the place with crap :)

Message 14514

Subject: [afb] Re: Left handed-ness (was: Calling Mr. Vost)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:27:00 -0000
 <> wrote: 
Original Article:

> > 
> > Oh, and having hideous scrawls for handwriting..
> > 
> Most people I know who are left handed have the hideously
> scrawly hand writing, I think the only one who doesn't have
> is my girlfriend... Hell, I have scrawly hand writing, and I'm 
> right handed

I've heard  one problem lefties save with writing let to right is that
they have to move their hand over what they just wrote, smudging the text.
For this reason some lefties write right to left.
Just in case this hasn't gone OT enough yet, a dog bit me last week....

Message 14515

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Request for a piece of clipart
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:31:35 +0100
Sorry, don't have the original message at college, so I can't include it.


It's got a few links to other sites. Dunno if it'll have anything of
interest though.


Message 14516

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Left handed-ness (was: Calling Mr. Vost)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:34:09 +0100
> I've heard  one problem lefties save with writing let to right is that
> they have to move their hand over what they just wrote, smudging the
> For this reason some lefties write right to left.

I did notice that. She has to put effort in to avoid this. 

> Just in case this hasn't gone OT enough yet, a dog bit me last week....

Did it hurt?


PS. Ok, maybe this is classed as crap, but it's the last one (hopefully)

Message 14517

Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:35:50 -0000
 <001201beb2ce$c291e160$175b883-@------> wrote: 
Original Article:
> didnt we have a sex poll a week or 2 back - im sure i amswered one

That was mine. I'm ending it now so you can all go and mess up the new one
instead. ;)

I'm trying to make a good example here actually. The poll page is full of
old polls and takes ages to load on a small connection, so anyone with the
power to shorten it (i.e. running old polls) please do so.

Message 14518

From: " Poll Results"
Subject: [afb] Voting Results: SEX! (Got your attention didn't it?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:37:35 -0000
Here are the results of the vote:

1. Female			1
2. Male but I play a female on the net			2
3. None of your business!			3
4. What are you talking about? Can't you see I am a computer!			5
5. Male			41

See the results at

Message 14519

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: SEX! (Got your attention didn't it?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:43:03 +0100
> Here are the results of the vote:
> 1. Female			1

Awww :) only one? There'll be two (at least) in the next poll.

> 2. Male but I play a female on the net			2

Great :)

> 3. None of your business!			3


> 4. What are you talking about? Can't you see I am a computer!			5

Ooh. Lets guess who these are then :)

> 5. Male			41

Wonder what the AF Survey results will be like then? :)


Message 14520

Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: SEX! (Got your attention di
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:41:26 -0000
Original Article:
> Here are the results of the vote:
> 1. Female			1

Bet she feels special... or just lonely.

> 3. None of your business!			3

 That was the trick option. If you don't want to answer, why did you
    answer that you didn't want to answer?

Message 14521

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:45:21 +0100
> > didnt we have a sex poll a week or 2 back - im sure i amswered one
> That was mine. I'm ending it now so you can all go and mess up the new
> instead. ;)
> I'm trying to make a good example here actually. The poll page is full of
> old polls and takes ages to load on a small connection, so anyone with
> power to shorten it (i.e. running old polls) please do so.

Yes, or if you want to make it so it gives the email addy of the people who
vote, make it a closed vote. It takes far too much space and looks dog ugly
too :)


Message 14522

Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:52:22 -0000
> > What would be a nice thing to buy?  Any suggestions?
> A half decent camera, a few rolls of slide film (processing is normally
> included in film price), and a transparancy scanner.

You know how much a film scanner costs?!!

Its taken three years for our college to finally agree to pay out the cost of two of the damn things.  And then they only bought 35mm ones! (But the medium format film scanner and they can handle 35mm as well).

Bloody Joke!


Message 14523

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:52:31 +0100

> You know how much a film scanner costs?!!

There's a difference between a drum film scanner and a transparency adaptor
for a cheapie flatbed scanner, one on the order of several thousand

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14524

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: 10 Jun 1999 10:38:1 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

> According to Neil, there's something good going on and it's

>> IKWYM. These TLAs and ETLAs are a PITA. IMHO TLA users should be

> For anyone who doesn't know what Neil meant, here is a translation:
> I Killed William's Yappy Mongrel. These Telephone Licensing
> Associations and External Telephone Licensing Agents are a Pretty
> Interesting Type, Actually. Incredibly, Mini-Hitler Organisations
> That Lose Actual users should be Fed Anything That Hairy Wolves Try To
> Remove Carefully. Yeltsin Momentarily Managed Violence.

You have *far* too much free time. Can I suggest you see if your house
has a thing called a "front door". If so, have a look and see what's
on the other side of it.


Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Last yur I kudnt spel modjerater now I are won.

Message 14525

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: 10 Jun 1999 10:45:1 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

> I'm a bit disappointed it turned out not to be a virus - I've /never/
> had one since I got my miggy in early '95. I never run a checker

If you never run a virus checker, how do you know you've never had a

The only one I got was from a magazine cover disk :-O

> PS. Please don't tell me "You should run a checker because...."

Virus checkers are a PITA. I scan my drives every week or two but
don't like the hassle of having one running all the time. It jumps at
too many shadows on a heavily patched system.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Few women admit their age.  Few men act theirs.

Message 14526

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 Aweb
Date: 10 Jun 1999 10:41:54 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

> According to Neil, there's something good going on and it's
> something to do with [afb] Re: OS3.5 Aweb.

>> Banking sites that use JavaScript but not Java now seems to work with
>> AWeb and the latest MiamiSSL.

> Has anyone managed to get into Egg? I click on the relevant link and
> get a "Connection refused - reset by peer" using Voyager. I'd be
> grateful if someone could try it out (you don't need an account with
> them to visit the first link). I would try Aweb but that needs the
> MiamiSSL thing which I think you can't use on the demo of Miami.

You need the full versions of Miami and AWeb to use MiamiSSL with
AWeb. AFAIR that combination worked fine with the Egg site when I was
there a couple of months ago.

>> Would a fly without wings be called a walk?
> Scraping the barrel, Neil?

A fly without wings can only reach the bottom of the barrel...

>     A week before Lincoln was shot he was in Monroe, Maryland.
>     A week before Kennedy was shot he was in Marilyn Monroe.

Seen before, but it's still a good'un

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Advanced: (adj.) doesn't work yet, but it's pretty close. See: bug, glitch.

Message 14527

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: 10 Jun 1999 10:48:22 +0100
paulc said, 

> I don't think we've had a single poll yet which members haven't ripped
> apart and whinged about so I'm trying to come up with one you can't
> argue with (though saying that means someone will!)
> ----

> Please select one of the following:

>    o Male
>    o Female
>    o Hermaphrodite
>    o Neither male nor female
>    o Don't know

What about Transexual?


Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Stupidity is NOT a handicap. You'll have to park elsewhere.

Message 14528

Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:58:42 -0000
> Please select one of the following:
>    o Male
>    o Female
>    o Hermaphrodite
>    o Neither male nor female
>    o Don't know
stupid question - but what is a hermaphrodite?   (is it a non-sexed human, or
someone who can change between female and male (like some animals)?)


Message 14529

Subject: [afb] AFB Age Range
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:02:03 -0000
Does everyone think its time I deleted the AFB Age range Poll? 
Or are there still people out there who havnt voted?
Any ideas on what to do with the data gathered yey far?


Message 14530

Subject: [afb] Re: Guess what?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:05:48 -0000
> He said with huge trails of 10 or more messages behind him..
> The culprits are (from the messages I have here)
> Ben Vost
> Sam Byford
> John Hart
> Andy (and Andrew) Mills
> Alex Furmanski
> and of course, me :)
> -- 
> Matt Sealey 

Yay!  Call me Bifford though allright?
Honestly though, I'm trying to keep my mails down.
Look on the bright side though:  Give it two weeks and there wont be a single mail from me for nigh on FOUR MONTHS!  (Uni closes for summer doncha know!).  So unless I pop along to Guildford to use their cybercafe you wont be hearing from me to October.

I'm just making sure you dont forget me until then....


Message 14531

Subject: [afb] Re: Left handed-ness (was: Calling Mr. Vost)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:09:54 -0000
 > > Seriously, nothing's wrong with being left handed
> > unless you LIKE being in a minority and love putting
> > up with Right-Handed ways.
> Well, they can't help being left handed :)

Just as a passing comment:) (I cant leave a thread like this to go on without 

Being anti-dextrous like my Dad probably helps.


Message 14532

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:09:02 +0100

> stupid question - but what is a hermaphrodite? (is it a non-sexed human,
> or someone who can change between female and male (like some animals)?)

It's someone who has the sexual organs of both sexes.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Suborbital Ballistic-Propulsion Engineer
Not Exactly A Rocket Scientist

Message 14533

Subject: [afb] Re: Left handed-ness (was: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:11:33 -0000

> Just in case this hasn't gone OT enough yet, a dog bit me last week....
Well, its obviously got good taste....


(I apologize in advance for that...just my idea of a sick joke.)


Message 14534

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Left handed-ness (was: Calling Mr. Vost)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:10:11 +0100

> Just as a passing comment:) (I cant leave a thread like this to go on
> without me...)

> Being anti-dextrous like my Dad probably helps.

Is that someone who doesn't like right-handed people or did you mean

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14535

Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:13:09 -0000
 > > stupid question - but what is a hermaphrodite? (is it a non-sexed human,
> > or someone who can change between female and male (like some animals)?)
> It's someone who has the sexual organs of both sexes.
Huh!  so I was right (kind of).


Message 14536

Subject: [afb] Re: Left handed-ness (was: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:14:08 -0000
Hi Ben

> > Just as a passing comment:) (I cant leave a thread like this to go on
> > without me...)
> > Being anti-dextrous like my Dad probably helps.
> Is that someone who doesn't like right-handed people or did you mean
> ambidextrous?

Oops.  Mucked that one up didnt I?


Message 14537

From: Matthew Garrett
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:14:41 +0100
On Wed, Jun 09, 1999 at 04:54:57PM +0100, Matt Sealey wrote:

> You know WHY people laugh at you? Because wearing your watch on your
> right arm is what WOMEN do. Like how the buttons are on the other side of
> shirts/blouses/trousers (if you have button up flies) etc. and stuff..

I can't say I've performed a proper survey, but my girlfriend certainly
wears her watch on the left while I wear mine on the right. After puzzling
about why I did this for years, I worked out that I find it more
convenient to look at my right hand when I'm typing, as that's usually the
direction I'm working from is in. I always thought the wearing it on the
left thing was so people could look at their watch while writing or
whatever else it is people spend most of their time doing with their right
hand - my handwriting is so appallingly bad that this has never been a
problem :)

(Seriously - my GCSE and A-Level papers were typed after I'd finished them
to give the examiners a chance. The only times I /ever/ write anything now
are cheques, credit card receipts and exams - which generally means having
to learn how to write again once every year. Sigh. Still, the fact that
society has advanced to the point where I don't need to write much is
quite impressive...)

Matthew Garrett |

(Who is also quite disturbed that the "David" his girlfriend plays bridge
with is, in fact, David Braben. She knows Clive Sinclair, too. Eek.)

Message 14538

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Guess what?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:38:57 +0000
Hello Ben

> Last night we actually broke the 200 message barrier. Let's cut it down
> okay?

Nahh, lets take it up to 300 :-D


Here's to Living Single, Seeing Double, and jumping triples.

A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD + Muchos' Coffee...
*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 14539

From: "Paul Venton"
Subject: [afb] Re: Guess what?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:42:00 +0100

> > Last night we actually broke the 200 message barrier. Let's cut it down
> > okay?
> Nahh, lets take it up to 300 :-D
> jk
> 4-0
Hell why not, that`ll take me to over 500 mails per day!!

Bye for now


Message 14540

Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:48:22 -0000

> Have you thought about a Pro-Grab 24 RT Plus, grab 16.7 million colours in
> real time from any existing video source e.g. Camcorder video recorder e.t.c.
> All for 99.99 

First are selling it in their sale for 59.99..


Message 14541

From: "Jillian Gibson"
Subject: [afb] Re: Siamese RTG (was Circulation)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:58:58 +0100

>Bother said Jillian Gibson as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re:
>Circulation again...
>[big snip]
>> On a different note, anyone ever used thew Siamise RTG system over the
>> serial network??
>Yeah, V2.1 only though.
>> is it any good?
>When it works, it's reasonable.  It's not unbearably slow
>but if it was any slower it would be.
>However, when I first installed it, it failed to work and
>I had to get some updated files from Siamese Systems.  And,
>although it worked well for some time after that, I have since
>had to install a more recent version of Win95 and now I can't
>get it working at all. :(
Chers for the info, but it sounds as though I might have a problem as I`m
using win98 (48 sodding megs on boot up so my lovely 64 megs goes no where
nere as far as it would under workbench 3.5 or not!!! Oh wel thats M$ for
you, they couldn`t programme an OS if someone paid them, that would explain
why Bill had to open his own company. I`d love to have seen his grades if
he`d done computer studies (big fat F). I wouldn`t mind but I only changed
so that I could get on better when doning my PHD which I have noe given up.
I supose that will teach me.

I for one will definately be returning to the AMIGA when the NGamiga comes
out or sooner if it begins to struggle! Any one know if there`s anyway of
linking the AMIGA and PC via PCI slots sine they can be added to an Amiga
now with some daughter boards? Actually that wouldn`t be such a bad idea for
a NG Amiga product so that people could transfere the superiour Amiga
withoput having to give up their old computer which may have lots of
important files on it that are MS only apps plus it would aviod that age old
sticking point for AMIGA (Does it run ....... insert MS product !!!) and we
can gentally easy people around to the best opperating system in the
world!!! Freeing them from the chains of MS!! Plus it would make working
with unelightend companies and schools a whole lot easier, which is the
esence of what new computer user need. After all you could have the best OS
in the wolrd but if its a lot of effort to convert files so that you can use
them at work on MS or MACS then most people really don`t want the hastle and
will stick with M$.

Really hope the AMIGAs future is bright but I would urge AMIGA org to think
about ease of file transfere between non AMIGA systems (even if its just in
the for of file converters so that M$ or MAC files can be exported from
AMIGA apps. even if this requires a condesed emulator to do so!)

If you want to contact me my email is as I couldn`t
cope with the 188 email I have been getting from AFB, but I`m quite happy to
reply to any emails sent to me.

Finally Jillian is my mum, I`m Spencer or preferably Spence!


Message 14542

Subject: [afb] POLL: AFB - PPC for thee?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:07:45 -0000
10-6-99: PPC!  Saviour of the Classic Amiga!  Hurrah!
But how many of you own a PPC board?  I've also included an option to see if you've got a BVision or CyberVision.
I've made it so you can choose more than one option, but please don't go doing stupid things like saying "BoXeR for me" and "I'm waiting for the NG".  Unless you really are of course.  Thanks!

Please select one or more of the following:

   o I have a PPC
   o I have a BVision/CyberVision PPC
   o I'm gonna get a PPC
   o I'm gonna get a BVision/CyberVision PPC
   o I've got a Picasso/CV3D and I'm happy with it
   o I'm waiting for the G3/G4 cards
   o I'm holding out for the BoXeR
   o I'm waiting for the NG Amiga before I buy anything

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 14543

From: " Poll Results"
Subject: [afb] Voting Results: The AFB Age Range
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:17:32 -0000
Here are the results of the vote:

20 to 24
35 to 39
Over 50
30 to 34
15 to 19
25 to 29
40 to 49

See the results at

Message 14544

Subject: [afb] Kickflash From Blittersoft
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:36:46 -0000
having just been to Blittersoft site, I noticed a new product due out soon, A 
Kickflash ROM.  (Article below)

I dont fully understand this.  Will we NEED this to have 3.5 or is is just an 
extra that means: A. You dont have to buy new ROMS every time they are released
(like we just have with 3.1) and B. You can have the kickstarts for a A500 
etc. on it as well as 3.5?

As far as I can tell this is what its saying but can someone clarify for me


Article from Blittersoft:

Kickflash is a special kind of ROM-Swapper for the KickStart-ROM(s) of your Amiga. Being different from regular ROM-Swappers, Kickflash doesn't have room for a second or third ROM chip. Instead, it has got flash memory that can hold a KickStart ROM image. You can write any version of KickStart into this memory and have it available after the next reboot. Flash memory is non-volatile, that means, it doesn't lose it's contents when power is switched off. On the other hand, it's electrically erasable. As soon as the new Kickstart V3.5 is available, you can easily have it as a rom. It has already been announced that nobody will produce mask ROMs of Kick 3.5, so Kickflash is your only chance to get rid of the inconvenient reboot for re-kicking the new ROM. Additionally, re-kicking uses memory, and Kickflash does not, so you can use your FastMem for more important things. 

You can also use Kickflash to make your computer compatible with old software by programming Kickstart V1.3 or 2.0 into the flash - it's up to you! 

If something should go wrong while "flashing" a new version (power failure, computer crashes) there is no need to panic! Just switch back to your ROM, and the computer will start normally. Even when the switch is set to "ROM" instead of "flash", the flash can be written and verified. The operation just takes a few seconds. For protection against viruses, the flash memory can be write-protected. 

Kickflash will be available from October 1998. Three different versions will suit the different Amiga versions

Message 14545

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 06:42:45 -0500 (CDT)
  How about www.  So far I've heard

   - double-U double-U double-U
   - dub dub dub
   - wuh wuh wuh
   - woo woo woo
   - w w w   (as in the lowercase sound)

  I got a shock when I first heard people say nitsky for NTSC.


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

On Thu, 10
Jun 1999, Ben Vost wrote:
> > This brings me to a request I've meant to ask for ages for AF:
> > Can you do a little bit somewhere on "How to pronounce things" Some
> > example would be
> > SCSI (scuzzy)
> > Vost (ie rhymes with cost not toast)
> > EZ-...
> > XPK 

Message 14546

Subject: [afb] Re: Kickflash From Blittersoft
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:48:44 -0000
 <7jo80e$> wrote: 
Original Article:
> having just been to Blittersoft site, I noticed a new product due out soon, A 
> Kickflash ROM.  (Article below)
> I dont fully understand this.  Will we NEED this to have 3.5 or is is just an 
> extra that means: A. You dont have to buy new ROMS every time they are released

3.5 will not come with ROM upgrades. If it does well and they keep developing the classic OS, maybe v4 would have a ROM upgrade, with PPC support. 

> (like we just have with 3.1) and B. You can have the kickstarts for a A500 
> etc. on it as well as 3.5?
> As far as I can tell this is what its saying but can someone clarify for me
> please.

I think you can swap between two different roms and also flash one of them from an ROM image. So you could find a WB1.3 image, flash it and then use it for old games. You can do this anyway with Blizkick, but this would be quicker. I think that`s right?


Message 14547

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:47:27 +0100
Hi Chris,

>  How about www.  So far I've heard

>   - double-U double-U double-U
>   - dub dub dub
>   - wuh wuh wuh

I always use this one personally. There was a chap who was trying to get
everyone to just say "web", but that hasn't ever taken off.

>   - woo woo woo
>   - w w w   (as in the lowercase sound)

>  I got a shock when I first heard people say nitsky for NTSC.

Tell 'em to say "enn tee ess sea"!

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Amiga Format - your only alternative is
computing suicide...

Message 14548

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Kickflash From Blittersoft
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:50:03 +0100
> Kickflash is a special kind of ROM-Swapper for the KickStart-ROM(s)
> of your Amiga. Being different from regular ROM-Swappers, Kickflash
> doesn't have room for a second or third ROM chip. Instead, it has got
> flash memory that can hold a KickStart ROM image.

Gasp! A ROM switcher with a Flash ROM on the other end. How.. un-useful..!

> new Kickstart V3.5 is available

AFAIK there isn`t going to BE a Kickstart 3.5 ROM at all. Unless someone
finds a way to MAKE one from the stuff on the CD. And I doubt they'll be
able to do that without invoking the wrath of certain companies..

> It has already been announced that nobody will produce mask ROMs
> of Kick 3.5, so Kickflash is your only chance to get rid of the
> reboot for re-kicking the new ROM. Additionally, re-kicking uses memory

Why is it that all Eyetech articles spread misinformation over twisted
over lies to scare people into buying their products.

Nobody will be producing 3.5 ROMs. You won't be able to "DIY" one. Therefore
Kickflash will be pointless. Nobody at Haage or Amiga has confirmed the
procedure for attaching the sytem extenstions to the system and have
ROM IMAGE because it has the possibility of breaking too many machines.

So how are you going to Kickflash this non-existant ROM? Why would you need
a 3.1 ROM if you were going to just soft-kick over it?

It's all bollocks, Sam. Don't trust them..

> You can also use Kickflash to make your computer compatible with old
> software by programming Kickstart V1.3 or 2.0 into the flash - it's up to

Now THAT is slightly useful.

> Kickflash will be available from October 1998. Three different versions
> suit the different Amiga versions

Another minority product for a miniscule market. Will they never learn?

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14549

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:27:00 +0100
Hi PC.  Me again ;-)

>> Just reading Eyetech's ad in AF and something occurred to me that has never
>> so before:  All (most) of Eyetech's products are called "EZ-" something.  Is
>> this supposed to be pronounced "easy", "e-zed", "ez" or what?
>I always read it as "e-zed" but "easy" sounds more likely eg.
>This brings me to a request I've meant to ask for ages for AF:
>Can you do a little bit somewhere on "How to pronounce things" Some
>example would be
>SCSI (scuzzy)
>Vost (ie rhymes with cost not toast)
>HTML (is it H.T.M.L or htmul?)
>Actually, I can't think of any good ones at the moment. Only SCSI.
>Ne'er mind, eh?

I always call the IOBlix "I-Obelix", HMV "hmmmmv" and similarly FMV "fmmmmv" and
also FHM "fuhum".
Strange, I think, how we say "scuzzy" for SCSI, but not "ide" for IDE.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14550

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:30:31 +0100
Hi PC.

Me again.  Again ;-)

>> >>> >I've got Chemistry module1 today.  In 2 hours time in fact.
>> >>>
>> >>> I've got Chemistry module 2 at 2:30 this afternoon :-/
>> Yes mine are A-levels.  Me am doing Computing, Maths and
>> Electronics as well.
>As I have also replied to Andy (because your mails are never joined to
>threads ;/ )

Sorry 'bout that, must be OE's fault.

> my modules in Chemistry have names and I don't do them
>all at once as you appear to be. Dunno why they bother with names
>though because it sounds really sad. What would you rather say you are
>a) How far, how fast?     [the real name]
>b) Rates and Equilibrium  [a slightly better name]

Depends how drunk I am ;-)

>> Alex Furmanski
>Paul C. (studying chemistry, maths, economics (aarghhh!) and AS
>Further Maths). Oh yeah, did you know I can prove that 2=1. And
>there's this way of working out days of the week for any date........

Don't even go there.

>Update: Just done my Maths exam (NEAB) and it was a piece of piddle!

Don't you mean your Maths exam (AQA)?  They've changed their name now.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14551

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:44:06 +0100
Hi guys

>> I'm a bit disappointed it turned out not to be a virus - I've /never/
>> had one since I got my miggy in early '95. I never run a checker
>If you never run a virus checker, how do you know you've never had a
>The only one I got was from a magazine cover disk :-O
>> PS. Please don't tell me "You should run a checker because...."
>Virus checkers are a PITA.


Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14552

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Anagrams of Amigans!
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:51:46 +0100
>> Hi Paul Cundle


>> > And you did make the claim yourself to sending the second-most
>> > mails to this list.
>> And I was as surprised as you are, which is why I demanded a
>> re-count.  But blow me if it didn't come out as me again!
>Red Dwarf, per chance?

Ding.  2 points to you.

>What do you mean 'surprised'? It's pretty obvious just looking down my
list of messages ;)

You're not all that quiet y'self ;-)

>> When I get back to college, I'll try out these:
>Bit of deduction here - you are doing A-Levels and are going back to
>college - does that mean you are at the end of your first year?

Ding.  Another 2 points.

>> "Petro Tyshtywatsit, unpronouncable Amiga bloke"
>Was"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange
>but I'm not.
>> I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what
>I'll have.
>> Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull
>>  going to, couldn't spell it.

Pardon?  BZZZT.  No points

>> "Neil Bothwick, top bearded internet bloke"
>Was going to try this (well, sort of!)
>> "Bill Gates, bastard"
>Won't be long enough. How about, "Bill Gates, really nasty horrible
>person"? Maybe not, eh?

Nah, a point for effort though.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14553

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: SEX! (Got your attention didn't it?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:52:46 +0100
>Here are the results of the vote:


>4. What are you talking about? Can't you see I am a computer! 5

Hmm, AI's progressed further than I had thought.  The best conversation I ever
had with a computer was a program called "Shrink" on my Speccy.  You'd say "I
don't feel well" and it would say "Why don't you feel well?" so you say "My head
hurts" and it says "Why does your head hurt" and you reply "Because I hit it on
the floor when I fell over, you useless piece of crap" and it says "Are you
feeling angry".  You get the picture (mehopes).

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14554

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: AFB Age Range
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:52:39 +0100
Hi Bifford

>Does everyone think its time I deleted the AFB Age range Poll?
>Or are there still people out there who havnt voted?
>Any ideas on what to do with the data gathered yey far?

Yes - calculate the mean (or rather an estimate of), median, mode, standard
deviation (again, an estimate), draw a histogram, a cumulative frequency curve
and a distribution graph.

Then sit back, look at your work and think "Why?"

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14555

From: Bob Rickman
Subject: [afb] Re: Netconnect 2 Mailing list
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 17:07:38 +0100
Apologies for answering my own mail.

On 08-Jun-99, Bob Rickman wrote:

> Hello Andy
> On 07-Jun-99, you wrote:
>> On 07-Jun-99 15:15:11, Bob Rickman ( wrote:

>>> nothing I have sent via Free4all over the last three days appears to
>>> have been delivered. They say they have a backlog after problems with
>>> their mail server.
>> The mail is being delivered, but as you said there is a delay. This is
>> partly due to us moving the server to a new machine, and partly due to
>> the problems that Freeserve and Demon among others had with their
>> servers, meaning a lot of mail has been difficult to deliver.
> This appears to be ongoing, have still not had earlier messages delivered,
> and having perused all recently received mails, the only stuff from your
> ISP is your own stuff. Are you bypassing the queue?

Apologies appear due to free4all. I'm sorry (Hangs head in shame). I find the /missing / messages
had a small typo in the email address, the dot after bob was missing making
them invalid. Hopefully, my config. is now corrected. This also presumably
prevented them from bouncing!

Bob Rickman
Devon UK

Message 14556

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:55:34 +0100
>   How about www.  So far I've heard
>    - double-U double-U double-U

I say doubler-doubler-doubler in a Southern US kind o' accent, y'all.

>    - wuh wuh wuh

And that..

>    - w w w   (as in the lowercase sound)

Lower case sound?

>   I got a shock when I first heard people say nitsky for NTSC.

It`s N T S C as in say the letters. Unlike PAL which is the same as
the dog food..

> > > XPK 

I say "X Pack" or "uXPuK" depending on my mood.

I want to know how to pronounce Veitch (V-eye-ch,
Veech, Vey-itch?)

.. and more importantly GIF.

Compuserve say 'JIF' but CU said GIF and so do most
people I meet. When people say JIF I think either
kitchen cream cleaner or Giraffe. What`s the deal there??

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14557

Subject: [afb] Copying and Pasting Text
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:56:15 -0000
I`m using an PC (running NT) right now, and a point it has over the AmigaOS is that you can cut and paste text from any source into most others. Most programs have cut , copy and paste menu buttons. I tried using PowerSnap on my Amiga but it just wasn`t intuitive to use for me, and some fonts didn`t work properly. Can someone point out to me the usefulness of the Amiga clipboard that seem to be eluding me?

John Hart

Message 14558

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Kickflash From Blittersoft
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:54:56 +0100
Hi Matt,

> Gasp! A ROM switcher with a Flash ROM on the other end. How.. un-useful..!

How many patches to Kickstart are you currently running then? No OxyPatcher,
no PrepareEmul or the Shapeshifter one? These will all be things that you
would be able to flash, as part of a Kickstart image.

> Why is it that all Eyetech articles spread misinformation over twisted
> truths over lies to scare people into buying their products.

What was it you were saying about people not reading emails? The article was
from a Blittersoft release...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14559

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:57:20 +0100
Hi Matt,

> I want to know how to pronounce Veitch (V-eye-ch,
> Veech, Vey-itch?)

You were right the second time around - Veech.

> .. and more importantly GIF.

> Compuserve say 'JIF' but CU said GIF and so do most
> people I meet. When people say JIF I think either
> kitchen cream cleaner or Giraffe. What`s the deal there??

Hmm, I say Gif as well. I also pronounce PNG as ping.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Just want the news on what's going to be
in the next issue of Amiga Format? Go to

Message 14560

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Copying and Pasting Text
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:59:54 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 1999 12:56 PM
Subject: [afb] Copying and Pasting Text

> I`m using an PC (running NT) right now, and a point it has over the
> AmigaOS is that you can cut and paste text from any source into
> most others. Most programs have cut , copy and paste menu
> buttons. I tried using PowerSnap on my Amiga but it just wasn`t
> intuitive to use for me, and some fonts didn`t work properly. Can
> someone point out to me the usefulness of the Amiga clipboard that
> seem to be eluding me?

Well I regularly cut and paste stuff from the Shell,
IBrowse (drag and release :), YAM, any MUI gadget, most text editors
and everything. I sometimes load pictures in Multiview and copy them
into PPaint as brushes (datatype loading in PPaint crashes sometimes
on rare occasions and I`d rather not risk it).

Just remember the keys RAMIGA-C V X (like CTRL on the PC or Command
on the Mac (or Apple-Squiggle as I call it) etc.) work on most apps.
Except using GoldEd because it switches the keys round a bit :(

I've never needed PowerSnap as all my apps support the clipboard

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

> John Hart
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications

Message 14561

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Kickflash From Blittersoft
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:04:41 +0100
> Hi Matt,
> > Gasp! A ROM switcher with a Flash ROM on the other end. How..
> How many patches to Kickstart are you currently running then? No
> no PrepareEmul or the Shapeshifter one?

Heh, PrepareEmul IS the Shapeshifter one :)

Unless you know how to build a ROM image, you aren`t going to be able to
flash these in. And no doubt it`ll use a standard 512k EPROM so you
aren`t going to fit much more than the ROM in anyway.

Silly question, but do you actually know how the ROMs work?

> These will all be things that you would be able to flash, as part of a
> Kickstart image.

I agree you could KickShift a ROM image and use that to save you
running PrepareEmul or RsrvCold/Warm but that`s about it. You can`t
just run Oxypatcher, grab an image and expect it to be there - it`s
a very complicated process.. involving downloading individual ROM
components, wedging functions in, creating new libraries and
processes that run off the bootstrap.

I have yet to see anyone create and alternative boot menu or create
a ROM with Picasso96 built in or serial mouse support. That`s because
it`s a pig to do..

> > Why is it that all Eyetech articles spread misinformation over twisted
> > truths over lies to scare people into buying their products.
> What was it you were saying about people not reading emails? The article
> from a Blittersoft release...

Same difference, I have the same qualms about both companies. Both have
nasty press releases full of scare stories..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14562

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:07:18 +0100
> Hi Matt,
> > I want to know how to pronounce Veitch (V-eye-ch,
> > Veech, Vey-itch?)
> You were right the second time around - Veech.

:) I used to say V-kitch because a Klingon said it on Star
Trek once and I thought it sounded funny..

Nick Vkitch :)
> > .. and more importantly GIF.
> > Compuserve say 'JIF' but CU said GIF and so do most
> > people I meet. When people say JIF I think either
> > kitchen cream cleaner or Giraffe. What`s the deal there??
> Hmm, I say Gif as well. I also pronounce PNG as ping.

That`s because PNG is pronounced PiNG though. GIF has
always been a grey area. What I hate is when people TYPE
PiNG as the name of the graphics format.

"All my pages use PiNG images" - ugh! Like we don`t know
how to pronounce it? Or actually CARE?

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14563

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Left handed-ness (was: Calling Mr. Vost)
Date: 10 Jun 1999 11:23:20 +0100
ragnar.fyri said, 

> I've heard  one problem lefties save with writing let to right is that
> they have to move their hand over what they just wrote, smudging the text.

Normally you either rotate the page 90 degrees or contort your wrist
to avoid smudging.

Alternatively, use email...

> For this reason some lefties write right to left.

Leonardo da Vinci did this, all hiss writings haver to be viewed in a

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
elifgat	dednah-tfel	eht	morF

Message 14564

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: It sticks out!!!
Date: 10 Jun 1999 11:25:15 +0100
4-0 said, 

>> Angled? You mean like the 90degree PCMCIA adapters are "angled"?

> Yup, thats the kind i'm on about. If they exist that is.

Get a power extender cable. not the stupid Y ones that cost a fiver
and only give you one more connector, but the proper ones that give an
extra three or four connectors in a line. I've got a couple of these
from computer fairs and they use right-angle connectors.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it
considered a hostage situation?

Message 14565

From: Bob Rickman
Subject: [afb] Re: netconnect2 ML
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 18:41:24 +0100
On 09-Jun-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> Didn't someone tell you recently? Wasn't it something like

That reply was to a repeat posting. This one was delayed since Saturday due
to mail server problems. There may even be another one turning up!  Hope not though;-).


Bob Rickman
Devon UK

Message 14566

Subject: [afb] POLL: What new feature would you like most to be in the classic OS
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:28:26 -0000
I was reading an old CU last night with an article about what features people would like to see in an OS upgrade. Seeing as we are getting one soon, I was wondering if a poll may shed some new light on the subject. I have thought of these off the top of my head, and some of them are from the feature list from OS 3.5 (more the old 3.5), and some aren`t (and would require a ROM upgrade). Just select what you think would be the most important in a proper upgraded AmigaOS.


Please select one of the following:

   o Protected Memory
   o Built in RTG and RTA
   o Added Support for Datatypes (including streaming)
   o New early startup (Play AudioCD/DVD, Disable Processor etc)
   o 256/High/True Colour Icons
   o Multi-user support
   o New GUI (BOOPSI, drag and drop configurable)
   o PowerPC Native functions

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 14567

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronunciation
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:28:41 +0100

Oh yes one other:

Amigactive is pronounced Ami Gacktive :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Always proofread carefully to 
       see if you any words out.

Message 14568

Subject: [afb] New Poll
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:33:12 -0000
Hi All,

I have made my first poll to AFB, on the subject of what would be the most important thing to be added to the Classic OS. I hope it hasn`t been done before, and better. Anyway, more details are on the poll itself. Its cunning, you can only put down one thing, so voters have to think about priorities. In reality, everything in the list should be going in...

John Hart

Message 14569

Subject: [afb] Re: AFB Age Range
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:35:00 -0000
Hi Di Hi, Alex,

> >Does everyone think its time I deleted the AFB Age range Poll?
> >Or are there still people out there who havnt voted?
> >Any ideas on what to do with the data gathered yey far?
> Yes - calculate the mean (or rather an estimate of), median, mode, standard
> deviation (again, an estimate), draw a histogram, a cumulative frequency curve
> and a distribution graph.
> Then sit back, look at your work and think "Why?"

Dont forget to / by pie and * the result by 100.



Message 14570

Subject: [afb] Line extensions
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:41:47 -0000
Is it just me or is egroups playing silly buggers again - not word-wrapping the lines of letters so you get one long line of text that scrolls two/three pages to the right instead of naturally starting a new line.  (that should hve happened to this one!).

Anything we can do about this Ben. (Thats if its happening to other peoples systems.)


Message 14571

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 05:47:30 -0700 (PDT)
> > Compuserve say 'JIF' but CU said GIF and so do
> Hmm, I say Gif as well. I also pronounce PNG as

Well, comuserve invented it so... :) i say jif

Message 14572

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Line extensions
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:43:40 +0100

> Is it just me or is egroups playing silly buggers again - not
> word-wrapping the lines of letters so you get one long line of text that
> scrolls two/three pages to the right instead of naturally starting a new
> line. (that should hve happened to this one!).

> Anything we can do about this Ben. (Thats if its happening to other
> peoples systems.)

It only seems to be happening on the website and I've already asked about
it. eGroups are trying to find out exactly why. It would probably be a help
if you report the fault to them yourself and say what software you are
using. Same goes for anyone else on here with similar probs.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Just want the news on what's going to be
in the next issue of Amiga Format? Go to

Message 14573

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 07:50:46 -0500 (CDT)
On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Ben Vost wrote:
> >   - double-U double-U double-U
> >   - dub dub dub
> >   - wuh wuh wuh
>       ^^^^^^^^^^^
> I always use this one personally. There was a chap who was trying to get
> everyone to just say "web", but that hasn't ever taken off.

  That isn't so sensible, as there are servers out there called "web"

  I'm a double-U double-U double-U person myself, alough it is a bit of a
tongue twister.

> >  I got a shock when I first heard people say nitsky for NTSC.
> Tell 'em to say "enn tee ess sea"!

  It was someone at the WOA developer conference about two (maybe three)
years ago, they were talking about the Video Toaster.  Shortly after this
you mentioned your quest of collecting technical info on peripherals so
that Amiga developers could write drivers for these things.  Did you get
much of a take up? 


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 14574

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:54:39 +0100
Hi Chris,

>>>  I got a shock when I first heard people say nitsky for NTSC.
>> Tell 'em to say "enn tee ess sea"!

>  It was someone at the WOA developer conference about two (maybe three)
> years ago, they were talking about the Video Toaster.  Shortly after this
> you mentioned your quest of collecting technical info on peripherals so
> that Amiga developers could write drivers for these things.  Did you get
> much of a take up? 

And I know who it was - Ian Robson. He's definitely in a minority (of one I
think), I've never heard anyone else refer to it that way, and did you see
the look of confusion on the other people's faces?

As for the developer thing, no there was practically no take up. I got one
request for further info in two months, so I dropped the idea. :(

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Want the latest Amiga news?  Join the AF
mailing list by going to: 

Message 14575

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 08:03:04 -0500 (CDT)
On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Matt Sealey wrote:
> >    - w w w   (as in the lowercase sound)
> Lower case sound?

  Yeah, as in not the capital letter.

> It`s N T S C as in say the letters. Unlike PAL which is the same as
> the dog food..

  Chappie?  :)

> .. and more importantly GIF.

  I say tomato you say erm, tomato as well.

  The GIF debate is a bit like the scone one.  ...and I don't want to
start that one here!


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 14576

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: Hello!?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 06:06:55 -0700 (PDT)
> > Are my mails getting through? Its just that no one
> > ever answers me :(
> Yep, they're getting through.

Oh good.. I knew i wasnt wasting all this money
reading hundreds of mails online (yahoo mail doesnt
support batch downloading) for nothing...

> Perhaps it's that you're so much more intelligent
> than everyone on this list that no-one can ever
> think
> of anything to say to match your infinite wisdom? :)

Hahah! Well, maybe if I tell myself that enough I'll
believe it :)

Message 14577

From: "i03427"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:10:28 +0100

>   That isn't so sensible, as there are servers out there called "web"
>   I'm a double-U double-U double-U person myself, alough it is a bit of a
> tongue twister.

I tend to say Double-U and the grunt the rest :) because it's the easiest
of the lot. So there :)

(or i03427. Outlook ain't working I don't think)

Message 14578

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Hello!?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:13:12 +0100
> > Yep, they're getting through.
> Oh good.. I knew i wasnt wasting all this money
> reading hundreds of mails online (yahoo mail doesnt
> support batch downloading) for nothing...

I know. Give me a good POP3 email account any
day. And then make me use hotmail with it completely
cock it up :)

> Hahah! Well, maybe if I tell myself that enough I'll
> believe it :)

"You're better than everyone else". Everybody on this
list, remember that :)


Message 14579

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: What new feature would you like most to be in the classic OS
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:09:24 +0100

On 10-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Please select one of the following:
>   o Protected Memory
>   o Built in RTG and RTA
>   o Added Support for Datatypes (including streaming)
>   o New early startup (Play AudioCD/DVD, Disable Processor etc)
>   o 256/High/True Colour Icons
>   o Multi-user support
>   o New GUI (BOOPSI, drag and drop configurable)
>   o PowerPC Native functions

    o All of the above


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 14580

Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:15:59 -0000

> > Have you thought about a Pro-Grab 24 RT Plus, grab 16.7 million colours in
> > real time from any existing video source e.g. Camcorder video recorder e.t.c.
> > All for 99.99 
> First are selling it in their sale for 59.99..

I'd have to buy a camcorder first though, eh?



Message 14581

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 08:16:29 -0500 (CDT)
On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Ben Vost wrote:
> And I know who it was - Ian Robson. He's definitely in a minority (of one I
> think), I've never heard anyone else refer to it that way, and did you see
> the look of confusion on the other people's faces?

  Was is Mick Ticker (I seem to remember, for some odd reason, that he was
dressed a little like a plumber...), that was grilling Petro over the
possiblity of make his own Amigas? 

  ...anyway, enough people spotting.  (You were right at the front, on the
left :)

> As for the developer thing, no there was practically no take up. I got one
> request for further info in two months, so I dropped the idea. :(

  Crying shame.


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 14582

Subject: [afb] Re: Line extensions
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:22:42 -0000
Hi Ben,

> It only seems to be happening on the website and I've already asked about
> it. eGroups are trying to find out exactly why. It would probably be a help
> if you report the fault to them yourself and say what software you are
> using. Same goes for anyone else on here with similar probs.

How do we contact them?  there's nothing on my "home space" section for contacting them.  Is it just   ?


Message 14583

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Line extensions
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:22:53 +0100

> How do we contact them? there's nothing on my "home space" section for
> contacting them. Is it just ?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Got a request to make for our CD? Send
  email to with
    "Reader Requests" as your subject.

Message 14584

From: Jayne Johnson
Subject: [afb] Re: Left handed-ness (was: Calling Mr. Vost)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:11:09 +0100
On 10-Jun-99 11:09:54 wrote:

> Being anti-dextrous like my Dad probably helps.

Don't you mean ambidextrous?

I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous. :o

Jayne Johnson
Team *AMIGA*
ICQ:12482805 ICQnick:Roheine

VIZ Top Tip #116: Keep kiddies amused on shopping trips by giving them
three wooden balls each & offering a goldfish to the first one who can
knock a passer-by's hat off.

Message 14585

From: Jayne Johnson
Subject: [afb] Re: Left handed-ness (was: Calling Mr. Vost)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:08:45 +0100
On 10-Jun-99 10:34:09 Neil Bullock wrote:

> Did it hurt?

Being a dog groomer by profession I get bitten on average about once a year.
(It would be more, but you learn to move quickly :)) I can vouch for the
fact that they hurt like hell, tetanus shots are a breeze by comparison.

Jayne Johnson
Team *AMIGA*
ICQ:12482805 ICQnick:Roheine

VIZ Top Tip #197: Underwater cameramen. Don't throw away those old
discarded supermarket trolleys. Tied together with string two of them make
a handy anti shark cage.

Message 14586

From: Jayne Johnson
Subject: [afb] Re: Left handed-ness (was: Calling Mr. Vost)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:04:36 +0100
On 10-Jun-99 10:22:05 Neil Bullock wrote:

> is my girlfriend... Hell, I have scrawly hand writing, and I'm 
> right handed

Me too, and my handwriting is absolutely awful, and legible only to me.
Sometimes :o

Jayne Johnson
Team *AMIGA*
ICQ:12482805 ICQnick:Roheine

Viz Top Tip #629: Impress friends by making a list of all the objects in
your front room and then inviting them around to play `I spy'. Watch their
faces as you keep winning!

Message 14587

From: Jayne Johnson
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:14:58 +0100
On 10-Jun-99 10:58:42 wrote:

> stupid question - but what is a hermaphrodite? (is it a non-sexed human,
> or someone who can change between female and male (like some animals)?)

An animal with both male & female sex organs, snails & worms for example are
Adds a whole new meaning to spending a night in alone ;)

Jayne Johnson
Team *AMIGA*
ICQ:12482805 ICQnick:Roheine

Viz Top Tip #616: Look like a super fit body builder by buying a vest
that's too small for you and walking around pretending that you've got a
roll of carpet under each arm.

Message 14588

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: 10 Jun 1999 13:40:34 +0100
Matthew Garrett said, 

> I can't say I've performed a proper survey, but my girlfriend certainly
> wears her watch on the left while I wear mine on the right. After puzzling
> about why I did this for years, I worked out that I find it more
> convenient to look at my right hand when I'm typing,

Directory Opus has an option to disply the time in the title bar :)

Neil - the sinister one
Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
WinErr 01E: Timing error - Please wait. And wait. And wait. And wait.

Message 14589

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: 10 Jun 1999 13:46:46 +0100
Matt Sealey said, 

> Compuserve say 'JIF' but CU said GIF

CU didn't say anything, it was a magazine, not a talking book :)

Individuals pronounced it differently, I don't think there was an EMAP
directive on this. Some pronounced the G as in gift, some as in Geoff.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Is it a bigger crime to rob a bank or to open one?

Message 14590

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: 10 Jun 1999 13:47:53 +0100
Alex Furmanski said, 

>>Virus checkers are a PITA.


Pain In The Afterburner :)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
The geek shall inherit the earth.

Message 14591

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What new feature would you like most to be in the classic OS
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:06:52 +0100
> Please select one of the following:
>    o Protected Memory

Can`t be done without breaking 99% of all apps, you might as
well build an entirely new machine.. oh, wait, they ARE doing..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14592

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:11:00 +0100
Hi Neil,

> Directory Opus has an option to disply the time in the title bar :)

But it's no good - you'll still want a third party commodity since DOpus'
clock disappears when DOpus is not the active application. I use TBClock,
which is a bit buggy, but works well enough.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
      If at first you don't succeed, 
      try the switch marked "Power"

Message 14593

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:11:58 +0100
Hi Chris,

>  Was is Mick Ticker (I seem to remember, for some odd reason, that he was
> dressed a little like a plumber...), that was grilling Petro over the
> possiblity of make his own Amigas? 


>> As for the developer thing, no there was practically no take up. I got
>> one request for further info in two months, so I dropped the idea. :(

>  Crying shame.

And people wonder why I think Amiga users are apathetic...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
    If this were an actual tagline, 
      I'm sure it would be funny.

Message 14594

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 01:09:52 +0100
on 09-Jun-99, skillfully scrawled
something along the subject of [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost: 

> Rest your mind. When I wear a watch I wear it on the right hand (and Im
> also righthanded).

I am left handed, and I wear my watch on my left hand.  The histoical reason
behind it is, that if you look at a watch with a winder on it, on the left
hand the winder sticks out towards the left hand, allowing easy winding and
setting of the time with the right hand. When you wear a watch on the right
hand, the winder is pointing toward the elbow, which means a) it is more
awkward to wind, and b) if you are trying to set the time, your left hand
gets in the way of the clock face.

Thanks for your time... (no pun intended ;)

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 14595

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: Where's AF Website?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:16:15 +0100
on 10-Jun-99, Ben Vost skillfully scrawled something along the subject of
[afb] Re: Where's AF Website?: 

> Hi Ian,
>> If I'm completely overlooking it's location, then could someone inform me
>> of it's whereabouts?

Unfortunately, Unless you are using AWeb, you will not be able to view the
AF website, due to it using Javascript :/

Quite strange having JScript on an Amiga website 

Thanks for your time...

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 14596

From: "i03427"
Subject: [afb] Re: Left handed-ness (was: Calling Mr. Vost)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:26:16 +0100
> On 10-Jun-99 10:34:09 Neil Bullock wrote:
> > Did it hurt?
> Being a dog groomer by profession I get bitten on average about once a
> (It would be more, but you learn to move quickly :)) I can vouch for the
> fact that they hurt like hell, tetanus shots are a breeze by comparison.

I  like teatnus shots. I faint. It's cool :)


Message 14597

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Where's AF Website?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:29:32 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Simmonds 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 1999 3:16 PM
Subject: [afb] Re: Where's AF Website?

> on 10-Jun-99, Ben Vost skillfully scrawled something along the subject of
> [afb] Re: Where's AF Website?:
> > Hi Ian,
> >
> >> If I'm completely overlooking it's location, then could someone inform
> >> of it's whereabouts?
> >
> >
> Unfortunately, Unless you are using AWeb, you will not be able to view the
> AF website, due to it using Javascript :/

It doesn`t use any kooky javascript that breaks anything, does it?

> Quite strange having JScript on an Amiga website

It`s not an Amiga website (designed by PC web designers) and
for christ's sake, JScript != Javascript !!!!

Javascript is Netscape's ECMAScript-based scripting language
JScript is Microsoft's J++ based scripting language in the same
vein as VBScript.

There is a profound difference..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14598

From: "i03427"
Subject: [afb] Digitiser
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:33:40 +0100

It had to come up sooner or later. Does anyone on here read digitiser? I
was reading an article about them before which said loadsa bad things about
miggy owners, one of which was that Commodore (or whoever) named the Amiga
as a cruel joke meaning that Amiga owners don't have girlfriends. The
amount of ppl saying to the contrary recently (me included :) proves em

Not that that takes much, eh? :)


Message 14599

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Where's AF Website?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:29:34 +0100
Hi Robert,


> Unfortunately, Unless you are using AWeb, you will not be able to view the
> AF website, due to it using Javascript :/

I can view it in iBrowse 1.22.

> Quite strange having JScript on an Amiga website 

Loads do, including the original Amiga Inc website and the WoA one.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Always proofread carefully to 
       see if you any words out.

Message 14600

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:32:34 +0100
Hi Chris

>  How about www.  So far I've heard
>   - double-U double-U double-U
>   - dub dub dub
>   - wuh wuh wuh
>   - woo woo woo
>   - w w w   (as in the lowercase sound)

I usually go "wuuuuuuuuuuuuh".

Here's a thing - watching ER I've noticed the ambulance team say "G.S.W" instead
of "Gun Shot Wound".  Why is this, it's quicker to say "Gun Shot Wound" (3
syllables) than "G.S.W" (5 syllables)?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14601

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: The AFB Age Range
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:32:41 +0100


Hmmmm, he's a bit precocious.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14602

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Kickflash From Blittersoft
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:32:51 +0100
Hi guys + gal

>Kickflash is a special kind of ROM-Swapper for the KickStart-ROM(s) of your
Amiga. Being different from regular ROM-Swappers, Kickflash doesn't have room
for a second or third ROM chip. Instead, it has got flash memory that can hold a
KickStart ROM image. You can write any version of KickStart into this memory and
have it available after the next reboot. Flash memory is non-volatile, that
means, it doesn't lose it's contents when power is switched off. On the other
hand, it's electrically erasable. As soon as the new Kickstart V3.5 is
available, you can easily have it as a rom. It has already been announced that
nobody will produce mask ROMs of Kick 3.5, so Kickflash is your only chance to
get rid of the inconvenient reboot for re-kicking the new ROM. Additionally,
re-kicking uses memory, and Kickflash does not, so you can use your FastMem for
more important things.
>You can also use Kickflash to make your computer compatible with old software
by programming Kickstart V1.3 or 2.0 into the flash - it's up to you!

So how does this product stand legally?  It's that old thing about using ROM's
on one machine only that bugs me.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14603

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:30:38 +0100
Hi i03427,

> It had to come up sooner or later. Does anyone on here read digitiser? I
> was reading an article about them before which said loadsa bad things
> about miggy owners, one of which was that Commodore (or whoever) named the
> Amiga as a cruel joke meaning that Amiga owners don't have girlfriends.
> The amount of ppl saying to the contrary recently (me included :) proves
> em wrong.

Yaawwwn. Don't even bother mentioning Digitiser.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14604

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:31:33 +0100
Hi Alex,

> Here's a thing - watching ER I've noticed the ambulance team say "G.S.W=
> instead of "Gun Shot Wound". Why is this, it's quicker to say "Gun Shot=

> Wound" (3 syllables) than "G.S.W" (5 syllables)?

Probably because it's quicker to write GSW on forms, and then to say that=

than to have to extract it from the acronym.

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  a m=F6bius tagline.  this is a m=F6bius tag
 line.  this is a m=F6bius tagline.  this is

Message 14605

Subject: [afb] Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:56:04 -0000
Does anyone know why Digitizer are like, SO anti-Amiga?
It does do my head in all these people that go on and complain about Amiga's.
They go to me "I had an Amiga 600 and I got rid of it - I upgraded to a PC"
And even when I reply by saying "Yeah, but all you had was a 1Mb A600 with no hard drive or nothing, what do you expect it to do?"

Another thing, people ask me a lot of questions about Pee Cee's because I am (Don't hate me) a Technician for a local PC shop, but when my friend asks me a question and he is wrong, he goes "What would you know, you own an Amiga!"
It really bugs me that there are so many uneducated people in this world.

Another example is when I was in WHSmiths the other day buying the new edition of AF, this girl I know comes up to me and said " Amiga...I used to have one of those..."
I didn't even bother arguing because people's stereotype of an Amiga is a Double Density floppy drive, 1 Meg of RAM, and a 4 colour workbench.
Then I show them MY amiga.

It shut's most people up - Except for my friend as he goes "I bet my Pentium II 300 has more power" and I just argue and deny even though I know it does, but I just like winding him up.

Anyway, the point of this...text is that Amiga need to make a CORKER of a machine to get rid of this 'image' that they have of Low-spec, under-powered machines that are good for nothing except playing Rodland on a Monday evening (God I love that game!)



Message 14606

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:48:41 +0100
Hi all

Now then, now then, how's about BMP?

I say buhmp.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14607

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: AFB Age Range
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:58:32 +0100
Hi Bifford

>> >Does everyone think its time I deleted the AFB Age range Poll?
>> >Or are there still people out there who havnt voted?
>> >Any ideas on what to do with the data gathered yey far?
>> Yes - calculate the mean (or rather an estimate of), median, mode, standard
>> deviation (again, an estimate), draw a histogram, a cumulative frequency
>> and a distribution graph.
>> Then sit back, look at your work and think "Why?"
>Dont forget to / by pie and * the result by 100.


Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14608

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:58:39 +0100
Hi Neil Bothwick

>>>Virus checkers are a PITA.
>> PITA?
>Pain In The Afterburner :)

Thanks.  I try to figure them out before asking first, but I just couldn't get
bread out of my mind for this one.  Plus the fact I'd convinced myself the P
stood for Piss.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14609

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:58:46 +0100
Hi i03427 (Neil)

>It had to come up sooner or later. Does anyone on here read digitiser? I
>was reading an article about them before which said loadsa bad things about
>miggy owners, one of which was that Commodore (or whoever) named the Amiga
>as a cruel joke meaning that Amiga owners don't have girlfriends. The
>amount of ppl saying to the contrary recently (me included :) proves em

Over the years, I think most Amiga users have realised that Digitiser hate us so
we ignore what it says about us.  I read it every now and then to keep abreast I
SAID ABREAST of the console market.

I used to have a digitiser for my Speccy.  I was well pleased when I saw my face
on the screen, in its monochrome glory!  Hmm, why haven't Digi changed their
name to "Scanner"?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14610

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:58:59 +0100
Hi Jayne

>> stupid question - but what is a hermaphrodite? (is it a non-sexed human,
>> or someone who can change between female and male (like some animals)?)
>An animal with both male & female sex organs, snails & worms for example are
>Adds a whole new meaning to spending a night in alone ;)

Please, this is a family list.  We have a 2-year old on here y'know.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14611

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:59:05 +0100
Hi guys

>  The GIF debate is a bit like the scone one.  ...and I don't want to
>start that one here!

Let's do a poll!

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14612

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:00:26 +0100
> Hi,
> It had to come up sooner or later. Does anyone on here read digitiser? I
> was reading an article about them before which said loadsa bad things
> miggy owners,

When was this? That Stuart Campbell fuckwit, wasn`t it (swearing justified,
check out and find the "registered fuckwits" bit)?
Don`t pay any attention to him. He`s just pissed because the only two
decent jobs he ever had went down the pan. i.e. Editing Amiga Power and
working at Sensible Software writing Amiga games. And he's such a smug

All in all, he needs a good kicking. He`s a regular columnist in Arcade
magazine, too.. a decent picture to cut up :)

> one of which was that Commodore (or whoever) named the Amiga
> as a cruel joke meaning that Amiga owners don't have girlfriends.

Heh, he IS an Amiga owner :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14613

Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:01:18 -0000
pete said:

> Another example is when I was in WHSmiths the other day buying the new edition of AF, this girl I know comes up to me and said " Amiga...I used to have one of those..."> 

Dontcha' know?  Thats the chat-up line all the girl are using nowadays!

(I wish!)


Message 14614

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:01:30 -0500 (CDT)
On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Alex Furmanski wrote:
> Now then, now then, how's about BMP?
> I say buhmp.

  My flatmate says bumpmap, which make me chuckle, I say "be em pee".
But then I'm like that.

  Chris -- Rapidly heading towards to 200 limit all on his own.

Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 14615

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:05:18 +0100
> Hi
> Does anyone know why Digitizer are like, SO anti-Amiga?
> It does do my head in all these people that go on and complain about
> They go to me "I had an Amiga 600 and I got rid of it - I upgraded to a
> And even when I reply by saying "Yeah, but all you had was a 1Mb A600
with no hard drive or nothing, what do you expect it to do?"

As Ben said don't even mention them, you can do everything to Digitiser.
Verbally abuse them (very badly). They are totally unfeeling arses (if
you'll excuse the phrase)

> Another thing, people ask me a lot of questions about Pee Cee's because I
am (Don't hate me) a Technician for a local PC shop, but when my friend
asks me a question and he is wrong, he goes "What would you know, you own
an Amiga!"
> It really bugs me that there are so many uneducated people in this world.

I would get really irritated by this and probably end up screaming a string
of F words at the person. But that wouldn't solve much.

> Another example is when I was in WHSmiths the other day buying the new
edition of AF, this girl I know comes up to me and said " Amiga...I
used to have one of those..."
> I didn't even bother arguing because people's stereotype of an Amiga is a
Double Density floppy drive, 1 Meg of RAM, and a 4 colour workbench.
> Then I show them MY amiga.

I converted several people. Our old IT teacher at school likes Amigas now.
A lot of my GNVQ IT class like them, I've got my girlfriend liking them,
and a few others.

> It shut's most people up - Except for my friend as he goes "I bet my
Pentium II 300 has more power" and I just argue and deny >even though I
know it does, but I just like winding him up.

Of course, your Amiga probably performs a lot better than that *thing*

> Anyway, the point of this...text is that Amiga need to make a CORKER of a
machine to get rid of this 'image' that they have of Low-spec,
under-powered machines that are good for nothing except playing Rodland on
a Monday evening (God I love that game!)

Agree totally. Rodland is cool, and we do need to shed this image.


Message 14616

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:00:17 +0100
Hi Alex,

> Now then, now then, how's about BMP?

> I say buhmp.

Since it stands for BitMaP, I just say bee emm pee.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14617

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:01:57 +0100
> Here's a thing - watching ER I've noticed the ambulance team say "G.S.W"
> of "Gun Shot Wound".  Why is this, it's quicker to say "Gun Shot Wound" (3
> syllables) than "G.S.W" (5 syllables)?

Because Americans are daft like that. Slightly off-slant, have you read the
Jim instruction book? It`s way cool for silly things like that.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14618

Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:02:55 -0000
 > Now then, now then, how's about BMP?
> I say buhmp.
ooh, ooh. I know this one!!


he, he, he.


Message 14619

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:02:00 +0100
Hi Matt,

> When was this? That Stuart Campbell fuckwit, wasn`t it (swearing
> justified, check out and find the "registered

Hmm, just double clicked on this link - no DNS server found...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

Message 14620

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:09:04 +0100
> pete said:
> > Another example is when I was in WHSmiths the other day buying the new
edition of AF, this girl I know comes up to me and said " Amiga...I
used to have one of those..."> 
> Dontcha' know?  Thats the chat-up line all the girl are using nowadays!

They do!!! Really!!! Well, maybe not as a chatup line :)


Message 14621

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:03:30 +0100
Hi Neil,

> As Ben said don't even mention them, you can do everything to Digitiser.
> Verbally abuse them (very badly). They are totally unfeeling arses (if
> you'll excuse the phrase)

Which you've then gone on to do! :( I hereby ban any mention of Channel 4's
teletext magazine "digitiser" from this list.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14622

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:10:05 +0100
> Hi Alex,
> > Now then, now then, how's about BMP?
> > I say buhmp.
> Since it stands for BitMaP, I just say bee emm pee.

I just say the last syllable. What a crap format 


Message 14623

Subject: [afb] Re: AFB Age Range
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:06:39 -0000
Watcha Alex! 

> >> >Any ideas on what to do with the data gathered yey far?
> >>
> >> Yes - calculate the mean (or rather an estimate of), median, mode, tandard
> >> deviation (again, an estimate), draw a histogram, a cumulative frequency
> curve and a distribution graph.
> >>
> >> Then sit back, look at your work and think "Why?"
> >
> >Dont forget to / by pie and * the result by 100.
> >
> >(Why?)
> Why?

Why, he asks.  Why!  Because, my lad. Just because.

No seriously:  Hes going on about maths so i followed through with divide by pie and multiply by 100.

Why not?


P.S. This had better not start any more maths algoritams.

Message 14624

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:06:54 -0500 (CDT)
On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Matt Sealey wrote:
[Stu Campbell]
> All in all, he needs a good kicking. He`s a regular columnist in Arcade
> magazine, too.. a decent picture to cut up :)

  He writes in an aggressive style, but he rarely says anything that is
just plain wrong.  I like his stuff and miss the Amiga Power days.  

  The most vocal Amiga owners are "whineing hatemongers" anyway.  :)


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 14625

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:11:43 +0100
> Hi Neil,
> > As Ben said don't even mention them, you can do everything to
> > Verbally abuse them (very badly). They are totally unfeeling arses (if
> > you'll excuse the phrase)
> Which you've then gone on to do! :( I hereby ban any mention of Channel
> teletext magazine "digitiser" from this list.

Oops. crap. Sorry. 

It's hot, I've got a headache, I can't be bothered reading anything I type



Message 14626

Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:10:57 -0000
> pete said:
> > Another example is when I was in WHSmiths the other day buying the new edition of AF, this girl I know comes up to me and said " Amiga...I used to have one of those..."> 
> Dontcha' know?  Thats the chat-up line all the girl are using nowadays!
> (I wish!)
> Bifford.
Actually, she did chat me up.
We're going to the cinema tonight to see Matrix!
I love the Amiga!


Message 14627

Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:11:05 -0000
 > > As Ben said don't even mention them, you can do everything to Digitiser.
> > Verbally abuse them (very badly). They are totally unfeeling arses (if
> > you'll excuse the phrase)

Whats their web page?  Probably totally obvious but i cant be bothered to try 
all the different combinations.  I want to find out just how much they ambuse
our market niche.


Message 14628

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:17:20 +0100
>  > > As Ben said don't even mention them, you can do everything to
> > > Verbally abuse them (very badly). They are totally unfeeling arses
> > > you'll excuse the phrase)
> > 
> Whats their web page?  Probably totally obvious but i cant be bothered to
> all the different combinations.  I want to find out just how much they
> our market niche.

Well, considering this has been banned, here's the URL (sorry ben!)


Message 14629

Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:15:06 -0000
> > 
> > > Another example is when I was in WHSmiths the other day buying the new edition of AF, this girl I know comes up to me and said " Amiga...I used to have one of those..."> 
> > 
> > 
> > Dontcha' know?  Thats the chat-up line all the girl are using nowadays!
> > 
> > (I wish!)
> > 
> > Bifford.
> > 
> > 
> Actually, she did chat me up.
> We're going to the cinema tonight to see Matrix!
> I love the Amiga!
> HE HE!
Give her a kiss fer me!  (closest I ever get to the female species.)
And dont forget to let your hands brush against hers when reaching for the
popcorn.....               [I'll nip that in the bud there I think before my 
mind wanders to much]

Nameless person.

Message 14630

Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:21:09 -0000
> > Actually, she did chat me up.
> > We're going to the cinema tonight to see Matrix!
> > I love the Amiga!
> > 
> > HE HE!
> > 
> > 
> Give her a kiss fer me!  (closest I ever get to the female species.)
> And dont forget to let your hands brush against hers when reaching for the
> popcorn.....               [I'll nip that in the bud there I think before my 
> mind wanders to much]
> Nameless person.
Just hope her boyfriend doesn't see us! :o)
I go to college with him you see and he gets rather annoyed when he see's her flirting with me...

Still, I can't help it if I'm drop dead gorgeous, can I?

Pete. ( )

Message 14631

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:54:39 +0100
Hi Ben

On 09-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Do people want afb to become a police state like James' list? :)

Ooh, Police State for me, Mr. Vost! ;-)

Not quite, but a couple of ground rules would be okay, and would save you
having to nag everyone about bad quoting practices... and various other

 Hmm... There are so many of those impure ones waiting to be

Um, anyway - just a thought...

> And perhaps you should be banned for leaving it the way it was? :)

More like throttlings to the ears and head... Since it's a first offence! ;-)



PS - James, have you ever thought of advertising your lists to internet-based
masochists? I'm sure they'd love the thought of having such a strict, watchful
master, who chastises them on a regular basis if they misbehave! ;-)

Only joking... or am I? Heh heh.
There's an edge to life, that'll cut you like a knife.

Message 14632

Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:23:49 -0000
> > Give her a kiss fer me!  (closest I ever get to the female species.)
> > And dont forget to let your hands brush against hers when reaching for the
> > popcorn.....               [I'll nip that in the bud there I think before my 
> > mind wanders to much]
> > 
> > Nameless person.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> Just hope her boyfriend doesn't see us! :o)
> I go to college with him you see and he gets rather annoyed when he see's her flirting with me...
> Still, I can't help it if I'm drop dead gorgeous, can I?
you certain your head will fit through the cinema door?


Message 14633

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:25:21 +0100
Hi Neil

On 09-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> Any AIRlinkfans out there? I have some ideas to swap with you...
> Very few. When the idea was first mentioned on the CU list there was a
> very positive response, lots of people coming up with ideas and uses
> for it. But when it was released and we asked for codesets and scripts
> to be sent for the CD, I got a\bout three :(

Only cos the codesets are so damned impossible to work out by hand! I combed
manufacturers websites looking for any hints or technical documents that might
give away some details, and even emailed a few to try and get a response (there
was none).

I tried for about three days straight trying to create an Aiwa codeset with no
success until I was nearly lynched for hogging the TV, VCR and stereo! I'm
amazed you got three - either the people already had the frequencies, or they
were extremely lucky - it takes no time to knock up a codeset once you have
those details, or I would have made millions (that's codesets, not pounds,
BTW!) by now... :-(



PS - If anyone does have any codeset info, or has figured out a quicker way of
figuring out the frequencies then I would still love to know...!
Adults are just kids who owe money.

Message 14634

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:49:38 +0100
Hi Tom

On 09-Jun-99, you wrote:

>    Anyone know why I can transmit commands to my Panasonic stereo but
> Infrarexx wont recognise an incoming signal from the remote. I used to use a
> Phillips remote to control ACDPlay but that remotes bust now :(

Hmmm... When you say won't recognise incoming signals I take it you mean that
it doesn't do the desired task? What I would want to know first of all, is does
the receive LED light up when you point it at the Airlink unit?

If it doesn't then you've possibly found your answer - could be a range
problem, so try from close range to see if you get a reaction. The LED not
lighting up in itself isn't automatically bad - try with any other remote to
see if you get  a result there. The Airlink unit will still work without those
LEDS - they're just for ease of use, but it makes it tricky to tell where the
problem is if it's not lighting up.

If it is picking it up, then the problems lies elsewhere - either you haven't
set the action for the codeset, or something like that...

By the way, which codeset are you using here? I have two Panasonic codesets.
Neither hold specific commands for stereos - TVs and videos look to be the only
items listed in there. Have you added these to the existing set, or do some of
the existing commands overlap?



PS - feel free to continue this privately if answers are extensive. Thanks Tom.

Message 14635

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Request for a piece of clipart
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:16:08 +0100
Hi Colin

On 09-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have a small problem. Enough of that though.
> I have been asked to do a special job (very quickly) for a charity which
> requires some colour images of funeral wreaths and a greyscale image of a
> churchyard stone cross. 

There were some pictures in the reader's section a while back which had lots
of graveyard images - anyone else remember this? Perhaps this fellow has what
you need.



Message 14636

From: "Paul Venton"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:22:58 +0100

> Give her a kiss fer me!  (closest I ever get to the female species.)
> And dont forget to let your hands brush against hers when reaching for the
> popcorn.....               [I'll nip that in the bud there I think before
> my mind wanders to much]
> Nameless person.

Nameless.....yes bifford

Message 14637

Subject: [afb] Any peeps here from...
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:34:00 -0000

Just a thought as I do get lonely here not being able to talk to technically competent people - Except on the 'net, that is.


Message 14638

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:43:08 +0100
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 1999 3:56 PM
Subject: [afb] Amiga's image

> Hi
> Does anyone know why Digitizer are like, SO anti-Amiga?
> It does do my head in all these people that go on and complain about

Simply - Amiga owners moan at Digitiser for not reviewing any Amiga
games. Digitiser quip back that there AREN'T any Amiga games because
Commodore went bust. Amiga owner gets stroppy (as usual) and Digi
displays some trademark irony (and a Reveal-o-Joke) and it gets totally
misinterpreted by the Amiga Zealot Task Force which now follows it

I agree with Digitiser, just not Stuart Campbell (the ungrateful bastard)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14639

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:43:35 +0100
Hi Matt,

> Simply - Amiga owners moan at Digitiser for not reviewing any Amiga

Oi! I said no more digitiser on this list.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Amiga and DOpusWBR - a match made in
   computing heaven.

Message 14640

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:47:09 +0100
> Hi all
> Now then, now then, how's about BMP?
> I say buhmp.

I say Windows Bitmap, or just bitmap.
What`s the point of having file descriptions
if you just use the lame 8.3 extension?

I can understand when it`s an acronym
especially made for TLAs for the 8.3
convention, but then think of

MPEG -> MPG <- MP3
ILBM (which gets shortened to IFF for
some strange reason)

and so on. Do you say JuPuG, MuPuG,
or TuXT?

I also hate it when people say "it`s on
that disk, in a T X T file".. morons..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14641

Subject: [afb] SMSsend program
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:48:27 -0000
I've just tried a program called SMSsend for sending messages through
MTN to mobile phones. I can't get it to work though. I'm trying to get through
to an Orange user in the UK. Has anyone in the UK got this program to
run yet?

John Hart

Message 14642

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:50:58 +0100
> Hi Matt,
> > When was this? That Stuart Campbell fuckwit, wasn`t it (swearing
> > justified, check out and find the "registered
> Hmm, just double clicked on this link - no DNS server found...

Sorry :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14643

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] ex-AP editor Stu Campbell
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:55:08 +0100
> On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Matt Sealey wrote:
> [Stu Campbell]
> > All in all, he needs a good kicking. He`s a regular columnist in Arcade
> > magazine, too.. a decent picture to cut up :)
>   He writes in an aggressive style, but he rarely says anything that is
> just plain wrong.  I like his stuff and miss the Amiga Power days.  
>   The most vocal Amiga owners are "whineing hatemongers" anyway.  :)

Yes, and he's right. That article about "The PC is the new Amiga" because
now PC owners are whining hatemongers made me laugh loads. But when
he just starts ranting about Amigas and this and that it`s just all plain
crap and he knows it.. he just says it to get kudos from his freelancer
journo mates.

Ben - what`s your opinion of him?

(BTW is that ex-AF staff guy still at Binary Asylum or did he
leave? Was he part of the recent staff layoffs?? That Star Trek game
looks ace - Zeewolf with strategy and Klingons!)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14644

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: ex-AP editor Stu Campbell
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:56:42 +0100
Hi Matt,

> Ben - what`s your opinion of him?

I have none.

> (BTW is that ex-AF staff guy still at Binary Asylum or did he
> leave? Was he part of the recent staff layoffs?? That Star Trek game
> looks ace - Zeewolf with strategy and Klingons!)

If you mean Bob Wade, he's still running the show. If you mean Trenton Webb,
he's still working there, if you mean... there are several ex-AF staffers
working for Binary Asylum.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

Message 14645

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:58:27 +0100
> Hi Matt,
> > Simply - Amiga owners moan at Digitiser for not reviewing any Amiga
> Oi! I said no more digitiser on this list.

I posted that two seconds after the original message appeared. Not
my fault Egroups is so friggin` slow. Mine should have been the first

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14646

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: ex-AP editor Stu Campbell
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 17:01:12 +0100
> Hi Matt,
> > Ben - what`s your opinion of him?
> I have none.

As in "he's a git" or "he's great but I don't want to be forced off my own
list for saying so" or "never met him, can't really form an opinion (but
he's a git anyway" ?

Or a mixture of all of them (how much emphasis on the "git")?

> > (BTW is that ex-AF staff guy still at Binary Asylum or did he
> > leave? Was he part of the recent staff layoffs?? That Star Trek game
> > looks ace - Zeewolf with strategy and Klingons!)
> If you mean Bob Wade, he's still running the show. If you mean Trenton
> he's still working there, if you mean... there are several ex-AF staffers
> working for Binary Asylum.

I meant Trenton, specifically. How many is several? I thought there was only
or so..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14647

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: 10 Jun 99 17:06:43 +0000
On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:33:40 +0100, i03427 wibbled...

> It had to come up sooner or later. 

No it didn't.

> Does anyone on here read digitiser? 

Yes, and it's jolly funny.

> I
> was reading an article about them before which said loadsa bad things about
> miggy owners, one of which was that Commodore (or whoever) named the Amiga
> as a cruel joke meaning that Amiga owners don't have girlfriends. The
> amount of ppl saying to the contrary recently (me included :) proves em
> wrong.

Oh, come on. Digitiser is a good magazine. It doesn't have an allegiance to
any format, and as such, it criticises all of the consoles and computers as
much as they deserve. It also criticises the owners for their obsessive
attitudes towards their machines, and rightly so.

Why does everyone take it so seriously? It is a games magazine that reviews
mainstream games for mainstream formats. You don't see Mac owners
complaining about it do you?

If you don't like it, don't read it. Personalyl, the only computer I have
is my Amiga 1200, but I can still laugh at the Amiga jokes. Why can't
anyone else?

*The original Wibble based website (please note the word 'original' is a lie)*
        == *NEW URL!!*
             *The newest unwritten satirical Talk Radio website*
=============================== ICQ: 28589940 ================================

Message 14648

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: 10 Jun 99 17:08:56 +0000
On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:06:54 -0500 (CDT), Chris Andrews wibbled...

[about Stuart Campbell]

>   He writes in an aggressive style, but he rarely says anything that is
> just plain wrong.  I like his stuff and miss the Amiga Power days.  

Yeah, he's a good writer. Because he gives his opinion, he is hated for it.

Oh, and if you miss the Amiga Power days, you could do worse that , which is written by a few of the AP team
(J.Nash, Mills etc.)
>   The most vocal Amiga owners are "whineing hatemongers" anyway.  :)

And of course, not forgetting the "useless cretinous morons" :)

*The original Wibble based website (please note the word 'original' is a lie)*
        == *NEW URL!!*
             *The newest unwritten satirical Talk Radio website*
=============================== ICQ: 28589940 ================================

Message 14649

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: 10 Jun 99 17:10:07 +0000
On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:05:18 +0100, Neil Bullock wibbled...

> As Ben said don't even mention them, you can do everything to Digitiser.
> Verbally abuse them (very badly). They are totally unfeeling arses (if
> you'll excuse the phrase)

You refer to Digitiser as 'them', but it's actually only written by one
person - Paul Rose (aka Mr Biffo).

Just thought I'd mention it.

*The original Wibble based website (please note the word 'original' is a lie)*
        == *NEW URL!!*
             *The newest unwritten satirical Talk Radio website*
=============================== ICQ: 28589940 ================================

Message 14650

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 17:18:34 +0100
> On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:05:18 +0100, Neil Bullock wibbled...
> > As Ben said don't even mention them, you can do everything to Digitiser.
> > Verbally abuse them (very badly). They are totally unfeeling arses (if
> > you'll excuse the phrase)
> You refer to Digitiser as 'them', but it's actually only written by one
> person - Paul Rose (aka Mr Biffo).
> Just thought I'd mention it.

Actually, there ARE more people there than Paul Rose. They do things
like Fat Sow and *are* core members of the team, it`s just he`s the
famous one (the "editor") and they don`t do much else.

And obviously the freelancers like Violet Berlin etc. are there but they
don`t count.

See, I didn`t say d__it__er at all :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14651

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronunciation
Date: 10 Jun 1999 16:37:58 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

> Amigactive is pronounced *** ******** :)

People that live in glass houses...

Ta for the plug, and the advice for the databases on AACDs :)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Tagline unfunny. Steal anyway? [Y/n]

Message 14652

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 00:51:06 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Matt Sealey 
Sent: 10 June 1999 16:58
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image

> > Hi Matt,
> > 
> > > Simply - Amiga owners moan at Digitiser for not reviewing any Amiga
> > 
> > Oi! I said no more digitiser on this list.

Oh no, look what I've started :(

> I posted that two seconds after the original message appeared. Not
> my fault Egroups is so friggin` slow. Mine should have been the first
Love that word :)


Message 14653

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 00:59:13 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Daniel Thornton 
Sent: 10 June 1999 18:06
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:33:40 +0100, i03427 wibbled...
> > It had to come up sooner or later. 
> No it didn't.


> > Does anyone on here read digitiser? 
> Yes, and it's jolly funny.

Fine. Everyone has their opinions

> Oh, come on. Digitiser is a good magazine. It doesn't have an allegiance to
> any format, and as such, it criticises all of the consoles and computers as
> much as they deserve. It also criticises the owners for their obsessive
> attitudes towards their machines, and rightly so.

Yes, it calls it's readers "Stupid", "Thick" and loads of other things.
Treats every machine like shite, except new japanese inventions which are
years off being released.

> If you don't like it, don't read it. Personalyl, the only computer I have
> is my Amiga 1200, but I can still laugh at the Amiga jokes. Why can't
> anyone else?

I can laugh at some. The problem being, most jokes directed at the Amiga
that aren't written by an Amiga owner tend to convey their authors actual
feelings about the machine. It's just that blind igorance that some people
seem to be incapable of not displaying

To be perfectly honest, I don't find computer related jokes about any 
platform particularly funny. Give me a decent Doctor Doctor joke any day :)

Message 14654

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 01:00:23 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Daniel Thornton 
Sent: 10 June 1999 18:10
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's image

> On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:05:18 +0100, Neil Bullock wibbled...
> > As Ben said don't even mention them, you can do everything to Digitiser.
> > Verbally abuse them (very badly). They are totally unfeeling arses (if
> > you'll excuse the phrase)
> You refer to Digitiser as 'them', but it's actually only written by one
> person - Paul Rose (aka Mr Biffo).
> Just thought I'd mention it.

Ahhh. That makes 'them' much easier to eliminate :)


Message 14655

From: Paul Hilder
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 20:39:37 +0100
Alan Day wrote:

> > They can get away with it in this case as BT Internet is nominally paying
> > the going rate for 0800 access - presumably the cost of this comes out of
> > BT Internet's profits rather than BT's (are they separate entities
> > legally?). If OFTEL weren't satisfied of this being the case, they
> > presumably wouldn't have allowed it to happen.

>  OFTEL did not even know about it until journalists started ringing them
> on the day of BTI`s announcement.

Seeing as your on the CUT list, i'd imagine you've also noticed the new
version of BT's ET advert. I wonder why they changed it. ;)



Message 14656

From: Pam
Subject: [afb] AF Survey and Problem (Was RE:Subs mag)
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 20:02:34 +0100
Hello Ben,

(snip AF survey)

>I don't know yet, but I'm willing to bet that it's less than 30%, and
>that absolutely no-one on this list sent it in.

Wrong! I sent mine in (via snail mail) about three weeks ago :)

Whilst I'm here, can anyone shed some light on a small problem that I
am having with my battery backed up clock?

I have an 030/50 Apollo board with clock. I've had this board for a good
two to three years with no problems at all, until about six months ago.
Then, on cold bootup, the clock started showing the wrong time and date.
OK, no probs I thought, I'll buy a new battery. Well, to cut a long story
short even with the new battery, the clock still starts up (from cold)
showing the wrong time. I am really stumped (and fed-up with having to
input the date/time upon every cold start-up) and would appreciate any
suggestions. BTW, I have checked the connections and they are all fine.
Also it only happens when I turn on my Miggy for the first time of the
day but not when doing a warm reset.

Any ideas?



  --------------------     Team *AMIGA*

Message 14657

From: Paul Hilder
Subject: [afb] Re: Sky subscriptions
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 20:46:43 +0100
Neil Bothwick wrote:

> > This can be done with many Large ISP's too. A couple of my PC owning friends
> > phoned up AOL to cancel their subscriptions, and one of them got 7 months
> > free, and the other got 18 months free!
> > (Now i wonder if Wirenet will fall for that ;)
> It might do, provided no-one from Wirenet is reading this list...

Dear Sir,

	I regret to inform you but....




Message 14658

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 10 Jun 99 18:07:06 +0100
Ben Vost ( wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> > I posted mine in today, first class no less! Okay I filled it in in 2 mins
> > while rushing thru some major work. And realised i screwed a couple of q's
> > up (I need glasses, I should get some soon) but hell, it's in the post!
> Good. See, everyone? It only takes 2 mins (if you can see, that is :)

Look, I was rushing and misread a couple of questions (and answers!) so
there's a bit of scribbling out. The fact that my handwriting is so bad
probably means you'll just take it as another answer anyway  :)

> > And they taught you Esperanto? Was it a public school?
> No, I was a grammar school oik.

I should have guessed from the picture   ;-)
> > Seriously, I guess it wasn't a school sponsored thing then and was
> > inspired home-education on behalf of parents/guardians?
> My own idea entirely. I guess the impetus was the Stainless Steel Rat books
> by Harry Harrison. The hero speaks Esperanto, an artificial language
> invented in 1913 (I think) by a guy called Professor Zamenhof.

So you wanted to be an Esperanto-speaking hero too, huh? 
> >> Ah well, don't watch Red Dwarf, it got too boring after about the third
> >> series.
> > it still hasn't picked up, but there's at least two really funny jokes per
> > series!
> Presumably they aren't the ones about curry-stained pants or Rimmer's
> incompetence... :|

How did you guess? Unfortunately, the two funny jokes of the series end up
being repeated every episode and thus lose their appeal around, oooh,
episode two. However, in series 8 the best joke HAD to be the one involving
the shocked rat ...   ;-)

> > Hmmm, how much of the disk is taken up by the files needed to boot wb?
> About 10%

Would it not be possible to reduce this further using say Imploder or
PowerPacker? I know once upon a time (in my A500 days) I created a
replacement WB disk with shed loads of stuff on a single bootable floppy,
due to the wonders of TurboImploder. Ee (an official word now, btw) them
were the days!
> >> Ha! I wish. You mean it would be more money for the bottom line...
> > *Sigh* There goes my hopes and dreams of a free Swedish au pair with every
> > issue ...
> If only...

Curses! However, if the unfortunate happens and the magazine has to close,
maybe it's a great way of going out with a bang ...


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14659

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Left handed-ness (was: Calling Mr. Vost)
Date: 10 Jun 99 18:13:26 +0100
Neil Bothwick ( wrote:
> ragnar.fyri said, 
> > I've heard  one problem lefties save with writing let to right is that
> > they have to move their hand over what they just wrote, smudging the text.
> Normally you either rotate the page 90 degrees or contort your wrist
> to avoid smudging.

That's what the left-handed bloke at work does ... it looks VERY painful!
> Alternatively, use email...

You sure? You can't always be assured that your typing is accurate ....
> > For this reason some lefties write right to left.
> Leonardo da Vinci did this, all hiss writings haver to be viewed in a
> mirror.

... or correctly spelt   ;-)

Okay, now it's your turn to take this even further off topic by having a go
at me!

> Neil
> -- 
> Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
> Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
> --
> elifgat	dednah-tfel	eht	morF

And if this is truely random I'll ... I'll ... errr, I'll be very shocked!


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14660

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: X, C, & V
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 18:03:22 +0100
> >Does anybody know of a nice little program that can cut, copy=20
> >and paste files in workbench. (Like Windoes does)
> >Oh, and please don't suggest DOpus.
> Yes, Powersnap. It can be found on AF cd's and Aminet.
>  {Snip location}

It doesn't support proportional fonts :-(  IIRC

    Bomber Harris

Message 14661

From: Jayne Johnson
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 18:34:09 +0100
On 10-Jun-99 15:58:59 Alex Furmanski wrote:

> Please, this is a family list.  We have a 2-year old on here y'know.

Yeah I know, I've read some of his posts ;D

Just kidding of course guys :o)

Jayne Johnson
Team *AMIGA*
ICQ:12482805 ICQnick:Roheine

VIZ Top Tip #547: Place sprouts beneath a tortoise to increase it's
apparent number of legs.

Message 14662

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: 10 Jun 99 18:48:00 +0100
According to this weeks Feedback in New Scientist, there is a 3d flight sim
embedded within Excel '97! I can't vouch for it's authenticity until I get
to work tomorrow, but details of how to find it (taken from ) are as follows ...

--- Snip!

HERE'S HOW you find the Flight Simulator on Excel 97. Open a new blank
work sheet; press F5 and type X97:L97 in the "Reference" box; then click
OK; hit the tab key once to end up in cell M97; press "Ctrl" and "Shift" while
clicking once on the "chart wizard" icon (the one at the top with the
blue-yellow-red bar chart). 

Got it? Good.

After a few moments you should be flying. Steer with the mouse, accelerate
and decelerate with the left and right mouse buttons respectively, and hunt
for the monolith. Exit by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc.

Have fun! 

--- Snip!



Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14663

From: "B. A . Volders"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF Survey and Problem (Was RE:Subs mag)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 19:52:14 +0100
Hello Pam

On 09-jun-99, you wrote:

.... Wrong battery time ....

Odd. But for the time being, you could use your TCP/IP stack to
automatically set the time right everytime you go on-line. I use this method
(although my bb clock is right) 
with success.



Message 14664

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF Survey and Problem (Was RE:Subs mag)
Date: 10 Jun 99 19:28:11 +0200
B. A . Volders ( wrote:
> Hello Pam
> On 09-jun-99, you wrote:
> .... Wrong battery time ....
> Odd. But for the time being, you could use your TCP/IP stack to
> automatically set the time right everytime you go on-line. I use this method
> (although my bb clock is right) 
> with success.

I do use the net to set my clock every time I go on the net, but I just
noticed I'd forgotten to tell MD2 about BST so my posts have been coming in
an hour "early" ...

oops! sorry for any thread probs, peeps!


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14665

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:46:46 +0100
Greetings  Ben

On 10-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> =

>> In the latest issue of T3 there's a letter about a cartridge which can=

>> be slotted into the film-holder of any 35mm camera - good if you
>> already have a decent SLR with lots of lenses and stuff.
>> Don't know if it would work with the Amiga and they don't give a
>> price. All they say is its the EFS-1 cartridge by Imagek. Holds 30
>> pics with 1.3million pixels each. Phone 001 714 549 8211.
>> There are some digital camera reviews but they seem to cost about
>> =A3500-600. Have a flick through in the newsagents (but again you migh=
>> have trouble linking them to the Amiga).
> =

> Unfortunately it still seems to be vapour ware - I heard about this
> early last year and thought it was a great idea, but nothing seems to
> have been done with it...
> =

I'm pretty sure I saw this gizmo(or a similar one) in Computer Arts a
month or two back, they had a picture of it iirc.

> All the best,


/PGP Key available on request/
-- =

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 14666

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:51:16 +0100
Greetings  Alex

On 10-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi PC.  Me again ;-)
>>> Just reading Eyetech's ad in AF and something occurred to me that has
>>> never
> done
>>> so before: All (most) of Eyetech's products are called "EZ-"
>>> something. Is this supposed to be pronounced "easy", "e-zed", "ez" or
>>> what?

> I always call the IOBlix "I-Obelix", HMV "hmmmmv" and similarly FMV
> "fmmmmv" and also FHM "fuhum".
> Strange, I think, how we say "scuzzy" for SCSI, but not "ide" for IDE.

That might be because an Ide is a fish and folks would get confused if you
said you had an interface for one in your computer.

> Tatty byes
> ==========
> Alex Furmanski -


/PGP Key available on request/
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 14667

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:06:51 +0100
Greetings  Neil

On 10-Jun-99, you wrote:

> paulc said, 
>> I don't think we've had a single poll yet which members haven't ripped
>> apart and whinged about so I'm trying to come up with one you can't
>> argue with (though saying that means someone will!)
>> ----
>> Please select one of the following:
>>    o Male
>>    o Female
>>    o Hermaphrodite
>>    o Neither male nor female
>>    o Don't know
> What about Transexual?

I would assume a transexual would apply the gender they've been transexed

> Neil


/PGP Key available on request/
Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is
time to reform.
-- Mark Twain

Message 14668

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:10:00 +0100
Greetings  Ben

On 10-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi,
>> stupid question - but what is a hermaphrodite? (is it a non-sexed
>> human, or someone who can change between female and male (like some
>> animals)?)
> It's someone who has the sexual organs of both sexes.

I guess animals that change sex would be transexual, in the same way a
feller having his tackle removed is. I've only heard of it in fishes, and
afaik it's only Males that change, not females.

> All the best,


/PGP Key available on request/
Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most times he will
pick himself up and carry on...
-- Winston Churchill

Message 14669

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: It sticks out!!!
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:57:31 +0100
Greetings  4-0

On 08-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hello Matt
> On 08-Jun-99, you wrote:
>> Angled? You mean like the 90degree PCMCIA adapters are "angled"?
> Yup, thats the kind i'm on about. If they exist that is.
> 4-0

Make some.

buy a couple of connectors from maplin, take the metal plugs out of the
plastic housing.

Chop the connector of one of the spare power leads from the PSU, slip an
inch of shrink tube over the wire ends. Crimp on the metal wotsits, slide
the tubing up over the metal ends, and apply heat to shrink it tight. You
can now push the individual wires into the CD rom with ease, and you can
bend it anyway you like.

Disclaimer. If you blow yourself up, blame me not. :)



/PGP Key available on request/
Sex is hereditary. If your parents never had it, chances are you
won't either.
-- Murphy's laws on sex

Message 14670

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:15:53 +0100
Greetings  Ben

On 10-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi Chris,
>>  How about www.  So far I've heard
>>   - double-U double-U double-U
>>   - dub dub dub
>>   - wuh wuh wuh
>      ^^^^^^^^^^^
> I always use this one personally. There was a chap who was trying to get
> everyone to just say "web", but that hasn't ever taken off.

A good thing when some sites do actually start with http://web.#?



/PGP Key available on request/
Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.
-- Lily Tomlin

Message 14671

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Power Computing and phase5 products
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 19:14:58 +0100

According to their Ad' in the latest AF; Power claim they are the only
vendor of Phase5 products in the UK.

Are White Knight selling scotch mist, then?



/PGP Key available on request/
Anyone can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
-- Cicero

Message 14672

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:19:23 +0100
Greetings  Matt

On 10-Jun-99, you wrote:

>>   How about www.  So far I've heard
>>    - double-U double-U double-U
> I say doubler-doubler-doubler in a Southern US kind o' accent, y'all.
>>    - wuh wuh wuh
> And that..
>>    - w w w   (as in the lowercase sound)
> Lower case sound?

Heh, he's confused himself. wuh wuh wuh is the lowercase sound, isn't it?

> I say "X Pack" or "uXPuK" depending on my mood.

I say "ex pee kay"

> .. and more importantly GIF.
> Compuserve say 'JIF' but CU said GIF and so do most
> people I meet. When people say JIF I think either
> kitchen cream cleaner or Giraffe. What`s the deal there??

If they want us to say Jiff they shoulda used a J or used two F's and
stuck an E on the end! GIF is obviously a hard G.



/PGP Key available on request/
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 14673

From: "Andy Sillwood"
Subject: [afb] Re: Left handed-ness (was: Calling Mr. Vost)
Date: 10 Jun 99 11:38:04 +0100
On 10-Jun-99 10:27:00, ragnar.fyri ( wrote:

>> Most people I know who are left handed have the hideously
>> scrawly hand writing, I think the only one who doesn't have
>> is my girlfriend... Hell, I have scrawly hand writing, and I'm
>> right handed

Yep my writing is terrible, but I know left handed people who can write
neatly, and right handed people who's writing you can't read at all.

>I've heard  one problem lefties save with writing let to right is that
>they have to move their hand over what they just wrote, smudging the text.

I have got into the habit of turning the page clockise a bit when I'm writing,
that way the stuff you write ends up above your hand instead of under it :)
I have seen others at school doing that too.

One major problem I have is all the computers at school, and at Free4all, have
the mice on the right, and most people get annoyed if you move them, or you
can't move them because there's no space on the other side :)



Andrew Sillwood - ICQ:13697313 - Free Internet Access

Message 14674

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 19:21:29 +0000
Hello Andy,

On 10-Jun-99, you wrote:

> On 09-Jun-99 22:03:20, Andy Kinsella ( wrote:
>> Cack handers wear watches on their right hands so that they can
>> manipulate the buttons and stuff with the good hand.
> OI! Who you calling cack-handed?? :-)
> Whats wrong with being left-handed?

There's absolutly nothing wrong with being left handed, I the very ability.
I wear my watch on my left hand. I'll admit fountin pens a bit of a problem
though, which is why I use biros, pencils and keyboards.

Pointless info 1: Did you know Sinister means left handed?

Pointless info 2: Did you know if you are right handed the left side of the
brain has most control so only left handers are in their right mind?

PS Why do exams have "blank page" written when the page obviously is not
blank. It has two words on it!

UIN: 30044173

Everybody is talking about the weather but nobody does anything about it.
-- Mark Twain

Message 14675

From: "B. A . Volders"
Subject: [afb] Re: Miami Control
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 23:16:15 +0100

Fully agree with you. Had it installed, encountered a small 
error but Freaky helped me out very quick. Keep up Amigo.

On 30-mei-99, you wrote:

> I've just installed it (painlessly) and I'd like to recommend it to anyone
> uses Miami. Well done Tom, it's excellent. Is there a shareware fee? It's
> mentioned in the docs. Also, there are a couple of things I'd like to see
> to it... :)
> Ben
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications

Message 14676

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: 10 Jun 99 14:33:16 +0000
Hello samuel_byford, on 10-Jun-99 09:52:22 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Digital camera 

>> > What would be a nice thing to buy?  Any suggestions?
>> A half decent camera, a few rolls of slide film (processing is normally
>> included in film price), and a transparancy scanner.

>You know how much a film scanner costs?!!

Around 300+ for `decent' scanner. Jessops are selling one for 75, but
the resolution is very low for a transparency scanner - although it
should be good enough for scanning slides for web pages. The only
trouble is, he'd need a PC to use it... :(

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
A .44 Magnum beats four aces.

Message 14677

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: 10 Jun 99 20:10:53 +0000
Hello Kevin Fairhurst, on 10-Jun-99 17:48:00 you said about: 
 [afb] Microsoft bloatware strikes again! 

>According to this weeks Feedback in New Scientist, there is a 3d flight sim
>embedded within Excel '97! I can't vouch for it's authenticity until I get
>to work tomorrow, but details of how to find it (taken from
> ) are as follows ...

Yes, it is there and I have "played" it. Basically, you fly around this
landscape using the mouse to find a monolith with the programmer's names
scrolling on it.

I have instructions here on how to find it and a couple other M$

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
"And slowly but surely they drew their plans against us."

Message 14678

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: List rules (was)Albatross (was)...(And Now Is???)
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 22:43:20 +0100
On 09-Jun-99, Ralph Wrote........

[=> unless the afb is to change to  AnarchyFormatBalderdash   ;-)

Hmmmmmm,  I can see that this will go on forever... To tell you the truth I
didn't notice how many off topic subjects there were until I broke my mouse
skipping the mail ;).  You win.  Game Over :)))))).

*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams   ICQ: 34655410
The key! The end! The answer! Stripped of their disguise! -Rush

Message 14679

From: "Ian Urie"
Subject: [afb] Re: image cataloguing
Date: 09 Jun 99 21:28:07 -0500
On 09-Jun-99 08:57:58, Ken Walsh said about [afb] image cataloguing:
> Hi,

>     I was looking through this months issue of AF and saw about PD select
> and image cataloguing system called photo Folio. I'm after a said bit of
> software to use on my stored pic' files on my HD. Have there been any
> give aways on your past CD's or subs disks or what about aminet does
> anyone know of a good one. I just want to see what's on all my saved
> images quickly instead of loading them all up (as the bigger ones can
> take time) only finger nail size will do, a sort of data base type.

Try out Collector...its on Aminet as well as Gerard Cornu's web-page.
I believe it was also on one of the CD's (or maybe CU Amigas)

Ian Urie  
MacIntosh:Computer with training wheels you can't remove.

Message 14680

From: "Andy Sillwood"
Subject: [afb] Re: Netconnect 2 Mailing list
Date: 10 Jun 99 21:04:18 +0100
On 09-Jun-99 17:07:38, Bob Rickman ( wrote:

>> Are you bypassing the queue?

OK, I'll be completely honest - I've been sending via my Wirenet account
(Neil Bothwick will love that one... :)

>Apologies appear due to free4all. I'm sorry (Hangs head in shame). I find the
>/missing / messages had a small typo in the email address, the dot after bob
>was missing making them invalid. Hopefully, my config. is now corrected. This
>also presumably prevented them from bouncing!

From our network status page:

10th June 1999 17:30 GMT

We are still having problems our mail server, We have contacted Seattle Labs
(The Providers of the Mail Server) who are currently trying to solve the

We will try to fix this problem as soon as possible, We apologize for
any inconvenience this fault may cause.



Andrew Sillwood - ICQ:13697313 - Free Internet Access

Message 14681

From: Paul Hilder
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser - Dull as ditchwater.
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 19:41:35 +0100
Ben Vost wrote:

> > It had to come up sooner or later. Does anyone on here read digitiser? I
> > was reading an article about them before which said loadsa bad things
> > about miggy owners, one of which was that Commodore (or whoever) named the
> > Amiga as a cruel joke meaning that Amiga owners don't have girlfriends.
> > The amount of ppl saying to the contrary recently (me included :) proves
> > em wrong.
> Yaawwwn. Don't even bother mentioning Digitiser.

So is there a big story behind all this, not necessary D******** (it's
just a mag after all) but the peeps who write it? I could stick it on my
website so if anyone else ever mentions the dreaded D-Word you (or
someone else :) ) could point them to it. 

Just a thought. :)



Message 14682

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: AFB Age Range
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 20:04:47 +0100

> Does everyone think its time I deleted the AFB Age range Poll?=20
> Or are there still people out there who havnt voted?
> Any ideas on what to do with the data gathered yey far?



Message 14683

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] clocks
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 20:45:19 +0100
Hi Folks,
Reading through the source of a few mails, I notice that the time is set =
to "GMT -0000"=20
Please corect them.

    Bomber Harris

Message 14684

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: SMSsend program
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 21:03:38 +0100
Hi John,

> I've just tried a program called SMSsend for sending messages through
> MTN to mobile phones. I can't get it to work though. I'm trying to get =
> to an Orange user in the UK. Has anyone in the UK got this program to
> run yet?

    I seem to remember reading somewhere that there is a problem with =
Orange and SMS

    Bomber Harris

Message 14685

From: Keith Priestley
Subject: [afb] AmozillaX Question
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 21:52:59 +0100
 Does anyone know whether AmozillaX will definitely include RealAudio &
Realvideo ?.
 If so, what speed of processor will be required to play them ?.

All the best,


Message 14686

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: ex-AP editor Stu Campbell
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:00:09 -0700 (PDT)
> If you mean Bob Wade, he's still running the show.
> If you mean Trenton Webb,
> he's still working there, if you mean... there are
> several ex-AF staffers
> working for Binary Asylum.

Blimey, Trenton Webb gets about a bit. He used to edit
Commodore Format, worked on Amiga Format and has done
some work in SFX too, and finds time to write games :)

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Message 14687

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: 10 Jun 99 22:03:31 +0200
Ben Vost ( wrote:
> Hi Neil,
> > 
> > Directory Opus has an option to disply the time in the title bar :)
> > 
> But it's no good - you'll still want a third party commodity since DOpus'
> clock disappears when DOpus is not the active application. I use TBClock,
> which is a bit buggy, but works well enough.

TBClock? Threap's Bar Clock (or whatever it stands for)??

I bought my A4000 off the bloke who wrote that! I knew him at uni! He sold
me his A4000, went the way of the PC, and the last I knew he was workign
for Intel ...

C'est la vie ...


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14688

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: AFB - PPC for thee?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 21:48:56 +0000
Bother said as he realised we were talking about
POLL: AFB - PPC for thee? again...

> Please select one or more of the following:

>   o I have a PPC
>   o I have a BVision/CyberVision PPC
>   o I'm gonna get a PPC
>   o I'm gonna get a BVision/CyberVision PPC
>   o I've got a Picasso/CV3D and I'm happy with it
>   o I'm waiting for the G3/G4 cards
>   o I'm holding out for the BoXeR
>   o I'm waiting for the NG Amiga before I buy anything

What about:

    o I'd like one but I can't afford it
    o I wouldn't have one if you paid me
    o I'll get one when there's more software

etc. etc.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14689

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 22:06:01 +0000
Bother said Ben Vost as he realised we were talking about Subs mag again...

>> And they taught you Esperanto? Was it a public school?

> No, I was a grammar school oik.

Posh git.  :)

>> You mean you don't just go "DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH? I SAID, DO YOU ..
>> SPEAK-ER ... EN - GER - LISH?"

> Unfortunately, unless you know the native language of the country you are
> in you probably do since practically nobody speaks Esperanto. :(


>> Seriously, I guess it wasn't a school sponsored thing then and was
>> inspired home-education on behalf of parents/guardians?

> My own idea entirely. I guess the impetus was the Stainless Steel Rat
> by Harry Harrison.

Ooh, I remember them!  I didn't think they were that
old though?

 The hero speaks Esperanto, an artificial language
> invented in 1913 (I think) by a guy called Professor Zamenhof.

ISTR reading in an Amiga magazine (not sure which)
that there were some serious flaws with Esperanto
and that there are some better (even less successful)
alternatives - I forget how they ended up on that

>>> Ah well, don't watch Red Dwarf, it got too boring after about the third
>>> series.

Still better than most of the crap on telly though.

>>  *Sigh* There goes my hopes and dreams of a free Swedish au pair with
>>  every issue ...

> If only...

Maybe we should do a poll...


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14690

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: The AFB Age Range
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 22:09:05 +0000
Bother said Alex Furmanski as he realised we were talking about Voting
Results: The AFB Age Range again...
> [snip]

>> 2

> Hmmmm, he's a bit precocious.

an me wurkin in teknikul suprot tooo!

Martin (aged 2).

Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14691

From: Nigel Bent
Subject: [afb] Re: Re MUI Registration
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 22:01:52 +0000
Hello Anthony Prime

On 09-Jun-99, you wrote:

> For the benefit of anyone else sending cheques, they remain valid for
> 6 months from date of issue, after which your bank should return them
> unpaid  marked "Out of Date" or similar.

I believe that the six month validity period on cheques is only custom of
practice and is not actually codified in statute.  I don't believe anyone
has ever tested this validity in court.....yet....

Apparently, there is no similar "timeout" for debit/credit card
transactions.  I heard of somebody who debited 500 ukp and it took six
months to arrive at his bank.  Now that would be nasty in Crete...

> Cheers ( and for a bonus point guess my occupation)

Well I wouldn't want to be the one to call you a Merchant Banker };-)

Regards (10 bonus points if you can guess my occupation)
Nigel Bent

Powered by Amiga (funnily enough, also in Cheshire)

Some people hope to achieve immortality through their works or their
children.  I would prefer to achieve it by not dying.
-- Woody Allen

Message 14692

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 21:33:08 +0100
>>According to this weeks Feedback in New Scientist, there is a 3d flight
>>embedded within Excel '97! I can't vouch for it's authenticity until I get
>>to work tomorrow, but details of how to find it (taken from
>> ) are as follows
>Yes, it is there and I have "played" it. Basically, you fly around this
>landscape using the mouse to find a monolith with the programmer's names
>scrolling on it.

I had heard of it before, but i didnt know how to get to it - so i just
tried it and it does work - but its nothing special, and the handling of the
craft u r flying is crap!

>I have instructions here on how to find it and a couple other M$

I found out how to do the one with IE4

du u know how to do the Word 97 special thingy, if so - can u mail simple
(or complex :) instructions to me personally - thanx :)

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 14693

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: Hello!?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:23:37 -0700 (PDT)
> I know. Give me a good POP3 email account any
> day. And then make me use hotmail with it completely
> cock it up :)
I would, but i'm not an internet provider... :)

> "You're better than everyone else". Everybody on
> this
> list, remember that :)

This may be so, but you're still the only person that
talks to me... :(

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Message 14694

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: AF Survey and Problem (Was RE:Subs mag)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:34:04 -0700 (PDT)
> Also it only happens when I turn on my Miggy for the
> first time of the
> day but not when doing a warm reset.

You definately put the right sort of battery in the
right way round?! Other than the battery, the clock
hardware could be shagged :( if you use the internet
much, i think you can set AmiTCP or miami to set your
time to the ISP machine automatically....

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Message 14695

From: Ralph
Subject: [afb] Re: SMSsend program
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 21:05:16 +0100

On 10-Jun-99, you wrote:

> I've just tried a program called SMSsend for sending messages through MTN
> to mobile phones. I can't get it to work though. I'm trying to get through
> to an Orange user in the UK. Has anyone in the UK got this program to run
> yet?

What serial port are you using ?

If it is not the inbuilt one you may have probs 


Message 14696

From: "GITINT40"
Subject: [afb] New Amiga
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 09:01:37 +0100
Every one on the afb come and see my web page on

Message 14697

From: "Andrew McCombe"
Subject: [afb] Re: Any peeps here from...
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 08:42:26 +0100
Stafford? No.
Cannock Do you?



Message 14698

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 09:32:52 +0100
Hi Andy,

> I'm pretty sure I saw this gizmo(or a similar one) in Computer Arts a
> month or two back, they had a picture of it iirc.

Yeah, but it's the same picture that was shown last year - it's a mock-up.
Cracking idea though, I really hope it does come out.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Amiga Format - The worldwide mag for
          *all* Amiga owners.

Message 14699

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 09:34:10 +0100
Hi Andy,

> I guess animals that change sex would be transexual, in the same way a
> feller having his tackle removed is. I've only heard of it in fishes, and
> afaik it's only Males that change, not females.

And frogs. Haven't you seen Drastic Park? (Jurassic Park)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
    If this were an actual tagline, 
      I'm sure it would be funny.

Message 14700

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 09:35:42 +0100
Hi Andy,

> If they want us to say Jiff they shoulda used a J or used two F's and
> stuck an E on the end! GIF is obviously a hard G.

Absolutely, just like giraffe.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14701

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 23:21:54 +0000
Kevin Fairhurst scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Microsoft bloat=
ware strikes again! :

[ snip ] =

It works if you have Direct3D. I tried it a few months ago, jolly fun ;)

Best Regards
-- =

Peter Price                     Amiga Universe
IRC: Agima @ ARCNet             You read it because you're *weak*
ICQ: 15849650                   PGP5 Key available - just ask :)

Journalists DO IT write.

Message 14702

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Anti-dextrous
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 09:39:44 +0100
Hi Danny,

> Pointless info 1: Did you know Sinister means left handed?

No, it doesn't. It means left, and dexter means right, hence dextrous. It's
the latin doncha know?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Got an AF subscription? If not, why not
ring 01458 271102 and get one?

Message 14703

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 09:49:11 +0100
Hi Samuel,

> I had heard of it before, but i didnt know how to get to it - so i just
> tried it and it does work - but its nothing special, and the handling of
> the craft u r flying is crap!

Do you really want the programmers of this spreadsheet to concentrate more
on their flight sim?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14704

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 09:57:41 +0100

> According to this weeks Feedback in New Scientist, there is a 3d flight
> embedded within Excel '97! I can't vouch for it's authenticity until I get
> to work tomorrow, but details of how to find it (taken from
> ) are as follows


It`s not bloatware at all. I saw this in January 1998, it`s not new.

Think about it - all the maths code for a flight sim style app is IN EXCEL
ALREADY, as is 3D drawing code (for the graphs) and the mouse movement
functions (taken care of by Windows). It`s no more Bloatware than the
"We made this" requester in most AmigaOSes - the requester function is
there and a few lines of text and code take up little or no space.

Nobody will notice a 40k flight sim in Excel because they`ll never use it
and the code to activate it and run it never gets touched until you press
certain hotkeys (and hotkey sequencing is virtually built in to Windows)

Get your facts right next time. Now you know why a well known Channel
4 teletext computer page has a go at us..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14705

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 09:56:11 +0100
Hi fool,

> Bother said Ben Vost as he realised we were talking about Subs mag
> again...

Something weird about your mailer...

So I had to paste this in manually, thank buddha for YAM's "paste quoted"

> >> And they taught you Esperanto? Was it a public school?
> > No, I was a grammar school oik.
> Posh git.  :)

No, just intelligent.
> > My own idea entirely. I guess the impetus was the Stainless Steel Rat
> books
> > by Harry Harrison.
> Ooh, I remember them!  I didn't think they were that
> old though?

Cheeky bar steward.
> ISTR reading in an Amiga magazine (not sure which)
> that there were some serious flaws with Esperanto
> and that there are some better (even less successful)
> alternatives - I forget how they ended up on that
> subject.

There are indeed. Especially its dependence on western european languages as
a base, but the other languages that have been created all suffer similar
problems. I think that if you only took the morphemes that exist in every
country in the world you'd end up with a very restricted language.

> >>> Ah well, don't watch Red Dwarf, it got too boring after about the
> >>> series.
> Still better than most of the crap on telly though.

In the words of the immortal "Why Don't You?", why don't you switch off your
tv set and go and do something more interesting instead?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
We want *your* reviews of your favourite
hardware and software. Get 'em in!

Message 14706

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: New Amiga
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 09:57:36 +0100

> Every one on the afb come and see my web page on

What kind of a name is Gitint? Is that a soft or hard "g" sound? :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
    If this were an actual tagline, 
      I'm sure it would be funny.

Message 14707

Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 09:11:41 -0000
> > According to this weeks Feedback in New Scientist, there is a 3d flight
> sim
> > embedded within Excel '97! I can't vouch for it's authenticity until I get
> > to work tomorrow, but details of how to find it (taken from
> > ) are as follows
> ...
> It`s not bloatware at all. I saw this in January 1998, it`s not new.
> Think about it - all the maths code for a flight sim style app is IN EXCEL
> ALREADY, as is 3D drawing code (for the graphs) and the mouse movement
> functions (taken care of by Windows). It`s no more Bloatware than the
> "We made this" requester in most AmigaOSes - the requester function is
> there and a few lines of text and code take up little or no space.
> Nobody will notice a 40k flight sim in Excel because they`ll never use it
> and the code to activate it and run it never gets touched until you press
> certain hotkeys (and hotkey sequencing is virtually built in to Windows)
> Get your facts right next time. Now you know why a well known Channel
> 4 teletext computer page has a go at us..
That's a bit harsh, don't you think?
Also, why are you sticking up for MICRO$OFT?
I think that maybe YOU are one of the reason's why Teletext's Sub-Page about 'computers' always goes on about how 'sad' we are.

no offence intended, but when someone sticks up for M$ they deserve to be put down. :o)


Message 14708

From: "paulhill"
Subject: [afb] re:stopping my sub to this list
Date: 11 Jun 99 07:43:06 +0000
please can some one tell me how I can stop my subscription to this
list, as I do not check my mail everyday and do not enjoy having to
download 600+ mails every couple of days.
paul hill

Message 14709

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: image cataloguing
Date: 10 Jun 99 01:06:56 +0000
According to Ken, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] image cataloguing.
> Hi,

> I just want to see what's on all my saved
> images quickly instead of loading them all up (as the bigger ones can
> take time) only finger nail size will do, a sort of data base type.

On AFCD41 there is -seriously_amiga-/graphics/jpegtool which can
create miniatures of your pics (any format).
Also is -seriouslyamiga-/comms/www/autoindex2g which can create an
HTML page of thumbnails.
This is okay if you like HTML (you don't have to know how to code it)
but does mean you need to keep all the minis on disk as well.

Paul C.
... I'm not under the alkafluence of inkahol that some thinkle peep I am.
      It's just the drunker I sit here the longer I get.

Message 14710

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: 11 Jun 1999 0:57:44 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

> Hi Neil,

>> Directory Opus has an option to disply the time in the title bar :)

> But it's no good - you'll still want a third party commodity since DOpus'
> clock disappears when DOpus is not the active application.

I know, but it's been a while since Opus got a plug :)

> I use TBClock,
> which is a bit buggy, but works well enough.

I use MCP, which isn't buggy and works more than well enough :)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Fasten your seatbelt ... I wanna try something.

Message 14711

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Bootup
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 06:24:16 +0100
People keep going on (well, nearly) about "MY hard disk doesn't boot from
cold" and the answer is nearly always "warm reboot". This used to be the case
for me.

However, Ever since installing my Power Typhoon (running from a standard A1200
psu) I experienced a nice yellow screen and flashing power light. I assume
this was to do with low power. But that's not the problem.

Ever since I've had the power typhoon, I turn on the power to my amiga, after
30 seconds checking for scsi devices (of which I have none) it finally gets to
booting, and just sits there with the purple screen asking for wb.

OK, may seem like those "can't boot from cold" probs, but it's not, because a
warm reset doesn't work. I have to turn off the power pack, and on again
(quickly) and then it boots normally everytime. I'm guessing it's to do with
low power as I've recently knackered the A1200 PSU and am using a hastily
converted and damn ugly PC psu (which, incidentally, doesn't supply any more
power than an A500 one).

The yellow screens and bootup probs still occur, but my amiga now sometimes
boots from cold. Not very often, but at least it does it.

It's not a problem, I've got used to it, but I'm just curious as to what might
be causing it.


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 14712

From: Gerrit-kjeld Dusseljee
Subject: [afb] Re: A1200 zorro board
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 03:13:02 +0200
Hello Matt

Op 10-jun-99 schreef Matt Sealey:

>> Gareth asked
>>> Having been on the amiga for some time now, i would like to add some
> sort of
>>> zorro expansion to my a1200 eyetech tower, would anyone know where i
> could buy
>>> one.
>> I think Power Computing does one. For sure one of the advertisers in AF
>> do
> as
>> I saw it in a current issue.  You will need a tower though...
> Christ Almighty our Saviour! Are people around here STUPID?
> First someone asks where they can get a Zorro Board for their EYETECH
> tower..
> Then someone replies saying Power do one, but they'll NEED A TOWER
> No wonder I get so pissed off. If people are really that lazy and/or
> stupid then
> I think I'll buy a G3 Mac for my next machine and leave you all to it.

A Mac? Who's stupid and lazy (can't handle more then one mousebutton?).

Sorry, i couldn't resist it.

A4000/060@50/604e@200/CV-PPC/118MB ram/8.6GB hd/12xCDrom/Ricoh CD-RW/Pioneer
Atari 600XL/800XL/800XE/2600/LYNX |SEGA megadrive+cd/GameGear|N64/SNES|PSX
--Member of:Convergence International- The NON-Wintel user group--
--Cracking RC5-64//     Warp*S - a program of M$ Tactics Inc.   //
ICQ:255060020|||| BOOT ERROR||||

Message 14713

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] The future's bright. The future's erm, AmigaSoft
Date: 10 Jun 99 19:40:12 +0000
Hi all,
Hi Neil

I have just read the details of the AI  "press conference" and it was
pleasing to see that Simon was impressed, and that Richard was only
there for the beer ;).

Neil B, you were there, how did you feel after the event? Are you
optomisitic? I'm sure a lot of us would like to know.

And the same goes for anyone else who was there. Did you leave feeling
good, or did you call in to browse at PC World on the way home?

Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14714

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: 9 Jun 99 23:42:26 +0000
According to Ben, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: Autostart stuff.

> > 3- Stuff added to the AFCD_Files script 
> Well, Not sure about the other stuff, but point 3 is kind of right. The
> AFCD_Files script is being seriously updated right now - get ready for
> AFCDInstall on AFCD43 (guaranteed no MUI)... :)

Does this install script check for OS version numbers? I ran it and
got "installer" version 43.3 installed which I thought might be the
reason for my installs not working (it isn't). Would your script ever
copy something for OS3.1 if you only have 3.0?
> Ben Vost
Paul C.
... Have you noticed that all you need to grow healthy, vigorous grass is a
      crack in your patio?

Message 14715

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: 10 Jun 99 00:02:59 +0000
At 00:02:39 you said about [afb] Re: Digital camera:

> >> Get DOpus...
> Yes, definitely.

How come you are such an advocate of DopePiss? I know many think it is
great (I can't comment either way) but it must be pretty amazing.
Especially as you always seem to have arguments against things. Go on
Neil, tell us /something/, /anything/ that is bad about DOpus :)
> Neil
Paul C.
... What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

Message 14716

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Top idea for the CD - even if I do say so myself!
Date: 10 Jun 99 19:08:53 +0000
Hi Ben

I have just got round to looking at CD41, and I like the idea of
having extracts from the mailing list, but using a browser to look at
them seems very cumbersome IMHO.

Why not install an evaluation version of YAM/Thor/MicroDot and a file
of emails each month (as the last CU did with their farewell
messages), as I think this will make life a lot easier (and quicker).

Whadda ya say?

Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14717

From: "Mark A. Dekeyser"
Subject: [afb] Subs mag
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 21:17:23 -0400
My copy of AF125 arrived in the mail today.

Mark Dekeyser

Message 14718

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Letters In AF125... and some more...
Date: 10 Jun 99 00:19:41 +0000
MSGTO: Ben Vost
SUBJECT: [afb] Re: Letters In AF125... and some more...

> > 4. I agree with his last comment.. although AF content is starting to
> > sound more and more like that of a fanzine. 
> John Kennedy's pic will no longer grace the issue after AF126 anyway
Where is it? I can't find his picture (I want to see him stroking his
pussy [oo-er missus])

> > Can you please put the "Shops" section of the Readers Ad bit on
> > the CD instead of in the mag? Again freeing up some more pages so
> > you can do some more work :)
> Gee thanks. No.
Could you not make them a bit more "squished" then? They seem very
spaced out (a bit like some people on this list).

> > can we have a covergirl sometime... 
> Mostly they are too expensive to use, but anyway, we did have for
> AF121...
Yeah, right. That pic on the "Shop Watch" issue (blue cover) was quite
nice though! Sarah Harvey it said her name was.

> Ben Vost
Paul C.
Off to get my dad's model books about (professional ones you
understand) and see how much the model agency charges for her....

Message 14719

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Over the limit
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:26:48 +0100

I had to moderate messages agin this morning because we were over the
200/day limit. I've allowed some of the messages to go through, but those
that are off-topic have been rejected. I don't want to limit the topics we
talk about on here, but please think before you post.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
How many mice does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Only two - but it's difficult to get them in there.

Message 14720

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:14:28 +0100
Hi Andy


>> .. and more importantly GIF.
>> Compuserve say 'JIF' but CU said GIF and so do most
>> people I meet. When people say JIF I think either
>> kitchen cream cleaner or Giraffe. What`s the deal there??
>If they want us to say Jiff they shoulda used a J or used two F's and
>stuck an E on the end! GIF is obviously a hard G.

But then it would have been "JIFFE" which a) doesn't fit the acronym and b)
would sound "jife" as in "life".

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14721

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Left handed-ness (was: Calling Mr. Vost)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:15:26 +0100
Hi Andy

>>> Most people I know who are left handed have the hideously
>>> scrawly hand writing, I think the only one who doesn't have
>>> is my girlfriend... Hell, I have scrawly hand writing, and I'm
>>> right handed
>Yep my writing is terrible, but I know left handed people who can write
>neatly, and right handed people who's writing you can't read at all.

I find they tend to go into the medical profession.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14722

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: AFB - PPC for thee?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:24:16 +0100
Hi fool

>Bother said as he realised we were talking about
>POLL: AFB - PPC for thee? again...
>> Please select one or more of the following:
>>   o I have a PPC
>>   o I have a BVision/CyberVision PPC
>>   o I'm gonna get a PPC
>>   o I'm gonna get a BVision/CyberVision PPC
>>   o I've got a Picasso/CV3D and I'm happy with it
>>   o I'm waiting for the G3/G4 cards
>>   o I'm holding out for the BoXeR
>>   o I'm waiting for the NG Amiga before I buy anything
>What about:
>    o I'd like one but I can't afford it
>    o I wouldn't have one if you paid me
>    o I'll get one when there's more software

I spent the last 30mins of my Chemistry exam yesterday thinking up these poll
options, after narrowing it down from many more than 8.  In hindsight, it would
probably have been better to do two separate polls - one about PPC and one about
GFX cards.  If peeps are wanting, I'll cancel this poll and do two new ones?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14723

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: The AFB Age Range
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:26:31 +0100
Hi fool

>>> 2
>> Hmmmm, he's a bit precocious.
>an me wurkin in teknikul suprot tooo!

Oh what wonders can be worked with "View Source" eh?

Tatty byes

>Martin (aged 2).

Alex Furmanski - (mental age 2)

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover

Message 14724

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:30:03 +0100
Hi Kevin

>According to this weeks Feedback in New Scientist, there is a 3d flight sim
>embedded within Excel '97! I can't vouch for it's authenticity until I get
>to work tomorrow, but details of how to find it (taken from
> ) are as follows ...
>--- Snip!


Ah ha!  Now we have some names to abuse!  I seem to remember a "Magic 8-ball" in
Excel too...

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14725

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:30:29 +0100
Hi Matt

>> Now then, now then, how's about BMP?
>> I say buhmp.
>I say Windows Bitmap, or just bitmap.
>What`s the point of having file descriptions
>if you just use the lame 8.3 extension?

It's quicker.

>I can understand when it`s an acronym
>especially made for TLAs for the 8.3
>convention, but then think of
>MPEG -> MPG <- MP3
>ILBM (which gets shortened to IFF for
>some strange reason)
>and so on. Do you say JuPuG, MuPuG,
>or TuXT?

No, JPEG MPEG and TEXT.  I don't say illbuhm (ILBM) or if (IFF) either.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14726

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:28:53 +0100
Hi Paul,

> Does this install script check for OS version numbers? I ran it and
> got "installer" version 43.3 installed which I thought might be the
> reason for my installs not working (it isn't). Would your script ever
> copy something for OS3.1 if you only have 3.0?

The current script just blindly copies Installer 43.3 and AFCDView over. The
new script will use Installer to allow you to pick and choose what you wish
to install.

You should definitely have Installer 43.3 installed since this script (and
many others I've found) absolutely requires this version.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14727

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:35:42 +0100
Hi all


Anyone wanting some more, try

Or go to Altavisat and search for "easter eggs". You'll get about 17678 matches.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14728

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Letters In AF125... and some more...
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:32:02 +0100
Hi Paul,

>> John Kennedy's pic will no longer grace the issue after AF126 anyway
> Where is it? I can't find his picture (I want to see him stroking his
> pussy [oo-er missus])

It's on the last Workbench page of any recent issue before the current one.

> Could you not make them a bit more "squished" then? They seem very
> spaced out (a bit like some people on this list).

They aren't any more spaced out than the other reader ads, and they now take
less room than they used to. We've got rid of some of the shops, but it's
hard to know which ones to get rid of. Any suggestions on this would be

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Amiga and DOpusWBR - a match made in
   computing heaven.

Message 14729

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Top idea for the CD - even if I do say so myself!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:33:32 +0100
Hi Anthony,

> Why not install an evaluation version of YAM/Thor/MicroDot and a file
> of emails each month (as the last CU did with their farewell
> messages), as I think this will make life a lot easier (and quicker).

I had thought of this, but I don't really want to clog up the CD with more
software just for the afb. I know it's cumbersome, but...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14730

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:35:13 +0100
Hi Mark,

> My copy of AF125 arrived in the mail today.

Not bad, that's only three days after it's on sale here. Keep an eye out for
it in the shops in Canada and let me know when it's on sale would you?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Click...Click... Damn!  Out of taglines!

Message 14731

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: AIRLink (was EZ-PZ ?)
Date: 11 Jun 1999 9:45:10 +0100
Ferenczy said, 

> Hi Neil

>>> Any AIRlinkfans out there? I have some ideas to swap with you...
>> Very few. When the idea was first mentioned on the CU list there was a
>> very positive response, lots of people coming up with ideas and uses
>> for it. But when it was released and we asked for codesets and scripts
>> to be sent for the CD, I got a\bout three :(

> Only cos the codesets are so damned impossible to work out by hand!

It took me about ten minutes for each one.

> I combed
> manufacturers websites looking for any hints or technical documents that
> might give away some details, and even emailed a few to try and get a
> response (there was none).

I couldn't find any either, it was trial and error all the way.

> I tried for about three days straight trying to create an Aiwa codeset with
> no success until I was nearly lynched for hogging the TV, VCR and stereo!

You don't need the TV, just the remote.

> PS - If anyone does have any codeset info, or has figured out a quicker way
> of figuring out the frequencies then I would still love to know...!

Did you try the way I suggested in the follow up article?

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
If you are a fatalist, what can you do about it?

Message 14732

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: AmozillaX Question
Date: 11 Jun 1999 9:51:13 +0100
Keith Priestley said, 

>  Does anyone know whether AmozillaX will definitely include RealAudio &
> Realvideo ?.

Limited RealAudio is already available on the current browsers (RA 1 &
2). The codecs for the later versions haven't been released so aren't
playable by any browser that doesn't have an official player.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
A closed mouth gathers no foot.

Message 14733

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:51:04 +0100
> > GRRRR!
> >
> > It`s not bloatware at all. I saw this in January 1998, it`s not new.
> >
> > Think about it - all the maths code for a flight sim style app is IN
> > ALREADY, as is 3D drawing code (for the graphs) and the mouse movement
> > functions (taken care of by Windows). It`s no more Bloatware than the
> > "We made this" requester in most AmigaOSes - the requester function is
> > there and a few lines of text and code take up little or no space.


> > Get your facts right next time. Now you know why a well known Channel
> > 4 teletext computer page has a go at us..
> That's a bit harsh, don't you think?

No. You obviously don`t know much about Operating Systems design or
anything similar, do you?

> Also, why are you sticking up for MICRO$OFT?

Because they don`t deserve blatant abuse from ill-informed arrogant
like you. Most of the stories you see on Wired, Excite and The Register are
overhyped bollocks. These news forums blame Microsoft for spreading FUD, but
in reality the news forums do a much better job - alienating the public as
the reliability of Microsoft products and putting a bad name onto an already
too persecuted company.

As I said, get your facts right first. Us guys at work can take the piss out
Microsoft all we like because we beta test certain office products and
operating systems and we can justifiably point out flaws and laugh heartily.
Then bug report them.

> I think that maybe YOU are one of the reason's why Teletext's Sub-Page
> about 'computers' always goes on about how 'sad' we are.

No, I advocate Amigas but that doesn`t mean I have to blindly rip the piss
out of other companies on the basis of a passing trend. I take pleasure in
ripping the living daylights out of Linux (it really is shite, trust me. If
never used a Unix other than Linux before you`re missing out) and other
systems because they are no better than Windows. But that doesn`t mean
to say that Windows is bad. It`s actually quite ... nice.. for all it`s
and faults. Sure, the Virtual Mem stinks and it sucks resources like a big
sucky thing, but when you can see ROUND the user interface and the
uninformed sniping of you, the general public, then you`ll see that it`s as
good as any operating system of it`s type and size as any other.

D_g_t_s_r rips the piss out of US because we blindly advocate our own
system and never acknowledge the niceties of others. PC owners do it
too with their Voodoo cards and their ATI Rages and that new sound
card when they compare it to the N64, DreamCast or whatever.

> no offence intended, but when someone sticks up for M$ they deserve
> to be put down. :o)

No they *don't*, and that`s exactly my point. I`ll just assume you`re
part of the reknowned Amiga Zealot Task Force and leave you to your
narrow-minded little ways, shall I?

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14734

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Join Freeserve OFFICIALLY without the CD
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 11:44:53 +0100

Off ye go. Ben might want to put this in the mag :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14735

Subject: [afb] Caption Compo
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 11:01:01 -0000
Hi all,

How good r u at caption competitions ?

Take a look at
and impress me with your wit ;^P

CU l8r,

Message 14736

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: 11 Jun 1999 10:57:25 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

> How come you are such an advocate of DopePiss? I know many think it is
> great (I can't comment either way) but it must be pretty amazing.
> Especially as you always seem to have arguments against things. Go on
> Neil, tell us /something/, /anything/ that is bad about DOpus :)

It's Australian :-/

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Are Cheerios really doughnut seeds?

Message 14737

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: The future's bright. The future's erm, AmigaSoft
Date: 11 Jun 1999 11:10:8 +0100
Anthony Prime said, 

> Neil B, you were there, how did you feel after the event? Are you
> optomisitic? I'm sure a lot of us would like to know.

I am optimistic. What was said was interesting, the way it was said
was more important. There was an enthusiasm I've not seen for quite a

Jim Collas is a very knowledgeable and successful individual. He left
a very well paid (understatement of the year) post at Gateway to
lead Amiga. You don't make that sort of commitment unless your are
either very sure or very stupid, and Jim Collas is not stupid.

I'm skeptical about their timetables, but very little gets delivered
on time so a delay of a couple of months would be nothing unusual. But
I am looking forward to seeing the systems described in the flesh.

I've already sent my Christmas list to Santa :)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Top Oxymorons Number 16: Peace force

Message 14738

From: Pete Sullivan
Subject: [afb] Re: Parallel port scanners(was Digital cameras)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 11:19:24 +0100
Hi there  P

On 09-Jun-99, you wrote:

>>> A scanner?
> =

> On the subject of scanners, I know you can't use
> parallel port scanners on the standard port, but does
> any scan software (e.g. ScanQuix) support third party
> ports?

I have an Epson GT5000 parallel port scanner bought from Power Computing
and it works perfectly on both the standard Amiga parallel port and my Hy=
parallel port. Do not pay the extra for PowerScan, it is the oldest, crap=
piest and crash-happy
peice of software I have ever bought!
Any demo of ImageFX from 1.5 onwards will scan from Epson scanners, also =
ADpro has an
excellent scanner facility called Epson Scan. And Scanquix, of course whi=
ch can also be used
as a colour photocopier!

-- =

Pete :-)


The home of VitalConnect!
New version of VitalConnect due in July!

A2000 - 060/50
2Mb Chip - 66Mb Fast
CDR,PicassoIV, Paloma, PabloIV.
Zip, HD, Pace 56k
Running Netscape and IE on Fusion
Everything in a Full Tower

Message 14739

From: "Even Sandvik Underlid"
Subject: [afb] Re: Reminder AF on sale
Date: 10 Jun 99 00:37:04 +0500
Hi, Glen.

>I put up with it because they are the only people around here that can
>actually be bothered to stock it. I would subscribe but like Mark Catchpole
>(AF125) I too feel the dilemma. Should I reduce the newsagent sales and
>ultimately lose the sight of AF on the shelves or should I continue to
>receive my copy one week later? Will it make a difference if the rest of the
>computing public loses sight of the Amiga. I don`t think we get many
>converting back to the Amiga from other platforms unless they were
>previously Amigans. Ultimately you and Ben are probably right and
>subscription is the answer. Nor will we until we can get some serious
>applications such as Word and Excel, and as much as I hate Microsoft and all
>it entails it is this calibre of software that will ultimately save the
>Amiga and persuade people to move away from Mr Gates` empire.

Well, if you subscribe you at least help secure AF for another year since 
Future Publishing can rely on you being a "purchaser" for another twelve
months (or am I wrong again?) You'll also save money which you can use on
Amiga equipment, software as Ben pointed out in this montsh excellent issue
of AF.

Hopefully Amiga Format will be everywhere in a year's time anyway, if 
Amigasoft succeeds... I'm wondering how well Amiga Classic users will be
catered for in the mag if such a situation occurs?

Even Sandvik Underlid

Message 14740

From: "Andrew Korn"
Subject: [afb] Re: The future's bright. The future's erm, AmigaSoft
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 13:36:17 +0100
Anthony Prime said:

> And the same goes for anyone else who was there. Did you leave feeling
> good, or did you call in to browse at PC World on the way home?

Ben did a good job of conveying the atmosphere there - even the skeptics went
away impressed. No-one is going to get ecstatic until we actually see
something, but the impression that Amiga are now on the right track was
pretty much universal. One of the most encouraging things for a lot of people
was simply getting to meet Jim Collas and find out just how passionate about
the project he really is.

The stuff that Ben couldn't talk about was, of course, the most interesting
stuff. Hopefully all will be revealed at WoA,  and you can judge for


Andrew Korn

Message 14741

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Reminder AF on sale
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 13:48:18 +0100
Hi Even,

> Well, if you subscribe you at least help secure AF for another year since
> Future Publishing can rely on you being a "purchaser" for another twelve
> months (or am I wrong again?) You'll also save money which you can use on
> Amiga equipment, software as Ben pointed out in this montsh excellent
> issue of AF.

It's true. Although Future would like the mag on shelves, they would be
quite happy for it to be subscription-only. Obviously that wouldn't help
matters because it would mean a declining circulation with no way out.

> Hopefully Amiga Format will be everywhere in a year's time anyway, if 
> Amigasoft succeeds... I'm wondering how well Amiga Classic users will be
> catered for in the mag if such a situation occurs?

I really don't know right now. As I've said in the next issue of AF, since
Amiga plan to enter lots of different markets with this new machine, Amiga
Format will probably soon have sister mags again, devoted to particular
areas of the Amiga.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14742

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: The future's bright. The future's erm, AmigaSoft
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 13:52:57 +0100
Hi Andrew,

> Ben did a good job of conveying the atmosphere there - even the skeptic=
> went away impressed. No-one is going to get ecstatic until we actually =
> something, but the impression that Amiga are now on the right track was=

> pretty much universal. One of the most encouraging things for a lot of
> people was simply getting to meet Jim Collas and find out just how
> passionate about the project he really is.

I wasn't actually all that pleased with the conference, since I felt that=

there was too much stuff we couldn't talk about, although I was pleased
that they had decided to take us into their confidence. Having seen the Q=
demo at the K=F6ln show last year certainly helped to give the impression=

that the new machine could be a world beater. However, Jim's sincerity is=

obvious and real, and his enthusiasm for the Amiga is clear, and I hope
thsat came across in the feature. Our next issue features even more of a
chat with him, along with pictures of the designs for the new machine. I'=
not just talking about the Kyoto images that I hope you've all seen, but
eight new ones as well... :)

> The stuff that Ben couldn't talk about was, of course, the most
> interesting stuff. Hopefully all will be revealed at WoA, and you can
> judge for yourself.

I would absolutely love it if more people could get the sense of awe that=

was felt at the K=F6ln show when Dan Dodge shifted a Doom window from one=

machine to the other with it working still.

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
How many mice does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Only two - but it's difficult to get them in there.

Message 14743

From: "Andrew Korn"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 13:50:20 +0100
Neil Bothwick said:

> Matt Sealey said, 
> > Compuserve say 'JIF' but CU said GIF
> CU didn't say anything, it was a magazine, not a talking book :)
> Individuals pronounced it differently, I don't think there was an EMAP
> directive on this. Some pronounced the G as in gift, some as in Geoff.

Matt's right, we did a pronunciation guide once, & GIF was included. The G in
GIF derives from the word "Graphic", which has a hard G - therefore GIF also
has a hard G. 


Andrew Korn

Message 14744

From: Vincent Perkins
Subject: [afb] Re: New Amiga
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 06:54:40 -0700 (PDT)
Sorry its my college log in name my real name is Vincent!
keep up the good work!

--- Ben Vost  wrote:
> Hi GITINT40,
> > Every one on the afb come and see my web page on
> What kind of a name is Gitint? Is that a soft or
> hard "g" sound? :)
> All the best,
> -- 
> Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
> Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>     If this were an actual tagline, 
>       I'm sure it would be funny.

Message 14745

Subject: [afb] Viper MK2 accelerator
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 14:05:53 -0000
I have a Viper MK-2 68030/33 w/fpu (PLCC 33Mhz) and 32Mb RAM.

I have noticed an SCSI controller chip on it and a custom connector of some sort on the outer edge, but alas, I cannot find a connector to attach this 544Mb SCSI HDD I have "Acquired".

I have not been able to find any place whatsoever that has this adaptor, and although my accelerator is a bit under powered compared to a PowerPC (Hell, an '040 thrashes it), I am going to upgrade it a bit a time to see whether SCSI has any distinct advantadges over IDE.

Also, I have noticed that an '040s acces to chip RAM is a lot slower than a good '030.  Would this mean that graphics performance would be traded in for brute force processing power?

Thank you.

Message 14746

Subject: [afb] POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 14:20:03 -0000
This is a thingy for me to see how many people have v. powerful computers (EG PPC)

Please chose only the most powerful as there are not enough choices for me to put 68K+PPC aswell.

Please select one of the following:

   o 68000/10
   o 68020
   o 68030
   o 68040
   o 68060
   o PowerPC603
   o PowerPC 604
   o PowerPC G3/G4

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 14747

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 15:23:00 +0100

In the honourable tradition of finding fault with a poll, I feel it's my
sworn duty to tell you that

>   o PowerPC603
>   o PowerPC 604
>   o PowerPC G3/G4

you need to be consistent in your naming, does the PowerPC have a space in
its name or not? And that both the 603 and 604 are actually the 'e'
variants, ie. 603e and 604e... :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14748

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 09:27:36 -0500 (CDT)
On Fri, 11 Jun 1999, Ben Vost wrote:
> >   o PowerPC603
> >   o PowerPC 604
> >   o PowerPC G3/G4
> you need to be consistent in your naming, does the PowerPC have a space in
> its name or not? And that both the 603 and 604 are actually the 'e'
> variants, ie. 603e and 604e... :)

  ...and the G4 isn't even in production yet :)


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 14749

Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 14:39:01 -0000
> Hi,
Hi, my name is (Slim Shady?) Pete.
Hi Ben
> In the honourable tradition of finding fault with a poll, I feel it's my
> sworn duty to tell you that
> >   o PowerPC603
> >   o PowerPC 604
> >   o PowerPC G3/G4
> you need to be consistent in your naming, does the PowerPC have a space in
> its name or not? And that both the 603 and 604 are actually the 'e'
> variants, ie. 603e and 604e... :)
Well, the 'no spaces' thing was because I am using a Pee See and the space bar is not too reliable.
As for the 'e' at the end, I was simply covering my ass because suppose someone out there has a mutant PowerPC accelerator which they custom made, or indeed they might have a beta version of such a board.
I didn't put an 'e' on the end in case they had another, different, revision of the 603 or 604.

Actually, no, i forgot to put it on, but I think it's a good excuse none of the less. :)


Message 14750

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: 11 Jun 1999 15:11:21 +0100
Andrew Korn said, 

> Neil Bothwick said:

>> Individuals pronounced it differently, I don't think there was an EMAP
>> directive on this. Some pronounced the G as in gift, some as in Geoff.

> Matt's right, we did a pronunciation guide once, & GIF was included.

Hell, I wrote articles and made the CDs, you didn't expect me to read
it too, did you? :)

> The G in
> GIF derives from the word "Graphic", which has a hard G - therefore GIF also
> has a hard G. 

The C in CD is derived from Compact, yet we say "see dee" not"cuh-dee".
Logic and English don't mix :-/

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Multitasking: Reading in the bathroom.

Message 14751

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Last chance
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 15:50:39 +0100
Hi all,

It's your last chance to vote on which free ISP you favour. On Monday
morning I'll be finishing the survey in order to put it in the news pages
of AF. Vote now - don't let this be like the european elections... :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
       Behaviourist psychology: 
      pulling habits out of rats

Message 14752

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Survey results
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 15:55:22 +0100

In the "Bill got pied" survey there are 12 people who said that they didn't
know where they could find the clip. FYI it's in

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Why is the word abbreviation so long?

Message 14753

From: Matthew Garrett
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 16:18:50 +0100
On Fri, Jun 11, 1999 at 09:35:42AM +0100, Ben Vost wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> > If they want us to say Jiff they shoulda used a J or used two F's and
> > stuck an E on the end! GIF is obviously a hard G.
> Absolutely, just like giraffe.

Gif sounds more technical than jif and so tends to scare people more.

(And yes, that does mean I use Gif. Obviously :) )

Matthew Garrett |

Message 14754

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: Bootup
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:54:47 +0100
On 10-Jun-99, Neil Bullock Wrote........

[=> OK, may seem like those "can't boot from cold" probs, but it's not,
[=> because a warm reset doesn't work. I have to turn off the power pack,
[=> and on again (quickly) and then it boots normally everytime. I'm
[=> guessing it's to do with low power as I've recently knackered the A1200
[=> PSU and am using a hastily converted and damn ugly PC psu (which,
[=> incidentally, doesn't supply any more power than an A500 one).
[=> The yellow screens and bootup probs still occur, but my amiga now
[=> sometimes boots from cold. Not very often, but at least it does it.
[=> It's not a problem, I've got used to it, but I'm just curious as to what
[=> might be causing it.

How old is the HD?  And what output is the PSU?

*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams   ICQ: 34655410
MASTERBATION : The human version of AUTOEXEC.BAT

Message 14755

From: Oliver Esberger
Subject: [afb] Re: image cataloguing
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:50:43 +0200
Hello Ken,

On 09-Jun-99, you wrote:

>    I was looking through this months issue of AF and saw about PD
> select and image cataloguing system called photo Folio. I'm after a
> said bit of software to use on my stored pic' files on my HD. Have

You can find PhotoFolio on the authors' homepage

Oliver Esberger -

Message 14756

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Hard Drive Probs... Ongoing
Date: 11 Jun 99 16:51:23 +0000
I am still struggling with Checksum errors on my new 2.5in IBM drive,
and the shop that sold it to me have told me to cut the cable for pin
one of the drive.

Any thoughts before I cost me some money?

Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14757

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 16:58:12 +0100
Hi Neil

On 11-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> The G in
>> GIF derives from the word "Graphic", which has a hard G - therefore GI=
>> also has a hard G.
> =

> The C in CD is derived from Compact, yet we say "see dee" not=A0"cuh-de=
> Logic and English don't mix :-/

CD is not an acronym, though.


-- =

Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 14758

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 16:59:48 +0100
Hi Richard,

>> The C in CD is derived from Compact, yet we say "see dee" not=A0"cuh-d=
>> Logic and English don't mix :-/

> CD is not an acronym, though.

What is it then?

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
    Hyperbole is absolutely the worst =

      mistake you can possibly make

Message 14759

From: "Andrew Korn"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 16:47:31 +0100
 Neil Bothwick said:

> > The G in
> > GIF derives from the word "Graphic", which has a hard G - therefore GIF
> > has a hard G. 
> The C in CD is derived from Compact, yet we say "see dee" not"cuh-dee".
> Logic and English don't mix :-/

Oh no, you ain't getting away with that one... we say "see dee", not "seed" -
in one case you are pronouncing a word, in the other you are pronouncing the
individual letters. If you want to pronounce GIF as "gee eye eff", you can
keep the G soft.


Andrew Korn

Message 14760

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 16:34:52 +0000 scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: Micros=
oft bloatware strikes again! :

> That's a bit harsh, don't you think? =

But true.

> Also, why are you sticking up for MICRO$OFT? =

Contrary to popular belief, they HAVE got some good stuff. And you're a f=
one to talk, HOTMAIL USER! :P

> I think that maybe YOU are one of the reason's why Teletext's
> Sub-Page about 'computers' always goes on about how 'sad' we are.

No no no no nooooo. Giggy Mizer (sic) take the piss out of some of us for=

the blinkered way some of us  refuse to accept that for some things,
something better than the Amiga exists. =

> no offence intended, but when someone sticks up for M$ they deserve to =
> put down. :o)

Why? It was a perfectly legitimate defence. Not very well put, but
justified. :)

Best Regards
-- =

Peter Price                     Amiga Universe
IRC: Agima @ ARCNet             You read it because you're *weak*
ICQ: 15849650                   PGP5 Key available - just ask :)

Anyone can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
-- Cicero

Message 14761

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:10:04 +0100
Hello Ben

On 11-Jun-99, you wrote:

>>> The C in CD is derived from Compact, yet we say "see dee" not=A0"cuh-=
>>> Logic and English don't mix :-/
> =

>> CD is not an acronym, though.
> =

> What is it then?

It's an abbreviation. You don't try to pronounce it 'cud' or something, d=


-- =

Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 14762

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Hard Drive Probs... Ongoing
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:13:15 +0100
> I am still struggling with Checksum errors on my new 2.5in IBM drive,
> and the shop that sold it to me have told me to cut the cable for pin
> one of the drive.
> Any thoughts before I cost me some money?

WHa? Cutting pin one just stops it from completely spinning the drive
down on a warm reset. Won`t do anything for checksum errors..

Unless that`s your problem.. but.. ??

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14763

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Viper MK2 accelerator
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:16:54 +0100
> Also, I have noticed that an '040s acces to chip RAM is a lot
> slower than a good '030.  Would this mean that graphics
> performance would be traded in for brute force processing
> power?

You can speed it up with a few MMU tweaks, but yes it is by
default. You`ll never notice the difference in real apps, though.

The brute processing power is always better than graphics
speed anyway (and rememebr that your custom chips will
run at the same speed anyway, so "graphics speed" will be
the same unless the CPU is generating it)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14764

From: "Andrew Korn"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:19:00 +0100
Ben Vost said:

>> CD is not an acronym, though.

>What is it then?



Andrew Korn

Message 14765

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:22:41 +0100
Hey Richy-baby!

> >> CD is not an acronym, though.
> >
> > What is it then?

> It's an abbreviation. You don't try to pronounce it 'cud' or something, do
> you?


TLA = three letter acronym
CD = compact disc

abbreviations are where you take a word and shorten it like

reg. = registration
wk. = week

And so on.. and you say you're a JOURNALIST???

Ben - you sure you picked the right guy?

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14766

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: It sticks out!!!
Date: 11 Jun 99 10:16:29 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format 4-0 wrote on Tue, 08 Jun 1999 16:38:10 +0000 about [afb] Re: It sticks out!!!

Hi 4-0

> > I can think of another way, buy a tower !
> Not a bad idea, except I haven't got much room. And I don't need planning
> permision for a desktop case ;-)  I mean, those towers are HUGE... Plus I've
> had bad experiences with towers when I tried to put my A1200 in one. I'll
> say one word... Mikronik... (shudder)..

Well unfortunately you had picked probably the worst tower for the
A1200 that money can buy, I know as a friend of mine also has one, it
took him 9 hours just for the floppy drive which he had to dismantle
and replace the actual button to get it to fit, luckily we had another
floppy in an old A600 that had died in order to follow how to put it
back together.

The A4000 would be alot easier anyway as the A1200 was never really
designed to go in anything other than it's original case, it's great
that people can now put them in tower's.  The A4000 on the other hand
has alot better design and I think you wouldn't have that much bother
putting it in a tower, I here the Ateo has a good tower and if
Blittersoft still do a tower I beleive it would be similar in design
to my Eagle tower and it's a great tower, once assembled you'll find
it a breeze to open up and add lot's of lovely new toys:)

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14767

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: A2000 Accelerators
Date: 11 Jun 99 10:20:08 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Ben Vost wrote on Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:22:46 +0100 about [afb] Re: A2000 Accelerators

Hi Ben Vost

> You won't find many around right now, not if you're based in the UK anyway.
> Wait for the Blizzard 20x0 boards to come out again and get one of those.

One thing I want to ask about these Blizzard's that are coming back
out, is Power Computing are advertising that they are sole
distributor's and yet White Knight are also advertising these boards,
surely this breaks the advertising's acts regulations or whatever they
are ??

Also Power don't actually say that they don't have these boards yet,
unlike White Knight, I know who'd I'd believe, the baords are great
IMO though, I still have my old Blizzard 1230, i would have got the
scsi kit for it again as I sold mine long ago, but I'm not paying 70
considering I only bought my original for 56 !

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14768

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: 11 Jun 99 10:24:46 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Ben Vost wrote on Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:44:07 +0100 about [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?

Hi Ben Vost

> > I run it as the commodity, well at least I have it starting from
> > WBStartup:)
> That's not what I mean. You may have PC0: in your WBSTartup (which is wrong
> btw, it should be in Devs:DOSDrivers), but do you use the actual "CrossDOS"
> text manipulation commodity?

Yes I have both the dosdriver in Devs/dosdrivers and crossdos running
from wbstartup and I believe I have set up the text manipulation

Well I hope I followed the manual correctly, I'm quite bad at trying
something and then reading the manual at a later stage IYKWIM.


Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14769

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCX PPC
Date: 11 Jun 99 10:26:11 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Ben Vost wrote on Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:46:07 +0100 about [afb] Re: Fusion/PCX PPC

Hi Ben Vost

> I thought it was July 13th?

Is this Amiga Format's deadline for the next issue, as I must send you
an email as I would like Amiga Support Association to be advertised in
this issue, I think I missed the deadline for the last one.

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14770

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Copying and Pasting Text
Date: 11 Jun 99 10:39:03 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format  wrote on Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:56:15 -0000 about [afb] Copying and Pasting Text

> I`m using an PC (running NT) right now, and a point it has over the AmigaOS is that you can cut and paste text from any source into most others. Most programs have cut , copy and paste menu buttons. I tried using PowerSnap on my Amiga but it just wasn`t intuitive to use for me, and some fonts didn`t work properly. Can someone point out to me the usefulness of the Amiga clipboard that seem to be eluding me?

We can tell your useing a PC :(

Anyway, alot of program's will let you access the clipboard function
on the miggy, and Powersnap doesn't work on proportional font's I
believe, but there are other's way's, I beleive MCP has a cut and
paste utility built in ?

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14771

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: 11 Jun 99 10:47:18 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format i03427 wrote on Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:33:40 +0100 about [afb] Digitiser

Hi Neil

> It had to come up sooner or later. Does anyone on here read digitiser? I
> was reading an article about them before which said loadsa bad things about
> miggy owners, one of which was that Commodore (or whoever) named the Amiga
> as a cruel joke meaning that Amiga owners don't have girlfriends. The
> amount of ppl saying to the contrary recently (me included :) proves em
> wrong.

You mean the rest of you aren't as sad as me and nether go out, and
what are these girlfriend thnigy's your on about do they fit in the
Zorro slot's or what ?

Guess I need to go down the pub then:)

C ya

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14772

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:30:17 +0100
Hello Matt

On 11-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> It's an abbreviation. You don't try to pronounce it 'cud' or something,
>> do you?
> Acronyms:
> TLA = three letter acronym
> CD = compact disc

acronym: a word formed from the initial letters of a group of words

e.g. radar, NATO, etc.

TLA is not an acronym because it is not a word - you have to pronounce each
letter individually tee-el-ay

> abbreviations are where you take a word and shorten it like
> reg. = registration
> wk. = week

wk is a contraction and as such does need a full stop.

> And so on.. and you say you're a JOURNALIST???
> Ben - you sure you picked the right guy?

Check your facts before you criticize :-b


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 14773

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:33:11 +0100
Hi Richard,

>>>> The C in CD is derived from Compact, yet we say "see dee" not
>>>> "cuh-dee". Logic and English don't mix :-/
>>> CD is not an acronym, though.
>> What is it then?

> It's an abbreviation. You don't try to pronounce it 'cud' or something, do
> you?

We've had an argument about this in the office now, and while I'm prepared
to accept that an acronym is "a (pronounceable) word formed from the
initial letters of other words" according to Chambers, I maintain that CD
is still an acronym rather than an abbreviation, but Rich disagrees with
me. We've left it at that for now anyway... I thought it was better to
thrash it out with him off the list. :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
After we pull the pin, Mr. Grenade is 
NOT our friend!

Message 14774

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:34:53 +0100
Hi Matt,

> And so on.. and you say you're a JOURNALIST???

> Ben - you sure you picked the right guy?

See my other post. I'm not taking it any further than this, but look (in a
dictionary) before you leap next time Neko, and don't go flaming on here
like you have on the Bunny either...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Lucky for you this e-mail is typed, 
you'd never be able to read my writing.

Message 14775

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:37:34 +0100
> Hello Matt
> On 11-Jun-99, you wrote:
> >> It's an abbreviation. You don't try to pronounce it 'cud' or something,
> >> do you?
> >
> > Acronyms:
> >
> > TLA = three letter acronym
> > CD = compact disc
> acronym: a word formed from the initial letters of a group of words
> e.g. radar, NATO, etc.
> TLA is not an acronym because it is not a word - you have to pronounce
> letter individually tee-el-ay


> > abbreviations are where you take a word and shorten it like
> >
> > reg. = registration
> > wk. = week
> wk is a contraction and as such does need a full stop.


> > Ben - you sure you picked the right guy?
> Check your facts before you criticize :-b

Ah, you`ve got me there. Soz, matey..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14776

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:38:08 +0100
Hey Benny boy..

> > And so on.. and you say you're a JOURNALIST???
> > Ben - you sure you picked the right guy?
> See my other post. I'm not taking it any further than this, but look (in a
> dictionary) before you leap next time Neko, and don't go flaming on here
> like you have on the Bunny either...

Aww.. I was going to have SOOO much fun..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14777

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: 11 Jun 99 17:38:53 +0200
Matt Sealey ( wrote:
> > According to this weeks Feedback in New Scientist, there is a 3d flight
> sim
> > embedded within Excel '97! I can't vouch for it's authenticity until I get
> > to work tomorrow, but details of how to find it (taken from
> > ) are as follows
> ...
[snip! out the angry rant!]

Hey, sorry if I rattled you're cage, but it was only meant in jest you know


I'll stop taking a lighter view on life in future  ;)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14778

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: A2000 Accelerators
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:36:59 +0100
Hi Phil,

> One thing I want to ask about these Blizzard's that are coming back
> out, is Power Computing are advertising that they are sole
> distributor's and yet White Knight are also advertising these boards,
> surely this breaks the advertising's acts regulations or whatever they
> are ??

Power are the sole *distributor*, White Knight are a *dealer* for the

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
After we pull the pin, Mr. Grenade is 
NOT our friend!

Message 14779

From: "Paul Venton"
Subject: [afb] Re: It sticks out!!!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:37:55 +0100

> > > I can think of another way, buy a tower !
> > 
> > Not a bad idea, except I haven't got much room. And I don't need
> > planning permision for a desktop case ;-)  I mean, those towers are
> > HUGE... Plus I've had bad experiences with towers when I tried to put my
> > A1200 in one. I'll say one word... Mikronik... (shudder)..
> Well unfortunately you had picked probably the worst tower for the
> A1200 that money can buy, I know as a friend of mine also has one, it took
> him 9 hours just for the floppy drive which he had to dismantle and
> replace the actual button to get it to fit, luckily we had another floppy
> in an old A600 that had died in order to follow how to put it back
> together.

Yes I have to agree with you.  I pruchased a Micronic Tower as 
soon as I saw the review.  Unfortunately the reviewer failed to 
mention the fact that if you want to make use of all the ports on 
something like a PicassoIV you have to cut away some more of 
the tower.  I eventually dumped my Micronic Tower (literally) and 
bought the Power Tower.  I have never looked back since even 
though I lost over one hundred quid.  The only good thing that I 
have left from the Micronic Tower is the Zorro-II board.  Brilliant!!

Bye for now


Message 14780

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCX PPC
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:37:58 +0100
Hi Phil,

> Is this Amiga Format's deadline for the next issue, as I must send you
> an email as I would like Amiga Support Association to be advertised in
> this issue, I think I missed the deadline for the last one.

Do you mean in the Reader Ads pages? In that case you need to have your ad
here before the end of this month.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Calm down.  It's only ones and zeros.

Message 14781

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:40:20 +0100
Hello Richard

On 11-Jun-99, you made a typo

> wk is a contraction and as such does need a full stop.

Should have been doesn't need a full stop.

BTW, I hope you realize you are talking to yourself.


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 14782

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: Re MUI Registration
Date: 11 Jun 99 17:04:31 +0000
Hi Nigel Bent, re your comments on [afb] Re: Re MUI Registration.

> > For the benefit of anyone else sending cheques, they remain valid for
> > 6 months from date of issue, after which your bank should return them
> > unpaid  marked "Out of Date" or similar.
> I believe that the six month validity period on cheques is only custom of
> practice and is not actually codified in statute.  I don't believe anyone
> has ever tested this validity in court.....yet....
> Nigel Bent

At the risk of going off topic :( Please NOOOO.

You are quite right, under the statute of limitations a debt remains
due for 7 years from its creation (or further confirmation) so, the
Banks position is based on custom. This means however that should you
send a cheque that is lost you cannot abdicate resposibility for the
debt it was designed to settle for at least a further 7 years. But of
course if the cheque is misappropriated of fraudulently amended the
Bank could still lose out, though you would not as you had not
mandated them  to debit your account with such a transaction.

You would still be covered even if you only discovered the
Banks error some years later. Perhaps in your line of work you can
confirm the case law with reference to checking bank statements ;)

There's an awful lot of soliciting going on in Cheshire...

Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14783

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: Last chance
Date: 11 Jun 99 17:19:56 +0000
Hi Ben Vost, re your comments on [afb] Last chance.

> It's your last chance to vote on which free ISP you favour. On Monday
> morning I'll be finishing the survey in order to put it in the news pages
> of AF. Vote now - don't let this be like the european elections... :)

Ben, have I missed this one? How do we vote?

In case I miss the close, free4all for me.

Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14784

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: Hard Drive Probs... Ongoing
Date: 11 Jun 99 17:22:57 +0000
Hi Matt Sealey, re your comments on [afb] Re: Hard Drive Probs... Ongoing.
> WHa? Cutting pin one just stops it from completely spinning the drive
> down on a warm reset. Won`t do anything for checksum errors..
No, I suspected I was being sold a pup, hence the question. And to
think this retailer advertises in AF...

Thanks for the advice.
Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14785

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Last chance
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:53:33 +0100
Hi Anthony,

> Ben, have I missed this one? How do we vote?

Go to the website at

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Try this:

Message 14786

Subject: [afb] POLL: Poll Faults
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:22:13 -0000
Can you find any faults with this poll?

Please select one of the following:

   o Yes
   o No
   o I don't know

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 14787

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:38:01 -0700 (PDT)

That is very definately bloatware. As is the stupid 90
degree rotated toolbars in MS Word... FYI, a requester
in AmigaDOS adds about 10 bytes for the setting up and
calling of a library function + the text for the
message. 3D flightsims take a little more :)

Do You Yahoo!?

Message 14788

Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:36:07 -0000

> you need to be consistent in your naming, does the PowerPC have a space in

> its name or not? And that both the 603 and 604 are actually the 'e'

> variants, ie. 603e and 604e... :)

The 603 that we use is the p version I heard. 603p.

John Hart (Pedant)

Message 14789

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: 11 Jun 1999 17:30:20 +0100
Andrew Korn said, 

>  Neil Bothwick said:

>> The C in CD is derived from Compact, yet we say "see dee" not"cuh-dee".
>> Logic and English don't mix :-/

> Oh no, you ain't getting away with that one... we say "see dee", not "seed" -
> in one case you are pronouncing a word, in the other you are pronouncing the
> individual letters.

In other words, to disprove your point would take an acronym,
pronounced as a word, where the initial G is pronounced soft in the
acronym but hard in the word is comes from?

Neil Bothwick - founder member of GIRAFFE
Global Internet Repository of Acronyms For Fun & Entertainment

Message 14790

Subject: [afb] Re: SMSsend program
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:45:18 -0000

Original Article:

> What serial port are you using ?


> If it is not the inbuilt one you may have probs 


> Ralph



PortPlus (AKA HyperCOM 1).

John Hart 

Message 14791

From: "Jack Thompson"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bootup
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:54:27 -0700

Neil not Jack -->>>> "Neil Bullock"  =
06/09 10:24 PM >>>
Neil not Jack -->Hi,
Neil not Jack -->People keep going on (well, nearly) about "MY hard disk =
doesn't boot from
Neil not Jack -->cold" and the answer is nearly always "warm reboot". This =
used to be the case
Neil not Jack -->for me.
Neil not Jack -->
Neil not Jack -->OK, may seem like those "can't boot from cold" probs, but =
it's not, because a
Neil not Jack -->warm reset doesn't work. I have to turn off the power =
pack, and on again
Neil not Jack -->(quickly) and then it boots normally everytime. I'm =
guessing it's to do with
Neil not Jack -->low power as I've recently knackered the A1200 PSU and am =
using a hastily
Neil not Jack -->converted and damn ugly PC psu (which, incidentally, =
doesn't supply any more
Neil not Jack -->power than an A500 one).
Neil not Jack -->Thanks
Neil not Jack -->Neil
Neil not Jack -->
Neil not Jack -->=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=
Neil not Jack -->=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=
Neil not Jack -->  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
Neil not Jack -->=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=
Neil not Jack -->     __                        Neil Bullock
Neil not Jack -->__  ///
Neil not Jack -->\\\///
Neil not Jack --> \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010
Neil not Jack --> #trogsoft
Neil not Jack -->=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=

***Jacks' Reply following***

The "Warm Boot" problem is caused by a lack of wait states in the 3.0 =
ROMS... if you upgrade to a 3.1 ROM they added a longer wait for hard =
drives that spinup slower... It also fixes those grey borders around your =

I suggest getting the 3.1 ROM to ANYONE that owns an A1200... you'll find =
a LOT more stability in most of your applications and your OS.. (Especially=
 where I/O and Video are concerned.)

Later guys,
Aka Scotsman/Godzilla

Message 14792

From: "Andrew Korn"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 18:57:01 +0100
 Richard Drummond said to Richard Drummond:

> BTW, I hope you realize you are talking to yourself.

Oh, don't tell him, you'll only spoil his fun. ;^) 

I vote with Richard. Acronym, from the original Greek, literally means a word
or name made from the extremeties of other words. Laser is an acronym, as it
is a word. CD is not an acronym because it is not a word - words are
pronounced, not spelled out, and aren't capitalised throughout.


Andrew Korn

Message 14793

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 00:24:31 +0100
on 10-Jun-99, Jayne Johnson skillfully scrawled something along the subject
of [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?: 

> An animal with both male & female sex organs, snails & worms for example
> are hermaphrodites.
> Adds a whole new meaning to spending a night in alone ;)

And telling a worm to: "Go f**k yourself! :)

(i dont know wether i am allowed to say that)

Thanks for your time

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 14794

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: Where's AF Website?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 00:34:18 +0100
on 10-Jun-99, Matt Sealey skillfully scrawled something along the subject of
[afb] Re: Where's AF Website?: 

> It`s not an Amiga website (designed by PC web designers) and
> for christ's sake, JScript != Javascript !!!!
> Javascript is Netscape's ECMAScript-based scripting language
> JScript is Microsoft's J++ based scripting language in the same
> vein as VBScript.
> There is a profound difference..

Chill! its a simple mistake that anyone could make (sort of)

/me hands Matt a couple of morphine tablets and sends him for a lie down ;)

Thanks for your time...

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 14795

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: Where's AF Website?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 00:36:54 +0100
on 10-Jun-99, Ben Vost skillfully scrawled something along the subject of
[afb] Re: Where's AF Website?: 

> Hi Robert,

> I can view it in iBrowse 1.22.

I looked at the source code ("show current documents source code" in
Voyager) and all i got was a load of Javascript. Perhaps there are bits in
HTML that V doesnt like :/

Thanks for your time...

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 14796

From: James Luscombe
Subject: [afb] EcosseTel - free local calls
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 20:20:11 +0100

I've just read about EcosseTel offering free local calls
Basically it sounds like you change from BT to them, pay 60+VAT line rental
per quarter, and then get 3000 (3 thousand) minutes (50 hours) free off-peak
local calls per calendar month.

It sounds pretty good to me, the free calls would be worth at least 90 per
quarter. What does everyone think about this?

PS No, I don't work for them ;-)

 James Luscombe                   Amiga 3000T, 604e/200 060/50, Picasso IV         Amiga 1200, 060/64

 Boldly going forward because we simply can't find reverse

Message 14797

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 19:20:03 +0100

>This is a thingy for me to see how many people have v. powerful computers (EG
>Please chose only the most powerful as there are not enough choices for me to
put 68K+PPC aswell.
>Please select one of the following:
>   o 68000/10
>   o 68020
>   o 68030
>   o 68040
>   o 68060
>   o PowerPC603
>   o PowerPC 604
>   o PowerPC G3/G4

Two questions - what Amigas have an 010 in them, and did Motorola ever make an

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14798

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Caption Compo
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 19:20:52 +0100
Hi peeps

>How good r u at caption competitions ?
>Take a look at
>and impress me with your wit ;^P

Another great caption compo updated regularly can be found an

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14799

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 18:58:10 +0000
Hello All,

On 10-Jun-99, Kevin Fairhurst wrote:

> TBClock? Threap's Bar Clock (or whatever it stands for)??
I thought perhaps Title Bar Clock?

UIN: 30044173

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to
make it shorter.
-- Blaise Pascal

Message 14800

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 19:10:40 +0000
Hello Alex,

On 11-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Ah ha! Now we have some names to abuse! I seem to remember a "Magic
> 8-ball" in Excel too...

I think that's an MSAccess 'feature' (or easter egg as some people call

UIN: 30044173

Anyone can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
-- Cicero

Message 14801

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 19:36:55 +0100
>>This is a thingy for me to see how many people have v. powerful computers
>>Please chose only the most powerful as there are not enough choices for me
>put 68K+PPC aswell.
>>Please select one of the following:
>>   o 68000/10
>>   o 68020
>>   o 68030
>>   o 68040
>>   o 68060
>>   o PowerPC603
>>   o PowerPC 604
>>   o PowerPC G3/G4

can you get G3/G4 miggy CPUs yet?

>Two questions - what Amigas have an 010 in them, and did Motorola ever make

no, but Philips did and they used it in their CDi - or was that the 68070?

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 14802

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 19:38:35 +0100
>> I had heard of it before, but i didnt know how to get to it - so i just
>> tried it and it does work - but its nothing special, and the handling of
>> the craft u r flying is crap!
>Do you really want the programmers of this spreadsheet to concentrate more
>on their flight sim?

well most of their time they will be picking stuff out of their arses so
they might as well.

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 14803

From: "Mark"
Subject: [afb] AWD not updated
Date: 11 Jun 99 19:51:19 +0100
Hi all,

Anyone know whats wrong with the Amiga Web Directory. It hasn't had
any new items since 16th May. Usually it has items added every couple
of days.


Message 14804

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: Bootup
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 19:52:59 +0100
On 11-Jun-99, Jack Thompson Wrote........

[=> The "Warm Boot" problem is caused by a lack of wait states in the 3.0
[=> ROMS... if you upgrade to a 3.1 ROM they added a longer wait for hard
[=> drives that spinup slower... It also fixes those grey borders around
[=> your workbench.

No it doesn't cure the grey border's... I've had 3.1 rom's since they were
released and unless I use MCP or MultiCX they are still the same.  and as
for more stability... Yet again, Nobody would notice the difference.  The
rest of you're point I agree with.  The only downside that I found with os
3.1 on a Amiga 1200 was that I couldn't play monkey island II or Indiana
jones adventure games anymore due to 3.1 offsetting the mouse pointer in
these games.  :)  TTFN.

*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams   ICQ: 34655410
April: the month that lawns and the IRS get green.

Message 14805

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: 11 Jun 99 19:05:39 +0000
Hello Kevin Fairhurst, on 11-Jun-99 15:38:53 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again! 


>[snip! out the angry rant!]

>Hey, sorry if I rattled you're cage, but it was only meant in jest you know


>I'll stop taking a lighter view on life in future  ;)

Don't worry, Matt's renowned for his PMT-like rants.... ;)

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
A big enough hammer fixes anything

Message 14806

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 19:47:04 +0100

>PS Why do exams have "blank page" written when the page obviously is not
>blank. It has two words on it!

I think Computing a while back had a tale of an engineer who insisted on
"This is intentionally the only information on this page" in manuals he was
responsible for :)

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Team Amiga RC5
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 14807

From: Nigel Bent
Subject: [afb] Re: Re MUI Registration
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 20:06:59 +0000
Hello Anthony Prime

On 11-Jun-99, you wrote:

> At the risk of going off topic :( Please NOOOO.

Pah - it never seems to bother anyone else ;-)
> You are quite right, under the statute of limitations a debt remains
> due for 7 years from its creation (or further confirmation) so, the
> Banks position is based on custom. This means however that should you
> send a cheque that is lost you cannot abdicate resposibility for the
> debt it was designed to settle for at least a further 7 years. But of
> course if the cheque is misappropriated of fraudulently amended the
> Bank could still lose out, though you would not as you had not
> mandated them  to debit your account with such a transaction.

Thanks for that, I didn't know that debts were actually covered by the
statute of limitations.  I must remember that.
> You would still be covered even if you only discovered the
> Banks error some years later. Perhaps in your line of work you can
> confirm the case law with reference to checking bank statements ;)

Err, I can do what?  Nope, sorry, my line of work (part-time writer and
full-time househusband) gives me very limited access to any case law.  No
10 points for you I'm afraid :)

> There's an awful lot of soliciting going on in Cheshire...

Sure is, I see them on lots of street corners.......Oh, you mean those
legal chaps don't you?

Nigel Bent

Powered by Amiga

What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone?
-- Bertolt Brecht

Message 14808

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: 11 Jun 99 19:22:30 +0000
Hi P Gordon aka Mr Tickle, re your comments on [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!.
> > GRRRR!
> That is very definately bloatware. As is the stupid 90
> degree rotated toolbars in MS Word... FYI, a requester
> in AmigaDOS adds about 10 bytes for the setting up and
> calling of a library function + the text for the
> message. 3D flightsims take a little more :)

I couldn't agree more. This is symptamatic of the problem of the PC
upgrade treadmill. Jim Collas was right when he inferred that M$
simply develop lazily on the grounds that the h/w will continue to
advance to accomodate them.

When I buy a spreadsheet I don't want to land in fog at Heathrow, I
want to, erm, spread sheets I suppose. Why waste resources just for
the sake of it?

Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14809

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 20:50:29 +0000
Bother said Ben Vost as he realised we were talking about Subs mag again...

> Something weird about your mailer...

I expect it's because I put one of these:
in and you have "snip signature" enabled.  If this is
causing problems let me know and I'll stop doing it.

> So I had to paste this in manually, thank buddha for YAM's "paste quoted"
> feature...

I'd thank Marcel but you're entitled to worship whoever
you want ;).

>>> No, I was a grammar school oik.

>> Posh git.  :)

> No, just intelligent.

The wise man knows he is a fool - only a fool
thinks he is wise.  :)
>>> My own idea entirely. I guess the impetus was the Stainless Steel Rat
>> books
>>> by Harry Harrison.

>> Ooh, I remember them!  I didn't think they were that
>> old though?

> Cheeky bar steward.

Well, everyone seems old to me.  I am only 2, apparently. :)

>> ISTR reading in an Amiga magazine (not sure which)
>> that there were some serious flaws with Esperanto
>> and that there are some better (even less successful)
>> alternatives - I forget how they ended up on that
>> subject.

> There are indeed. Especially its dependence on western european languages
> as a base, but the other languages that have been created all suffer
> similar problems. I think that if you only took the morphemes that exist
> every country in the world you'd end up with a very restricted language.


I found some interesting (IMHO) statistics online that
say English is on it's way out as the default language
of the net.  Maybe it's about time that Esperanto (or
an alternative) took over.  Not that it'll actually
happen though.

[Red Dwarf]

>> Still better than most of the crap on telly though.

> In the words of the immortal "Why Don't You?", why don't you switch off
> your tv set and go and do something more interesting instead?

Ah well, I don't need to as with the telly sitting
next to my monitor, I can watch and do something
more interesting at the same time.

Besides, I always enjoyed following their advice and
turning off as soon as it started. :)


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14810

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: The AFB Age Range
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 20:52:03 +0000
Bother said Alex Furmanski as he realised we were talking about Voting
Results: The AFB Age Range again...

>>>> 2
>>> Hmmmm, he's a bit precocious.
>> an me wurkin in teknikul suprot tooo!

> Oh what wonders can be worked with "View Source" eh?

What are you talking about?


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14811

From: Albert Hunt
Subject: [afb] Re: Go slow at 8 pm
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 21:01:00 +0000
Hi all

Q1:     I am a newby of nearly 2 Months now and would like know why do I
grind to a near halt at 8 pm every night. It takes ages to look at local
sites    ie BT, BBC, Tesco etc

Q2:     Does it take longer to send Mail than it does to recieve.?

Q3:     I use an Epson GT-5000 scaner, I got a few years ago from Power. Are
there any progs around other than the one I got,  Powerscan Professional
V4. as this one is very temperamental.

Q4:     I have a lot of photos on my hard drives (4000) stored as 24 bit.
Jpeg scrunchs em  Brill  but will they print out the same in photo quality
as the 24 bits. Can not aford the Photo colour Cartridge to test it out at
the mo.

Q5:     A week or so ago there was some talk about a spliter box for scanner
and printer use.
        I picked up a splitter from Maplin but The SYS would not recognise
the Scanner unless I turned it on before boot up. I dont have to turn my
printer on before I need to use it !!!      

Cheers Burt
I have all the right numbers I just need to pick the week.

Message 14812

From: "Jonathan M. Dudley"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 14:45:44 +0100
Content-Type: text/plain;
content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

Alex said:
Strange, I think, how we say "scuzzy" for SCSI, but not "ide" for IDE.

You mean as in "beware the ides of March"?


Message 14813

From: "Jonathan M. Dudley"
Subject: [afb] Re: A1200 zorro board
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 13:57:50 +0100
Content-Type: text/plain;
content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

Matt said:
Christ Almighty our Saviour! Are people around here STUPID?
First someone asks where they can get a Zorro Board for their EYETECH
Then someone replies saying Power do one, but they'll NEED A TOWER
No wonder I get so pissed off. If people are really that lazy and/or stupid
then I think I'll buy a G3 Mac for my next machine and leave you all to it.

My sentiments exactly - buy the G3 AND keep the Amiga - I did!

Jonny on a G3.

Message 14814

Subject: [afb] What no Boxer????
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 21:05:06 -0000
Hi all,

What has happened to the Boxer. The last I heard it was about to be released but all has gone quite. There was even a hint that AF might has a reveiw.

ALex Paton

Message 14815

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Bootup
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 21:04:53 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> People keep going on (well, nearly) about "MY hard disk doesn't boot from
> cold" and the answer is nearly always "warm reboot". This used to be the
> case for me.
> However, Ever since installing my Power Typhoon (running from a standard
> A1200 psu) I experienced a nice yellow screen and flashing power light. I
> assume this was to do with low power. But that's not the problem.

   Ah yes, that used to happen to my 040 accelerator. Its showing that
there's some kind of CPU exception. Can't remember which one. It only
happened one every now and again, but would last for half an hour or so
before I could get it working again. 

   I can only guess that its some connetion at fault. Check your card.
(Prehaps the 040 is loose in its socket?)

(Doesn't happen with my PPC & 040 though ;)

> Ever since I've had the power typhoon, I turn on the power to my amiga,
> after 30 seconds checking for scsi devices (of which I have none) it
> finally gets to booting, and just sits there with the purple screen asking
> for wb.

   Hmm, If its an IDE harddrive (right?) try pulling the wire to pin 1 out
of the connector to the amiga. (the wire thats coloured red or sommin.)
then leave it somewhere out of the way not touching anything. You have to
do that with old hard drives. 

> OK, may seem like those "can't boot from cold" probs, but it's not,
> because a warm reset doesn't work. I have to turn off the power pack, and
> on again (quickly) and then it boots normally everytime. I'm guessing it's
> to do with low power as I've recently knackered the A1200 PSU and am using
> a hastily converted and damn ugly PC psu (which, incidentally, doesn't
> supply any more power than an A500 one).
> The yellow screens and bootup probs still occur, but my amiga now
> sometimes boots from cold. Not very often, but at least it does it.
> It's not a problem, I've got used to it, but I'm just curious as to what
> might be causing it.
See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
Plastic flamingos outnumber live flamingos in the United States.
--The Miscellanea Digest

Message 14816

From: "Jack Thompson"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bootup
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 14:00:16 -0700
**My Mail program doesn't quote so bear with me while I mnake do with what =
I have!*** - Jack
Ashley -->>>> Ashley Scott  06/11 11:52 =
AM >>>
Ashley -->On 11-Jun-99, Jack Thompson Wrote........
Ashley -->
Ashley -->[=3D> The "Warm Boot" problem is caused by a lack of wait states =
in the 3.0
Ashley -->[=3D> ROMS... if you upgrade to a 3.1 ROM they added a longer =
wait for hard
Ashley -->[=3D> drives that spinup slower... It also fixes those grey =
borders around
Ashley -->[=3D> your workbench.
Ashley -->
Ashley -->No it doesn't cure the grey border's... I've had 3.1 rom's since =
they were
Ashley -->released and unless I use MCP or MultiCX they are still the =
same.  and as
Ashley -->for more stability... Yet again, Nobody would notice the =
difference.  The
Ashley -->rest of you're point I agree with.  The only downside that I =
found with os
Ashley -->3.1 on a Amiga 1200 was that I couldn't play monkey island II or =
Ashley -->jones adventure games anymore due to 3.1 offsetting the mouse =
pointer in
Ashley -->these games.  :)  TTFN.
Ashley -->
Ashley -->Regards
Ashley -->

***Begin Jack's Babblings***
Wow, that's interesting to hear from someone who's had a different result =
from the 3.1 ROM upgrade!
I've had about a dozen or so Amigas and have upgraded all of them to OS =
3.1 (With ROMS) and have had increased stability with them.. Although I =
must admit I've never tested to see if there were any apps that liked the =
3.0 ROMS better... good call..


Message 14817

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] OT: Qbasic.
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 22:27:49 +0000
Hi Everybody,

   I know this isn't very Amiga related, but does anyone have a copy of
QBasic 4.5 for PC? It's just that my copy of Windows, um, you know what
Windows does, and I lost a few files, that included :(

   I'd be very greatful if anyone could email it to me, or point me to a
place I can download it from.

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
All the leaves a brown, and the sky is grey,
California dreaming, on such a weary day.
-- Mamas&Papas.

Message 14818

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 22:27:52 +0000
Bother said Alex Furmanski as he realised we were talking about POLL: What
CPU do you have? again...

> Two questions - what Amigas have an 010 in them, and did Motorola ever
> an 050?

In an interview with Tim Wright (in Computer Music) he
lists an Amiga A1200 with 050 as part of his equipment.

Somehow, I think it's a typo as Tim has quite a history
with the Amiga and (AFAIK) there never was an Amiga with
an 050.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14819

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: 10 Jun 99 23:33:34 +0000
I was just going to bed, when Neil Bothwick wrote this and I just HAD to read it:
> Paul Cundle said, 
And I did, too.
> If you never run a virus checker, how do you know you've never had a
> virus?
Um, because, er, I just /know/, ok?
> Virus checkers are a PITA. I scan my drives every week or two but
> don't like the hassle of having one running all the time. It jumps at
> too many shadows on a heavily patched system.
My thoughts exactly. I suppose I could run one occasionally but is
that really worth it? Surely within a week most would have done their
dirty deeds.
> Neil
Paul C.
... There are two ways to write error-free programs.  Only the third one works.

Message 14820

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: 10 Jun 99 23:46:05 +0000
At 23:45:06 you said about [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?:

> >> IKWYM. These TLAs and ETLAs are a PITA. IMHO TLA users should be
> > I Killed William's Yappy Mongrel....
> You have *far* too much free time.
You must be joking. I'm seriously running short of it. That took about
two mins to think up some random words. I really haven't got a clue
what you meant. I've got IYKWIM, PITA and IMHO. What /are/ the others?
(I'm sure you made the long one up).

> Can I suggest you see if your house
> has a thing called a "front door".
Already looked, but someone sealed it up the other day and I can't get
> :-)
No-one beats the anorak [smug face]

> Neil
Paul C.
... There are three ways to get something done: do it yourself, hire someone,
      or forbid your kids to do it.

Message 14821

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: 10 Jun 99 23:50:28 +0000
I was just going to bed, when Ben Vost wrote this and I just HAD to read it:
> Hi Paul,
Hello again,

> > XPK 
> (ecks pee kay)
> > HTML (is it H.T.M.L or htmul?)
> (aitch tee emm ell)
> (ay gee ay)
> (mooey)
I was pretty sure of all those thanks but I did have some good 'uns a
while ago.

> How's those?

> Ben Vost
Paul C.
... If crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fires,
      what do freedom fighters fight?

Message 14822

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: 10 Jun 99 23:53:37 +0000
On Thu Jun 10 at 23:53:09, Chris Andrews was heard muttering:
>   How about www.  So far I've heard
>    - wuh wuh wuh
>    - woo woo woo
Yeah, right. Are you sure they weren't just lacking medication?
>   I got a shock when I first heard people say nitsky for NTSC.
Is that right? I thought it was just en-tee-ess-see.

> bye,
>   Chris
Paul C.
... Sports is like a half-sucked sweet; not what it used to be.

Message 14823

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: 10 Jun 99 23:57:13 +0000
At 23:56:58 you said about [afb] Re: Pronouncing   (was:  EZ-PZ ?):

[Mr Snip is arriving on platform 2]

> All the best,
> -- 
> Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
> Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Want the latest Amiga news?  Join the AF
> mailing list by going to: 
>    **

A worthwhile tagline, I'm sure everyone here agrees.

Paul C
... Madness takes its toll. Exact change, please.

Message 14824

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: 11 Jun 99 00:01:58 +0000
According to Ben, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: Digital camera.

> > In the latest issue of T3 there's a letter about a cartridge which can
> > be slotted into the film-holder of any 35mm camera
> Unfortunately it still seems to be vapour ware - I heard about this early
> last year and thought it was a great idea, but nothing seems to have been
> done with it...
I could be wrong, but someone asks 'where can I get this thing'
because they saw a review 9 months ago. The reply indicates that you
can get it from Imagek, but I dunno.

> Ben Vost
Paul C.
... Year: A period of three hundred and sixty-five disappointments.

Message 14825

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: 11 Jun 99 00:07:37 +0000
I was just going to bed, when Matthew Garrett wrote this and I just HAD to read it:


> I always thought the wearing it on the
> left thing was so people could look at their watch while writing or
> whatever else

Uh huh. I was told it's so if you're drinking (anything) you can look
at your watch without spilling it. Still, you'd have to be pretty
dense to do that.

Paul C.
... AAAAA - American Association Against Acronym Abuse

Message 14826

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: 11 Jun 99 00:11:30 +0000
On Fri Jun 11 at 00:11:11, Andy Sillwood was heard muttering:

> >As I have also replied to Andy (because your mails are never joined to
> >threads ;/ )
> It that mine, or Alex's?
Alex's are never joined. Think it's 'cause he uses a PC.
> I did Edexcel (London) pure maths 1 and 2 yesterday, and everyone
> thought they were terrible...
Sorry to hear that.
> Regards,
Regardez la. C'est un grand poisson.
> Andy
Paul C.
... The cost of feathers has even DOWN is up!

Message 14827

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: 11 Jun 99 00:18:50 +0000
According to 

> > didnt we have a sex poll a week or 2 back - im sure i amswered one
> That was mine. I'm ending it now so you can all go and mess up the new one
> instead. ;)
Well I never got it and I didn't see it on the list of polls. Sorry,
I'll go and close it so no-one can criticise it!

Paul C.
... If Satan ever loses his hair, there'll be hell toupee.

Message 14828

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: 11 Jun 99 00:41:29 +0000
What are you on about, Andy Kinsella?

> > What about Transexual?
> I would assume a transexual would apply the gender they've been transexed
> too. 
Yep. Don't you watch Coronation Street, Neil?

Paul C.
... God did not create the world in 7 days; he screwed around for 6 days
      and then pulled an all-nighter.

Message 14829

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Left handed-ness (was: Calling Mr. Vost)
Date: 11 Jun 99 00:23:31 +0000
On Fri Jun 11 at 00:22:54, Kevin Fairhurst was heard muttering:

> > Normally you either rotate the page 90 degrees or contort your wrist
> > to avoid smudging.
> That's what the left-handed bloke at work does ... it looks VERY painful!
I do that and it's not painful at all. I actually find it too hard to
write like "normal" people. It's like trying to write with my right
Oh yeah, in my old GCSE biology class, 6 out of 8 on our table were
left handed - how's that for ruining statistics?

Paul C.
... My mid-year's resolution: I will not use abbrev.s any more in

Message 14830

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: 11 Jun 99 00:48:24 +0000
At 00:48:12 you said about [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?:
> Hi PC.  Me again ;-)
Yeah, I could tell.

> I always call the IOBlix "I-Obelix",
Same here.
> HMV "hmmmmv" and similarly FMV "fmmmmv" and also FHM "fuhum".
Has anyone actually seen the latest FHM in the shops? Can't find it
anywhere probably because it's got the 100 sexiest women booklet in

> Alex Furmanski
Paul C.
... When sign makers go on strike, is there anything written on their signs?

Message 14831

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: 11 Jun 99 00:51:21 +0000
According to Alex, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here.

> Me again.  Again ;-)
So I noticed. Again.

> >What would you rather say you are studying:
> >a) How far, how fast?     [the real name]
> >b) Rates and Equilibrium  [a slightly better name]
> Depends how drunk I am ;-)

> >Update: Just done my Maths exam (NEAB) and it was a piece of piddle!
> >Hoorah!
> Don't you mean your Maths exam (AQA)?  They've changed their name now.
Really? The exam said NEAB on it, but the formula book did say AQA. I
was wondering.

> Alex Furmanski
Paul C.
... Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

Message 14832

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Anagrams of Amigans!
Date: 11 Jun 99 00:57:17 +0000
According to Alex, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: Anagrams of Amigans!.

> Howdy
One more for my collection.

> >What do you mean 'surprised'? It's pretty obvious just looking down my
> list of messages ;)
> You're not all that quiet y'self ;-)
Looking at the AFB statistics you'll notice that I'm only 13th on the
list. Just a /tad/ below second, I think you'll find :)

> does that mean you are at the end of your first year?
> Ding.  Another 2 points.
So you're not a maths teacher then? Seriously, I though you were older
than that. Shows how useless email technology is. For some reason I
feel like I know you. Scary.
[gibberish cut out]
> Pardon?  BZZZT.  No points
You rearranged that on purpose! It made complete sense when I wrote
> Alex Furmanski
Paul C.
... Got Mole problems?
        Call Avogardo 6.02 x 10^23

Message 14833

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: 11 Jun 99 00:43:50 +0000
The name's Kinsella, Andy Kinsella, licence to email.

> I guess animals that change sex would be transexual, in the same way a
> feller having his tackle removed is. I've only heard of it in fishes, and
> afaik it's only Males that change, not females.

Frogs can do it as well. I bet there are some fish who have changed
from female to male - visit Dungeness. (for those who don't know, that
is an incorrectly spelt place in the SE of England where there is a
nuclear power station by a river filled with dayglow fish).

Paul C.
... "Bother", said Pooh, as he put his finger in the mains socket.

Message 14834

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: 11 Jun 99 01:03:04 +0000
MSGTO: Chris Andrews
SUBJECT: [afb] Re: Pronouncing   (was:  EZ-PZ ?)
> > It`s N T S C as in say the letters. Unlike PAL which is the same as
> > the dog food..
>   Chappie?  :)
Now you're just being stupid. Clearly he mean Pedigree Chum.
>   The GIF debate is a bit like the scone one.  ...and I don't want to
> start that one here!
Too bad. It must be scon (not skown) otherwise you can't do the pants
joke. (see tagline)
>   Chris
Paul C.
What is the fastest food?
Scone. (as in 's gone [it's gone])

Message 14835

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: AFB Age Range
Date: 11 Jun 99 01:11:51 +0000
The name's 

> > >Dont forget to / by pie and * the result by 100.
> > >
> No seriously:  Hes going on about maths so i followed through with divide by pie and multiply by 100.
> Why not?
Because you can't divide by pie. You can divide by pi though.

Paul C.
... Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around
      the sun.

Message 14836

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] HD Encryption
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 22:42:30 +0100
Hi folks,

Can anyone suggest a good program for the creation of an encrypted partition
on my 1200? Sometime back I was using a couple that made use of the XPK (so,
just how do you pronounce that...) ciphers, but I never found anything
secure, my PC one is Blowfish so that
kind of level. I've only got a an 030 so nothing too CPU intensive thanks
and I'd like to avoid diskfiles as now I've moved back to IDE my drives are
slow enough :(

(phew, quite a list of demands there! I also want a fast car and a
helicopter waiting at the airport...)

Anyway, thanks for any advice,

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Team Amiga RC5
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 14837

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: Go slow at 8 pm
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 22:24:27 +0100
Hi folks,

>Q1:     I am a newby of nearly 2 Months now and would like know why do I
>grind to a near halt at 8 pm every night. It takes ages to look at local
>sites    ie BT, BBC, Tesco etc

On that one, dunno...
...what ISP? A free one could be the source of your problems.

>Q2:     Does it take longer to send Mail than it does to receive.?

Potentially, especially if you've got a 56k modem, that'll be 56k download,
but only 36k upload. (I think I got those numbers right, still the idea is
correct and that's just a technical restraint, and I know someone will
correct me if need be...) Also, it could just be that the SMTP server is
particularly slow, one ISP I use has an awful SMTP server, outgoing mail is
a crawl but the POP and News servers are great.

For both Q1&2 do you know anyone else, especially locally, with the same
ISP? If so you can narrow it down to whether its a problem at your end or
not. Again though, a free ISP could be to blame, not to say that ones you
pay for are infallible.

>Q3:     I use an Epson GT-5000 scaner, I got a few years ago from Power.
>there any progs around other than the one I got,  Powerscan Professional
>V4. as this one is very temperamental.

Dunno, there was a mail about a dozen before this with an answer though. I
didn't read it as it doesn't apply to me I'm afraid. If you missed it try
the website?

>Q4:     I have a lot of photos on my hard drives (4000) stored as 24 bit.
>Jpeg scrunchs em  Brill  but will they print out the same in photo quality
>as the 24 bits. Can not aford the Photo colour Cartridge to test it out at
>the mo.

Depends on your printer, my HP was no good for photo quality, my friend's
Stylus (with the expensive paper, etc) does a great job. Since you say your
printer has a Colour Cartridge available for it's probably perfectly capable
too, but it still depends on the printer - what is it?

>Q5:     A week or so ago there was some talk about a spliter box for
>and printer use.
>        I picked up a splitter from Maplin but The SYS would not recognise
>the Scanner unless I turned it on before boot up. I dont have to turn my
>printer on before I need to use it !!!

Hmm, I don't think we ever reached the bottom of that, Bill? The turn the
scanner on thing was suggested there too, so isn't that uncommon, I've no
idea why that could be necessary though.

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Of The Amiga RC5 Team
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 14838

Subject: [afb] POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 21:59:38 -0000
Chris Andrews wants to know how people pronounce www as in
So, without further ado:

Please select one of the following:

   o double-U, double-U, double-U
   o dub dub dub
   o wuh wuh wuh
   o woo woo woo
   o w w w (lower case sound)
   o wee wee wee
   o double-U ...slurred speach for the rest
   o other

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 14839

From: "B. A . Volders"
Subject: [afb] Re: What no Boxer????
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 00:06:26 +0100

On 11-jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi all,
> What has happened to the Boxer. > 
> ALex Paton

The last information I had was from Anti Gravity, the 
US distributors of the Boxer. They said that the European launch would be at
this year's WOA.

Wanna know more about the Boxer? Visit AG (Blittersoft has no up to-dat
news) at:

Hope you will find all your answers there.

Greetings from Bert Volders (also known as Speedy)

<----The world is roud, just like a pancake.---->

Message 14840

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:07:32 +0100
>> That is very definately bloatware. As is the stupid 90
>> degree rotated toolbars in MS Word... FYI, a requester
>> in AmigaDOS adds about 10 bytes for the setting up and
>> calling of a library function + the text for the
>> message. 3D flightsims take a little more :)
>I couldn't agree more. This is symptamatic of the problem of the PC
>upgrade treadmill. Jim Collas was right when he inferred that M$
>simply develop lazily on the grounds that the h/w will continue to
>advance to accomodate them.

Yes true, but most PC owners are willing to upgrade. and the more these
people upgrade, the higher the spec windoze needs to run :(

>When I buy a spreadsheet I don't want to land in fog at Heathrow, I
>want to, erm, spread sheets I suppose. Why waste resources just for
>the sake of it?

Thats true for most ppl as well - but most PC owners have enough space to
store it, and if they dont then they just go and upgrade.

There are some ppl (like me) that find things like these interesting and
sometimes fun (although the flight sim is a bit pants :)

If a spread sheet on the Amiga had a flight sim in it, then u wudnt be
crying wud u. And i think u r forgetting all those hidden things in
Workbench 1.3, 2.1 and 3.1 IIRC. Does that (by your logic) make Workbench
bloatwear too?

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 14841

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:09:14 +0100
>> That's a bit harsh, don't you think?
>But true.
>> Also, why are you sticking up for MICRO$OFT?
>Contrary to popular belief, they HAVE got some good stuff. And you're a
>one to talk, HOTMAIL USER! :P
>> I think that maybe YOU are one of the reason's why Teletext's
>> Sub-Page about 'computers' always goes on about how 'sad' we are.
>No no no no nooooo. Giggy Mizer (sic) take the piss out of some of us for
>the blinkered way some of us  refuse to accept that for some things,
>something better than the Amiga exists.
>> no offence intended, but when someone sticks up for M$ they deserve to be
>> put down. :o)
>Why? It was a perfectly legitimate defence. Not very well put, but
>justified. :)

I hate to say this, but, i actually like some M$ proggies! I havent yet seen
a spread sheet on the Amiga as good as Excel 97 (mind u, the last one i saw
was turbocalc)

Ok, some there stuff is far from stable and i would have a huge party if
Bill Gates suddenly dies, but i have to agree that M$ have done some good
stuff in the past and they dont deserve shitting on (unless u have a good
reason - like windoze 98 :)

BTW, many of you have probably noticed or even use proggies on the Amiga
that copy stuff on windoze! take a look at page 80 in af 125 (altgrabber) -
its copying the windoze idea, and i think this is great as i have always
wanted this on the amiga (along with other windoze features)

BTW, has anyone seen the M$ game Urban Assualt? This has got to be one of my
favorite games! It may have been produced by another company or M$ bought
the company that made it to seem an in-house production - i cant remember
and i dont care - but it is a brilliant game as i am sure a few of u on here
who have played it will agree with me.

Please do not flame me unless u can prove wot u r saying - as most of u
posting anti M$ stuff here clearly dont!

sorry for writing this but i am just as pissed off as some other ppl who
think the same as me here - we are getting put down for admitting we like
some M$ features - this is stupid!

Also - u can goto my new vote at i have not seen
it advertised on the afb yet - probably as it is off topic and Ben has
removed all off topic stuff today - not that i mind :)

T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 14842

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Hard Drive Probs... Ongoing
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 22:38:37 +0100
Hi Mat,

 > I am still struggling with Checksum errors on my new 2.5in IBM drive,
> and the shop that sold it to me have told me to cut the cable for pin
> one of the drive.
It seems that a few of us have problems relating to     make of =
I coudn't format one, another person kept getting errors like your self.

If you bought it from a shop, I would suggest that you take it back and =
get a different drive from another manufactorer
A Conner, worked first time for me:-)

    Bomber Harris

Message 14843

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Hello!?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 22:46:47 +0100
> > I know. Give me a good POP3 email account any
> > day. And then make me use hotmail with it completely
> > cock it up :)
> I would, but i'm not an internet provider... :)
> > "You're better than everyone else". Everybody on
> > this
> > list, remember that :)
> This may be so, but you're still the only person that
> talks to me... :(

I will talk to you if you like - About what I have no idea :-)
Spellings?     hehe
any thing else that springs to mind

Even in private  =20

    Bomber Harris

Message 14844

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Time
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:18:19 +0100
Content-Type: text/plain;
content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
content-type: text/plain;

Please set your clocks


Message 14845

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: 11 Jun 1999 23:13:16 +0100
Andrew Korn said, 

> I vote with Richard. Acronym, from the original Greek, literally means a word
> or name made from the extremeties of other words.

Which has nothing to do with pronunciation. You have changed the topic
without changing the Subject: header, in clear breach of the list
rules...  Oh bugger, there's no rules on this list, are there?

Carry on.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Indecision is the key to flexibility.

Message 14846

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: 11 Jun 1999 23:15:36 +0100
Robert Simmonds said, 

>> An animal with both male & female sex organs, snails & worms for example
>> are hermaphrodites.
>> Adds a whole new meaning to spending a night in alone ;)

> And telling a worm to: "Go f**k yourself! :)

Which is physically impossible since a worms male and female organs
are on adjacent segments. If ever there was evidence that God has a
cruel sense of humour...

> (i dont know wether i am allowed to say that)

That's between you and the worm :)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Isn't 'Criminal Lawyer' rather redundant?

Message 14847

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: 11 Jun 1999 23:18:13 +0100
Alex Furmanski said, 

> Two questions - what Amigas have an 010 in them,

The 68010 is a drop in replacement for the 68000. No Amigas were made
with them, but then no Amigas were made with PowerPCs.

> and did Motorola ever make an 050?

Yes, but it was only used in embedded controller applications. It's
true, many Ford car audio systems are more powerful than the average
Amiga :-O

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
I'm not opinionated, I'm just always right!

Message 14848

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] +4.1 gig hd.
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:35:40 +0000
Hi Everybody,

   I may be getting a 4.3 gig hard drive soon, and I'm just wondering:

I know FFS only works up to the 4.1 gig margin, but would it work if say I
made the last few hundred megs my shapeshifter partition?

   Would MacOS overwrite the RDB like FFS would or is it totally safe to use
those last few hundred megs for another format?

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
Napoleon Bonaparte was afraid of cats.
--The Miscellanea Digest

Message 14849

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re:
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 03:24:24 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Samuel Brookes 
Sent: 11 June 1999 23:09

> I hate to say this, but, i actually like some M$ proggies! I havent yet seen
> a spread sheet on the Amiga as good as Excel 97 (mind u, the last one i saw
> was turbocalc)

Ok, M$ have programmers, they program, they do their job. They're just like
any normal person, I would assume. It's the M$ Management and
that are arrogant b*****ds, who think they know it all. Ok, the program might
be good, but think of it like this: It took hundreds of programmers and
to come up with M$ products, and they STILL manage to make everything more
unstable than something written by only a few people (Amiga stuff).

> Ok, some there stuff is far from stable and i would have a huge party if
> Bill Gates suddenly dies, but i have to agree that M$ have done some good
> stuff in the past and they dont deserve shitting on (unless u have a good
> reason - like windoze 98 :)

And 95 is god damn unstable too. 98 Is worse, but what do you expect when all
they've done is add crap to a basic program over the years.

> BTW, many of you have probably noticed or even use proggies on the Amiga
> that copy stuff on windoze! take a look at page 80 in af 125 (altgrabber) -
> its copying the windoze idea, and i think this is great as i have always
> wanted this on the amiga (along with other windoze features)

Windoze has some good features, and some f***ing stupid features which serve
only to make the machine slower, crash more often and generally waste time.
Some of the features need bringing to the Amiga, I agree, but what we don't
need is their unefficiency and unreliability with it.

> BTW, has anyone seen the M$ game Urban Assualt? This has got to be one of my
> favorite games! It may have been produced by another company or M$ bought
> the company that made it to seem an in-house production - i cant remember
> and i dont care - but it is a brilliant game as i am sure a few of u on here
> who have played it will agree with me.

Hmmm. who will M$ buy today.... bets, anyone? Greedy arseholes if you ask me

> Please do not flame me unless u can prove wot u r saying - as most of u
> posting anti M$ stuff here clearly dont!

Great. I can prove that M$ public relations people are a bunch of
w******, who don't have a ****ing clue what they're on about most of the
time. Just like the people in PC world (but that's another story). I've
had encounters with them and ended up telling them to f**k off (really!)
Some of the stuff they make doesn't mean you should stick up for them
as you are doing here. Stick up for the product not the company.

> sorry for writing this but i am just as pissed off as some other ppl who
> think the same as me here - we are getting put down for admitting we like
> some M$ features - this is stupid!

It is stupid yes. Windoze has some pretty good features, some of which are
badly needed in AmigaOS/OE (or whatever). BEtter still, be original. Put
original new features in AmigaO*. I get pissed off by people supporting
Microsoft. And as soon as I get a modem for my Amiga, this PC is being
flogged to the first person who wants it.

Of course, no-one would really want a badly bruised computer which get's
hit just about every day...


PS. Oh, and while in pissed off mode. Could people please cut out the person
they are replying to's sig, and leave a blank line before they reply to
anything the person they are replying to has said. Thanks

Message 14850

From: "Richard Lane"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: 11 Jun 99 21:10:17 +0100
Hi Alex Furmanski,

In reference to "[afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?",

> Hiya
> Two questions - what Amigas have an 010 in them, and did Motorola ever make an
> 050?

Upgrading the 68000 to a pin compatable 68010 was an old hack done to many
old A500's years ago, about a 10% speed increase. As for the 68050 iirc
there was a chip with this number but it's never been in any Amiga. I think
Philips used it in the now defunct CDi players.

Best Regards, Richard Lane -

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
Magnum_Opus support site -
                        Powered by *AMIGA*

Message 14851

From: Dominique Harelle
Subject: [afb] Re: Time
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 08:48:27 +1000
From   : Stephen Harris 
Date   : 12-Jun-99
Subject: [afb] Time

Hello Stephen,

> Please set your clocks
> Correctly

Please turn off the HTML attachment.

Dominique Harelle -
E-Mail            : / (/
ICQ Number        - /17907440/

A2000/060-60, 130meg RAM, 7Gig HD's, 2 x 24x CD's, 56k Modem,
PicassoIV + Picasso96, Zip Drive, IOBlix i/o Board,
3x HD FDD, Epson GT-8500 Scaner, BJC-620 Printer, Catweasel Z2

Member of Team *AMIGA*

Message 14852

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re:
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 03:27:33 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Samuel Brookes 
Sent: 11 June 1999 23:07

> There are some ppl (like me) that find things like these interesting and
> sometimes fun (although the flight sim is a bit pants :)

And completely useless

> If a spread sheet on the Amiga had a flight sim in it, then u wudnt be
> crying wud u. And i think u r forgetting all those hidden things in
> Workbench 1.3, 2.1 and 3.1 IIRC. Does that (by your logic) make Workbench
> bloatwear too?

Oh COME ON!!!!! How much more system resources can a few text messages
take up? Then think how much space a flight sim (however crap) would
take up, especially programmed by those inefficient gits!

And, yes, I probably wouldn't like it if there was a flight sim in an
Amiga spreadsheet. If someone's going to make a flight sim, release it
alone rather than hidden in a spreadsheet, that you may never find and
will just be sat there taking up unnecesary space.


Message 14853

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Time
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 03:36:25 +0100
> > Please set your clocks
> > Correctly
> Please turn off the HTML attachment.

Wehey. Saves me doing that :) And I'm using a PC that can handle the HTML
crap. The next person that complains about people not setting their clocks
correctly can buy everyone a battery backed clock, if they don't already have
one. And if they do already have one, an A4000T wouldn't go amiss :)


Message 14854

Subject: [afb] POLL: Who buys Amiga Games?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:02:35 -0000
Ok, be honest guys, but how regularly do you
buy Amiga games, and what kind:


Please select one of the following:

   o I buy any game all the time to help the amiga.
   o I buy any game every few months
   o I buy only good games (+80% in AF) all the time
   o I buy only good games every few months
   o I buy good budget games (<10) all the time
   o I buy good budget games every few months
   o I only buy 2 or less amiga games a year
   o I don't buy amiga games any more

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!